The Bandolero: or, A Marriage among the Mountains. Reid Mayne. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Reid Mayne
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная классика
Год издания: 0
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when prisoners were being taken?”

      “Carajo!” screamed the swarthy disputant, his face turning livid with rage. “You say that? You have heard it, camarados? Capitan Moreno sets himself up, not only as our judge, but the protector of our accursed invaders! And we must submit to his sublime dictation – we the citizens of Puebla!”

      “No – no, we won’t stand it. Muera el Americano! The Yankee must be delivered up!”

      “You must take him, then,” coolly responded Moreno, “at the point of my sword.”

      “And at the muzzle of my pistol,” I added, springing to the side of my generous host – determined to share with him the defence of his doorway.

      This unexpected resistance caused a change in the attitude of Carrasco and his cowardly associates. Though they hailed it with a vengeful shout, it was plain that their impetuosity had received a check; and, instead of advancing to the attack, one and all stood cowed-like and silent.

      They seemed to know the temper of my protector as well as his sword; and this no doubt for the time restrained them.

      But the true secret of their backwardness was to be sought for in the six-shooters, one of which I now held in each hand. The Mexicans had just become acquainted with the character of this splendid weapon – first used in battle in that same campaign – and its destructive powers, by report exaggerated tenfold, inspired them, as it had done the Prairie Indians, with a fear almost supernatural.

      Perhaps to this sentiment was I indebted for my salvation. Brave as my protector was, and skilled as he might be with his toledo – quick and sure as I could have delivered my twelve shots – what would all have availed against a mob of infuriated men, already a hundred strong, and every moment augmenting? One, perhaps both, of us must have fallen before their fury.

      It may seem strange to talk of sentiment, in such a crisis as that in which I was placed. You will be incredulous of its existence. And yet, by my honour, it did exist. I felt it, as certainly as I ever did in my life.

      I need scarcely say what the sentiment was. It could only be that of profound gratitude – first to Francisco Moreno; and then to God for making such a noble man!

      The thought that followed was but a consequence of this reflection. It was to save him who was risking his life to save me.

      I was about to appeal to him to stand aside, and leave me to my fate. What good would it do for both to die? for I verily believed that death was at hand.

      My purpose was not carried out; though its frustration came not from a craven fear. Very different was the cause that stayed my tongue.

      As we stood silent – both defenders and those threatening to attack – a sound was borne upon the breeze, which caused the silence to be prolonged.

      There could be no doubt as to the signification of this sound. Any one who has ever witnessed the spectacle of a troop of horse passing along a paved street, will recognise the noises that accompany it: – the continuous tramping of hoofs, the tinkling of curbs, and the occasional clank of a scabbard, as it strikes against spur or stirrup.

      Such noises I recognised, as did every individual in the “Street of the Sparrows.”

      “La guardia! La patrulla Americana!” (The guard! The American patrol!) was the muttered exclamations that came from the crowd.

      My heart bounded with joy, and I was about to spring forth – thinking my assailants would now make way for me.

      But no. They stood firm and close as a wall, maintaining their semicircle around the doorway.

      Though evidently resolved on keeping their ground they made no noise – with their knives and machetés only demonstrating in silence!

      I saw their design. The patrol was passing along one of the principal streets. They knew that the least disturbance would attract it into the Callecito.

      If silent, but for ten seconds, they would be safe to renew the attack; and I should then be lost – surely sacrificed!

      What was to be done? Fire into their midst, commence the fracas, and, by so doing, summon the patrol to my rescue? Perhaps it would arrive in time to be too late – to take up my mangled corpse, and carry it to the cuartel?

      I hesitated to tempt the attack.

      Was there no other way, by which I could give warning to my countrymen?

      O God! the hoof-trampling seemed gradually growing less distinct! No sound of bit, or spur, stirrup, or steel scabbard. They had passed the end of the Callecito. Ten seconds more, and they would be beyond hearing!

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