Rossmoyne. Duchess. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Duchess
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная классика
Год издания: 0
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lived a wicked knight, who wooed a maiden fair. But when that her heart was all his own, his love grew cold, and, turning from her, he refused to fulfil his plighted troth and lead her to the hymeneal altar. In fact, he loved and he rode away, leaving her as dismally disconsolate as the original maid forlorn."

      "Alas for the golden age of chivalrie!" says Mr. Desmond.

      "Alas, indeed! That wicked knight was your uncle; the maid forlorn my mother!"

      "You have been giving me a summary of a fairytale, haven't you?" asks he, in an unbelieving tone.

      "No, indeed; it is all quite true. From what I have heard, your uncle must have treated my mother very badly. Now, aren't you thoroughly ashamed of yourself and your family?"

      "One swallow makes no summer," says Mr. Desmond, hardily. "Because my uncle refused to succor a distressed damosel is no reason why I should so far forget myself. Besides, the whole thing seems incredible. Report says, and," with an expressive glance at her, "I can well believe it, your mother was the most beautiful woman of her time in all the countryside; while my uncle, bless him, is one of the very ugliest men I ever met in my life. He might take a prize in that line. Just fancy the Beast refusing to wed with Beauty!"

      "To be ugly, so far as a man is concerned, is nothing," says Monica with a knowledge beyond her years. "Many singularly plain men have been much beloved. Though" – with an unconscious study of her companion's features, who is decidedly well favored – "I confess I should myself prefer a man whose nose was straight, and whose eyes were – had no inclination to look round the corner, I mean."

      "A straight nose is to be preferred, of course," says Mr. Desmond, absently stroking his own, which is all that can be desired. "But I never since I was born heard such an extraordinary story as yours. I give you my word," – earnestly, – "my uncle is just the sort of man who, if any girl, no matter how hideous, were to walk up to him and say, 'I consent to marry you,' ought to be devoutly grateful to her. Why, talking of noses, you should just see his: it's – it's anyhow," with growing excitement. "It's all up hill and down dale. I never before or since saw such a nose; and I'd back his mouth to beat that!"

      "He must be a very distinguished-looking person," says Miss Beresford, demurely.

      "I know very little about him, of course, having been always so much abroad; but he looks like a man who could be painfully faithful to an attachment of that kind."

      "He was not faithful to her, at all events. I daresay he fell in love with some other girl about that time, and slighted my mother for her."

      "Well," says Mr. Desmond, drawing a deep breath, "he is 'a grand man!'"

      "I think he must be a very horrid old man," replies Monica, severely.

      "You have proofs of his iniquity, of course," says Brian, presently, who evidently finds a difficulty in believing in his uncle's guilt.

      "Yes. He wrote her a letter, stating in distinct terms that" – and here she alters her voice until it is highly suggestive of Miss Blake's fine contralto – "'he deemed it expedient for both parties that the present engagement existing between them should be annulled.' Those are Aunt Priscilla's words; what he really meant, I suppose, was that he was tired of her."

      "Your mother, I should imagine, was hardly a woman to be tired of readily."

      "That is a matter of opinion. We – that is, Terry and Kit and I – thought her a very tiresome woman indeed," says Miss Beresford, calmly. She does not look at him as she makes this startling speech, but looks beyond him into, possibly, a past where the "tiresome woman" held a part.

      Brian Desmond, gazing at her pale, pure, spiritual face, sustains a faint shock, as the meaning of her words reaches him. Is she heartless, emotionless? Could not even a mother's love touch her and wake her into life and feeling?

      "You weren't very fond of your mother, then?" he asks, gently. The bare memory of his own mother is adored by him.

      "Fond?" says Monica, as though the idea is a new one to her. "Fond? Yes, I suppose so; but we were all much fonder of my father. Not that either he or mamma took very much notice of us."

      "Were they so much wrapt up in each other, then?"

      "No, certainly not," quickly. Then with an amount of bitterness in her tone that contrasts strangely with its usual softness, "I wonder why I called my mother 'mamma' to you just now. I never dared do so to her. Once when she was going away somewhere I threw my arms around her and called her by that pet name; but she put me from her, and told me I was not to make a noise like a sheep."

      She seems more annoyed than distressed as she says this. Desmond is silent. Perhaps his silence frightens her, because she turns to him with a rather pale, nervous face.

      "I suppose I should not say such things as these to you," she says, unsteadily. "I forgot, it did not occur to me, that we are only strangers."

      "Say what you will to me," says Desmond, slowly, "and be sure of this, that what you do say will be heard by you and me alone."

      "I believe you," she answers, with a little sigh.

      "And, besides, we are not altogether strangers," he goes on, lightly; "that day on the river is a link between us, isn't it?"

      "Oh, yes, the river," she says, smiling.

      "Our river. I have brought myself to believe it is our joint property: no one else seems to know anything about it."

      "I have never been near it since," says Monica.

      "I know that," returns he, meaningly.

      "How?" is almost framed upon her lips; but a single glance at him renders her dumb. Something in his expression suggests the possibility that he has spent pretty nearly all his time since last they met, and certainly all his afternoons, upon that shady river just below the pollard willows, in the vain hope of seeing her arrive.

      She blushes deeply, and then, in spite of herself, laughs out loud, a low but ringing laugh, full of music and mischief.

      This most uncalled-for burst of merriment has the effect of making Mr. Desmond preternaturally grave.

      "May I ask what you are laughing at?" he says, with painful politeness; whereupon Miss Beresford checks her mirth abruptly, and has the grace to blush again even harder than before. Her confusion is, indeed, the prettiest thing possible.

      "I don't know," she says, in an evasive tone.

      "People generally do know what they are laughing at," contends he, seriously.

      "Well, I don't," returns she, with great spirit.

      "Of course not, if you say so; but," with suppressed wrath, "I don't myself think there is anything provocative of mirth in the thought of a fellow wasting hour after hour upon a lonely stream in the insane but honest hope of seeing somebody who wouldn't come. Of course in your eyes the fellow was a fool to do it; but – but if I were the girl I wouldn't laugh at him for it."


      Monica's eyes are bent upon the ground; her face is averted; but there is something about her attitude that compels Mr. Desmond to believe she is sorry for her untimely laughter; and thinking this breeds hatred towards himself for having caused this sorrow and makes him accuse himself of basest ill temper.

      "I beg your pardon!" he says, in a contrite tone; "I shouldn't have spoken to you like that. I lost my temper most absurdly and must apologize to you for it now. It was ridiculous of me to suppose you would ever come again to the river; but one hopes against hope. Yet, as Feltham tells us, 'he that hopes too much shall deceive himself at last:' that was my fate, you see. And you never once thought of coming, did you? You were quite right."

      "No, I was quite wrong; but – but —you are quite wrong too in one way," still with her eyes downturned.

      "By what right did I expect you? I was a presumptuous fool and got just what I deserved."

      "You were not a fool," exclaims she, quickly; and then, with a little impulsive gesture, she draws herself up and looks him fair in the eyes. "If