Quantity of Tincture of Myrrh: Thus was this Cure entirely compleated and my Success in it confirmed that
French Proverb, which says,
It is better to be condemned to die by the Doctor, than by the Judge. I did not make use of that internal Medicine I mentioned in the former Case, because here I found no pressing Necessity for the Use of it, but some other proper Physick was taken to dispose the Ulcer to heal, as one would have done in any other Case. Upon the whole of this Cure, I cannot say whether I had more Trouble with the
Cancer, or in endeavouring to oblige my Patient to a strict Observance of some of the Non-Naturals she so often erred in. There is nothing can create a greater Trouble to the
Surgeon, than to find Patients negligent of their Healths, by not endeavouring to prevent or regulate Miscarriages, nor taking so much Care of themselves, as they expect the
Surgeon should take of them. The Rules and Directions of
Physicians and
Surgeons, given to their Patients, we have Reason to believe were not so often violated formerly; for in some Places they obliged themselves very strictly to the Observance of them, and some Historians give us an Account that
Selucus made a Law; that if any of the
Epizephyrian Locrians drank Wine, contrary to the
Physician’s Direction, though they escaped the ill Consequents that might have attended it, Death was their Punishment, because they did contrary to what was prescribed them.