Gwen Wynn: A Romance of the Wye. Reid Mayne. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Reid Mayne
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная классика
Год издания: 0
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a lull between, the Hussar officer at length takes the cigar from his lips, and calls back to them —

      “You ruffians! You shall rue it! Shout on – till you’re hoarse. There’s a reckoning for you, perhaps sooner than you expect.”

      “Yes, ye damned scoun’rels!” adds the young waterman, himself so enraged as almost to foam at the mouth. “Ye’ll have to pay dear for sich a dastartly attemp’ to waylay Jack Wingate’s boat. That will ye.”

      “Bah!” jeeringly retorts one of the roughs. “To blazes wi’ you, an’ yer boat!”

      “Ay, to the blazes wi’ ye!” echo the others in drunken chorus; and, while their voices are still reverberating along the adjacent cliffs, the fishing skiff drifts round a bend of the river, bearing its owner and his fare out of their sight, as beyond earshot of their profane speech.

      Volume One – Chapter Three

      A Charon Corrupted

      The lawn of Llangorren Court, for a time abandoned to the dumb quadrupeds, that had returned to their tranquil pasturing, is again enlivened by the presence of the two young ladies; but so transformed, that they are scarce recognisable as the same late seen upon it. Of course, it is their dresses that have caused the change; Miss Wynn now wearing a pea-jacket of navy blue, with anchor buttons, and a straw hat set coquettishly on her head, its ribbons of azure hue trailing over, and prettily contrasting with the plaits of her chrome-yellow hair, gathered in a grand coil behind. But for the flowing skirt below, she might be mistaken for a young mid, whose cheeks as yet show only the down – one who would “find sweethearts in every port.”

      Miss Lees is less nautically attired; having but slipped over her morning dress a paletot of the ordinary kind, and on her head a plumed hat of the Neapolitan pattern. For all, a costume becoming; especially the brigand-like head gear which sets off her finely-chiselled features, and skin dark as any daughter of the South.

      They are about starting towards the boat-dock, when a difficulty presents itself – not to Gwen, but the companion.

      “We have forgotten Joseph!” she exclaims.

      Joseph is an ancient retainer of the Wynn family, who, in its domestic affairs, plays parts of many kinds – among them the métier of boatman. It is his duty to look after the Gwendoline, see that she is snug in her dock, with oars and steering apparatus in order; go out with her when his young mistress takes a row on the river, or ferry any one of the family who has occasion to cross it – the last a need by no means rare, since for miles above and below there is nothing in the shape of bridge.

      “No, we haven’t,” rejoins Joseph’s mistress, answering the exclamation of the companion. “I remembered him well enough – too well.”

      “Why too well?” asks the other, looking a little puzzled.

      “Because we don’t want him.”

      “But surely, Gwen, you wouldn’t think of our going alone.”

      “Surely I would, and do. Why not?”

      “We’ve never done so before.”

      “Is that any reason we shouldn’t now?”

      “But Miss Linton will be displeased, if not very angry. Besides, as you know, there may be danger on the river.”

      For a short while Gwen is silent, as if pondering on what the other has said. Not on the suggested danger. She is far from being daunted by that. But Miss Linton is her aunt – as already hinted, her legal guardian till of age – head of the house, and still holding authority, though exercising it in the mildest manner. And just on this account it would not be right to outrage it, nor is Miss Wynn the one to do so. Instead, she prefers a little subterfuge, which is in her mind as she makes rejoinder —

      “I suppose we must take him along; though it’s very vexatious, and for various reasons.”

      “What are they? May I know them?”

      “You’re welcome. For one, I can pull a boat just as well as he, if not better. And for another, we can’t have a word of conversation without his hearing it – which isn’t at all nice, besides being inconvenient. As I’ve reason to know, the old curmudgeon is an incorrigible gossip, and tattles all over the parish, I only wish we’d some one else. What a pity I haven’t a brother, to go with us! But not to-day.”

      The reserving clause, despite its earnestness, is not spoken aloud. In the aquatic excursion intended, she wants no companion of the male kind – above all, no brother. Nor will she take Joseph; though she signifies her consent to it, by desiring the companion to summon him.

      As the latter starts off for the stable-yard, where the ferryman is usually to be found, Gwen says, in soliloquy —

      “I’ll take old Joe as far as the boat stairs; but not a yard beyond. I know what will stay him there – steady as a pointer with a partridge six feet from its nose. By the way, have I got my purse with me?”

      She plunges her hand into one of her pea-jacket pockets; and, there feeling the thing sought for, is satisfied.

      By this Miss Lees has got back, bringing with her the versatile Joseph – a tough old servitor of the respectable family type, who has seen some sixty summers, more or less.

      After a short colloquy, with some questions as to the condition of the pleasure-boat, its oars, and steering gear, the three proceed in the direction of the dock.

      Arrived at the bottom of the boat stairs, Joseph’s mistress, turning to him, says —

      “Joe, old boy, Miss Lees and I are going for a row. But, as the day’s fine, and the water smooth as glass, there’s no need for our having you along with us. So you can stay here till we return.”

      The venerable retainer is taken aback by the proposal. He has never listened to the like before; for never before has the pleasure-boat gone to river without his being aboard. True, it is no business of his; still, as an ancient upholder of the family, with its honour and safety, he cannot assent to this strange innovation without entering protest. He does so, asking:

      “But, Miss Gwen; what will your aunt say to it? She mayent like you young ladies to go rowin’ by yourselves? Besides, Miss, ye know there be some not werry nice people as moat meet ye on the river. ’Deed some v’ the roughest and worst o’ blaggarts.”

      “Nonsense, Joseph! The Wye isn’t the Niger, where we might expect the fate of poor Mungo Park. Why, man, we’ll be as safe on it as upon our own carriage drive, or the little fishpond. As for aunt, she won’t say anything, because she won’t know. Shan’t, can’t, unless you peach on us. The which, my amiable Joseph, you’ll not do – I’m sure you will not?”

      “How’m I to help it, Miss Gwen? When you’ve goed off, some o’ the house sarvints’ll see me here, an’, hows’ever I keep my tongue in check – ”

      “Check it now!” abruptly breaks in the heiress, “and stop palavering, Joe! The house servants won’t see you – not one of them. When we’re off on the river, you’ll be lying at anchor in those laurel bushes above. And to keep you to your anchorage, here’s some shining metal.”

      Saying which, she slips several shillings into his hand, adding, as she notes the effect, —

      “Do you think it sufficiently heavy? If not – but never mind now. In our absence you can amuse yourself weighing, and counting the coins. I fancy they’ll do.”

      She is sure of it, knowing the man’s weakness to be money, as it now proves.

      Her argument is too powerful for his resistance, and he does not resist. Despite his solicitude for the welfare of the Wynn family, with his habitual regard of duty, the ancient servitor, refraining from further protest, proceeds to undo the knot of the Gwendoline’s painter.

      Stepping into the boat, the other Gwendoline takes the oars, Miss Lees seating herself to steer.

      “All right! Now, Joe, give us a push off.”
