Young Blood. Hornung Ernest William. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Hornung Ernest William
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Классические детективы
Год издания: 0
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let us meet at the station. It is now eight. I – I want to be alone here for an hour or two. No, it will do me good, it will calm me. I feel I have been very rude to you, sir, but I have hardly known what I said. I am beside myself – beside myself!" And Harry Ringrose rushed from the room, and up the bare and sounding stairs of his empty home: it was from his own old bedroom that he heard Lowndes leave the house, and saw a dejected figure climbing the sloping drive with heavy steps.

      That hour of leave-taking is not to be described. How the boy harrowed himself wilfully by going into every room and thinking of something that had happened there, and seeing it all again through scalding tears, is a thing to be understood by some, but pitied rather than commended. There was, however, another and a sounder side to Harry Ringrose, and the prayers he prayed, and the vows he vowed, these were brave, and he meant them all that bitter birthday morning, that was to have been the happiest of all his life. Then his heart was broken but still heroic: there came many a brighter day he would gladly have exchanged for that black one, for the sake of its high resolves, its pure impulses, its noble and undaunted aspirations.

      He had one more rencontre before he got away: in the garden he espied their old gardener. It was impossible not to go up and speak to him; and Harry left the old man crying like a child; but he himself had no tears.

      "I am glad they left you your job: you will care for things," he had said, as he was going.

      "Ay, ay, for the master's sake: he was the best master a man ever had, say what they will."

      "But you don't believe what they say?"

      The gardener looked blank.

      "Do you dare to tell me," cried Harry, "that you believe what they believe?"

      It was at this the man broke down; but Harry strode away with bitter resentment in his heart, and so back to the town, with a defiant face for every passer; but this time there were none he knew. At the spot where his old companion had cut him, that affront was recalled for the first time; its meaning was plain enough now; and plain the strange conduct of the railway-porter, who kept out of his way when Harry reappeared at the station.

      Lowndes was there waiting for him, and had not only taken the tickets, but also telegraphed to Mrs. Ringrose; and this moved poor Harry to a shame-faced confession of his improvidence on the way down, and its awful results, in the midst of which the other burst out laughing in his face. Harry was a boy after his own heart; it was a treat to meet anybody who declined to count the odds in the day of battle; but, in any case, Mr. Lowndes claimed the rest of the day as "his funeral." As Harry listened, and thanked his new friend, he had a keen and hostile eye for any old ones; but the train left without his seeing another.

      "The works look the same as ever," groaned Harry, as he gazed out on them once more. "I thought they seemed to be doing so splendidly, with all four furnaces in blast."

      "They are doing better than for some years past: iron's looking up: the creditors may get their money back yet."

      "Thank God for that!"

      Lowndes opened his eyes, and the sharp nose twitched amusement.

      "If I were in your place that would be the worst part of all. I have no sympathy with creditors as a class."

      "I want to be even with them," said Harry through his teeth. "I will be, too, before I die: with every man of them. Hallo! why, this is a first-class carriage! How does that happen? I never looked where we got in; I followed you."

      "And I chose that we should travel first."

      "But I can't, I won't!" cried Harry, excitedly. "It was monstrous of me last night, but it would be criminal this morning. You sit where you are. I can change into a third at the next station."

      "I have a first-class ticket for you," rejoined Lowndes. "You may as well make use of it."

      "But when shall I pay you back?"

      "Never, my boy! I tell you this is my funeral till I deliver you over to your mother, so don't you begin counting the odds; you've nothing to do with them. Besides, you came up like a rocket, and I won't have you go down altogether like the stick!"

      Nor did he; and Harry soon saw that his companion was not to be judged by his shabby top-hat and his shiny frock-coat; he was evidently a very rich man. Where the boy had flung half-crowns overnight – where half-a-crown was more than ample – his elder now scattered half-sovereigns, and they had an engaged carriage the whole way. At Preston an extravagant luncheon-basket was taken in, with a bottle of champagne and some of the best obtainable cigars, for the quality of both of which Gordon Lowndes made profuse apologies. But Harry felt a new being after his meal, for grief and excitement had been his bread all day, and the wine warmed his heart to the strange man with whom he had been thrown in such dramatic contact. Better company, in happier circumstances, it would have been difficult to imagine; and it was clear that, with quip and anecdote, he was doing his utmost to amuse Harry and to take him out of his trouble. But to no purpose: the boy was perforce a bad listener, and at last confessed it in as many words.

      "My mind is so full of my father," added Harry, "that I have hardly given my dear mother a thought; but my life is hers from to-day. You said she was in Kensington; in lodgings, I suppose?"

      "No, in a flat. It's very small, but there's a room for you, and it's been ready for weeks."

      "What is she living on?"

      "Less than half her private income by marriage settlement; that was all there was left, and five-eighths of it she would insist on making over to the men who advanced the ten thousand. She is paying them two-and-a-half per cent. on their money and attempting to live on a hundred and fifty a year!"

      "I'll double it before long!"

      "Then she'll pay them five."

      "They shall have every farthing one day; and the other creditors, they shall have their twenty shillings in the pound if I live long enough. Now let me have the rest of those cuttings. I want to know just how we stand – and what they say."

      Out came the pocket-book once more. They were an hour's run nearer town when Harry spoke again.

      "May I keep them?" he said.


      "Thank you. I take it the bank's all right – and thank God the other liabilities up there are not large. As to the flight with that ten thousand – I don't believe it yet. There has been foul play. You mark my words."

      Lowndes looked out at the flying fields.

      "Which of you saw him last?" continued Harry.

      "Your mother, when he left for town."

      "When was that?"

      "The morning after Good Friday."

      "When did he cross?"

      "That night."

      "Did he write to anybody?"

      "Not that I know of."

      "Not to my mother?"

      Lowndes leant forward across the compartment: there was a shrewd look in the spectacled eyes.

      "Not that I know of," he said again, but with a different intonation. "I have often wondered!"

      "Did you ask her?"

      "Yes; she said not."

      "Then what do you mean?" cried Harry indignantly. "Do you think my mother would tell you a lie?"

      "Your mother is the most loyal little woman in England," was the reply. "I certainly think that she would keep her end up in the day of battle."

      Harry ground his teeth. He could have struck the florid able face whose every look showed a calm assumption of his father's infamy.

      "You take it all for granted!" he fumed; "you, who say you were his friend. How am I to believe in such friendship? True friends are not so ready to believe the worst. Oh! it makes my blood boil to hear you talk; it makes me hate myself for accepting kindness at your hands. You have been very kind, I know," added Harry in a breaking voice; "but – but for God's sake don't let us speak about it any more!" And he flung up a newspaper to hide his quivering lips; for now he was hoping