см. all around
to be articulated on
концентрироваться вокруг чего-л.; строиться на чем-л.; быть посвященным чему-л.; быть сфокусированным на чем-л.
The indicative plan of the country report is articulated on the following points:
By an ingenious artifice of his groom, Darius Hystaspes became the successful candidate, and was immediately acknowledged king by his confederates.
As another example,…
Другой пример:…
For example, sludged throttle bodies can restrict aurflow. As another example, soot deposit on spark plugs can increase knock limitation.
as a precaution
в качестве меры предосторожности; для перестраховки; для профилактики; на всякий случай
A backup chlorine line should be provided as a precaution in the event of a break in the existing line.
as a result of
в силу
The top part of the deflection surface can be machined if required as a result of process constraints.
as far as is known
как известно; насколько известно; по имеющимся данным
As far as is known, earth is unique in the solar system in that it has an ozone layer.
as for
как и; как и в случае с
Case Study 2:… As for the first case study, we can simulate the above system…
что и
As the same panel construction was used, the values of the first term of Eq. (13) remain the same as for the first example.
as is
в таком виде
The rounded thermally polished surfaces are not suitable as is for reliable operation when used as a drop-on-demand ejection nozzle and need to be removed.
как и
Each species is a single, particular organism unique to itself, as are we humans, homo sapiens.
as known
как известно
As known, recent studies have shown promising results.
as required by
как того требует…
The vehicle is registered as required by the law of the main place of residence.
по требованию кого-л.
You shall submit to narcotic or drug testing as required by any Supervision Officer.
associated with
вызванный чем-л.; обусловленный чем-л.
Residual strains associated with a nuclear explosion
as such
в связи с этим; в этой связи; в силу этого
It was recognized that the process of reproduction is an essential requirement in order to maintain the species in a population that ages and degrades. As such, reproduction and fertility were concluded to be a greater factor in the evolutionary drive…
as well as
кроме того, что; не считая того, что; помимо того, что
As well as carrying a significant cost, the clip can also impact on the design.
в фазе; на стадии; на этапе
How fast is the space shuttle at take off?
at a later date
по прошествии некоторого времени
It is an object of this invention to provide a closure plug that can be extracted at a later date from the component to which it is fitted.
at equidistance
на одинаковых (равных) расстояниях
An idealised, proportionate face has these landmarks at equidistance from one another.
at large
в бегах
One Boston Marathon Suspect Killed, Second At Large
to be at large
не быть пойманным; скрываться (о преступнике) (контекстное знач.)
One Boston Marathon Suspect Killed, Second At Large
at last
напоследок разг.
Job suffered tremendously, and at last he cried out, «I am watched and restrained».
см. pay attention that; pay attention to
at the confluence of
на стыке
Scott (1985) regarded ethnomathematics as lying at the confluence of mathematics and cultural anthropology.
at the last
в конечном итоге; в конечном счете;