“No, and never shall be,” said the young man coolly.
“That’s frank. Then will you tell me why I should keep and supply with money such a useless drone?”
“Because you have plenty, and a lot of it ought to be mine by right.”
“Why so, sir? You are not my son.”
“No, but I’m my mother’s.”
“Naturally,” said Garstang, with a supercilious smile.
“You need not sneer, sir. If you hadnt deluded my poor mother into marrying you I should have been well off.”
“Your mother had a right to do as she pleased, sir. Where have you been?”
“Away from the office.”
“I know that. Where to?”
“Where I liked,” said the young man sulkily, “I’m not a child.”
“No, and this conduct has become unbearable. It is time you went away for good. What do you say to going to Australia with your passage paid and a hundred pounds to start you?”
“’Tisn’t good enough.”
“Then you had better execute your old threat and enlist in a cavalry regiment. I promise you that I will not buy you out.”
“Thank you, but it isn’t good enough.”
“What are you going to do then?”
“Never mind.”
Garstang looked up at him sharply, this time from outside the finger arch.
“Don’t provoke me, Harry Dasent, for your own sake. What are you going to do?”
“Get married.”
“Indeed? Well, that’s sensible. But are there not enough pauper children for the parish to keep?”
“Yes, but I am not going to marry a pauper. You have my money and will not disgorge it, so I must have somebody’s else.”
“Indeed! Then you are going to look out for a lady with money?”
“No. I have already found one.”
“Anyone I know?”
“Oh, yes.”
“Who is it, pray?”
“Katherine Wilton.”
Garstang’s eyes contracted, and he gazed at his stepson for some moments in silence. Then a contemptuous smile dawned upon his lip.
“I was not aware that you were so ambitious, Harry. But the lady?”
“Oh, that will be all right.”
“Indeed! May I ask when you saw her last?”
“Yesterday evening at dinner.”
“You have been down to Northwood?”
“Yes; I was there two days.”
“Did your Uncle Wilton invite you down?”
“No, but Claud did, for a bit of shooting.”
“Humph!” ejaculated Garstang thoughtfully, and the young man stood gazing at him intently. Then his manner changed, and he took one of the easy chairs, drew it forward, and seated himself, to sit leaning forward, and began speaking confidentially.
“Look here, step-father,” he half-whispered, “I’ve been down there twice. I suspected it the first time; yesterday I was certain. They’re playing a deep game there.”
“Yes. I saw through it at once. They’re running Claud for the stakes.”
“Please explain yourself, my good fellow; I do not understand racing slang.”
“Well, then, they mean Claud to marry Kate, and I’m not going to stand by and see that done.”
“By the way, I thought Claud was your confidential friend.”
“So he is, up to a point; but it’s every man for himself in a case like this. I’m in the race myself, and I mean to marry Kate Wilton myself. It’s too good a prize to let slip.”
“And does the lady incline to my stepson’s addresses?”
“Well, hardly. I’ve had no chance. They watched me like cats do mice, and she has been so sickly that it would be nonsense to try and talk to her.”
“Then your prospects are very mild indeed.”
“Oh, no, they’re not. This is a case where a man must play trumps, high and at once. I may as well speak out, and you’ll help me. There’s no time shilly-shallying. If I hesitate my chance would be gone. I shall make my plans, and take her away.”
“With her consent, of course.”
“With or without,” said the young man, coolly.
“Oh, I’ll find a means. Girls are only girls, and they’ll give way to a stronger will. Once I get hold of her she’ll obey me, and a marriage can soon be got through.”
“But suppose she refuses?”
“She’ll be made,” said the young man, sharply. “The stakes are worth some risk.”
“But are you aware that the law would call this abduction?”
“I don’t care what the law calls it if I get the girl.”
“And it would mean possibly penal servitude.”
“Well, I’m suffering that now, situated as I am. There, father, never mind the law. Don’t be squeamish; a great fortune is at stake, and it must come into our family, not into theirs.”
“You think they are trying that?”
“Think? I’m sure. Claud owned to as much, but he’s rather on somewhere else. Come, you’ll help me? It would be a grand coup.”
“Help you? Bah! you foolish young ass! It is impossible. It is madness. You don’t know what you are talking about. The girl could appeal to the first policeman, and you would be taken into custody. You and Claud Wilton must have been having a drinking bout, and the liquor is still in your head. There, go to your own room, and when you can talk sensibly come back to me.”
“I can talk sensibly now. Will you help me with a couple of hundred pounds to carry this through? I should want to take her for a couple of months on the Continent, and bring her back my wife.”
“Two hundred pounds to get you clapped in a cell at Bow Street.”
“No; to marry a hundred and fifty thousand pounds.”
“No, no, no. You are a fool, a visionary, a madman. It is impossible, and I shall feel it my duty to write to James Wilton to forbid, you the house.”
“Once more; will you help me?”
“Once more, no. Now go, and let me get on with my affairs. Someone must work.”
“Then you will not?”
“Then listen to me: I’ve made up my mind to it, and do it. I will, at any cost, at any risk. She shan’t marry Claud Wilton, and she shall marry me. Yes, you may smile, but if I die for it I’ll have that girl and her money.”
“But it would cost two hundred pounds to make the venture, sir. Perhaps you had better get that first. Now please go.”
The young man rose and looked at him fiercely for a few minutes, and Garstang met his eyes firmly.
“No,” he said, “that would not do, Harry. The law fences us round against robbery and murder, just as it does women