Then I muſt tell you, that euery Feare is not commendable. Not that Feare which is Hypocriticall, for this is Superſtition, when men feare the Feare of Idolaters117. Not that feare which is Worldly, for this is wicked ſelfe-Loue, when men feare Men118, Loſſe of Goods, Fire and faggot, more than God the Onely Soueraigne Commander of the Soule, the Only Dreadfull Threatner of euerlaſting Burnings. Nor that feare which is Seruile119 or adulterate120, for this is no Vertue (proues Pariſ.) when men feare the Euill of Puniſhment only; not the Euill of Sinne, as an Adultereſſe feares the Comming home of her Huſband; but feares not the Committing of Adultery. Nor is that feare commendable, which is Diſtruſtfull or Immoderate like Ruben (as Gerſon121 alludes) growen great, and lying with Bilhah, for this is Infidelitie when men tie Gods Grace to preſent deliuerance out of danger, without a Beleeuing and waiting Spirit for his Mercie, Eſai. 28. 16.
But the Feare for which a Woman ſhall be praiſed, is informed by Wiſdome, inſtructed by Vnderſtanding, directed by Counſell, ſtrengthned by Might, gouerned by Knowledge, adorned with Pietie, as Saint Ambroſe collects out of the eleuenth of Eſay122. It is a Faithfull feare truſting in God123, and making Him her Feare, Eſai. 8. 13. and her Hope too in the Day of Euill, not without this feruent Prayer vnto Him then: Be not thou a Terrour vnto me, Ier. 17. 17. A chaſt and Cleane Feare124, Cleanſing from all filthineſſe of the fleſh and Spirit.125 A Reuerent and Godly Fear126, Preparing the heart, Humbling the Soule in Gods ſight127, Trembling at his Word128, not Diſobeying it, Eſchewing129 euill, Working righteouſneſſe and Giuing much almes130. A Bleſſed Feare it is131, Bleſſing them that haue it, Bleſſing the Lord that giues it, Praiſing Him and ſaying: That his Mercy endureth for euer132.
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