Old Court Life in France, vol. 1. Elliot Frances Minto Dickinson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Elliot Frances Minto Dickinson
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная классика
Год издания: 0
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Sire, left a message for your Majesty.”

      “A message! Where? and who bore it?”

      “De Pompérant, Sire, who has already been arrested at Moulins. The Duke begged your Majesty to take back the sword which you had given him, and prayed you to send for the badge which he left hanging at the head of his bed at Chantelle.”

      “Diable! does the villain dare to point his jests at his sovereign?” and Francis flushes to the roots of his hair with passion. “I wish I had him face to face in a fair field” – and he lays his hand on the hilt of his sword; – “but no,” he adds in a calmer voice, “a traitor’s blood would but soil my weapon. Let him carry his perfidy into Spain – ’twill suit the Emperor; I am well rid of him. Are there many accomplices, Bonnivet?”

      “About two hundred, Sire.”

      “Is it possible! Do we know them?”

      “The Comte de Saint-Vallier, Sire, is the principal accomplice.”

      “What! Saint-Vallier, the Captain of our Archers! That strikes us nearly. This conspiracy, my lords,” says Francis, advancing to where Guise, La Trémouille, Montmorenci, and the others stand somewhat apart during his conversation with Bonnivet, “is much more serious than I imagined. I must remain in France to wait the issue of events. You, Bonnivet, must take command of the Italian campaign.”

      Bonnivet kneels and kisses the hand of Francis.

      “I am sorry for Jean de Poitiers,” continues Francis, turning to Guise. “Are the proofs against him certain?”

      “Sire, Saint-Vallier accompanied the Constable to the frontier.”

      “I am sorry,” repeats the King, and he passes his hand thoughtfully over his brow and muses.

      “Jean de Poitiers, my ci-devant Captain of the Guards, is the father of a charming lady; Madame Diane, the Seneschale of Normandy, is an angel, though her husband, De Brèzè – hum – why, he is a monster. Vulcan and Venus – the old story, eh, my lords?”

      There is a general laugh.

      A page enters and announces a lady humbly craving to speak with his Majesty. The King smiles, his wicked eyes glisten. “Who? what? Do I know her?”

      “Sire, the lady is deeply veiled; she desires to speak with your Majesty alone.”

      “But, by St. Denis – do I know her?”

      “I think, Sire, it is the wife of the Grand Seneschal of Normandy – Madame Diane de Brèzè.”

      There is a pause, some whispering, and a low laugh is heard. The King looks around displeased. “I am not surprised,” says he. “When I heard of the father’s danger I expected the daughter’s intercession. Let the lady enter.”

      With a wave of his hand he dismisses the Court, and seats himself on a chair of state under a rich canopy embroidered in gold with the arms of France.

      Diane enters. She is dressed in long black robes which sweep the floor. Her head is covered with a thick lace veil which she raises as she approaches the King. She weeps, but her tears do not mar her beauty, which is absolutely radiant. She is exquisitely fair and wonderfully fresh, with golden hair and dark eyebrows – a most winsome lady.

      She throws herself at the King’s feet. She clasps her hands. Her sobs drown her voice.

      “Pardon, Sire, pardon my father!” she at length falters. The King stoops forward, and raises her to the estrade on which he stands. He looks tenderly into her soft blue eyes, his hands are locked in hers.

      “Your father, madame, my old and trusted servant, is guilty of treason.”

      “Alas! Sire, I fear so; but he is old, too old for punishment. He has been hitherto a true subject of your Majesty.”

      “He is blessed, madame, with a most surpassing daughter.” Francis pauses and looks steadfastly at her with eyes of ardent admiration. “But I fear I must confirm the sentence of my judges, madame; your father is certain to be found guilty of treason.”

      “Oh! Sire, mercy, mercy! grant me my father’s life, I implore you”; and again Diane falls prostrate at the King’s feet, and looks supplicatingly into his face. Again the King raises her.

      “Well, madame, you are aware that you desire the pardon of a traitor; on what ground do you ask for his life?”

      “Sire, I ask it for the sake of mercy; mercy is the privilege of kings,” and her soft eyes seek those of Francis and rest upon them. “I have come so far, too, from Normandy, to invoke it – my poor father!” and she sobs again. “Your Majesty will not send me back refused, broken-hearted?” Still her eyes are fixed upon the King.

      “Mercy, Madame Diane, is, doubtless, a royal prerogative. I am an anointed king,” and he lets go her hands, and draws himself up proudly, “and I may use it; but the prerogative of a woman is beauty. Beauty, Madame Diane,” adds Francis, with a glance at the lovely woman still kneeling at his feet, “is more potent than a king’s word.”

      There is silence for a few moments. Diane’s eyes are now bent upon the ground, her bosom heaves. Francis contemplates her with delight.

      “Will you, fair lady, deign to exercise your prerogative?”

      “Truly, Sire, I know not what your Majesty would say,” replies Diane, looking down and blushing.

      Something in his eyes gives her hope, for she starts violently, rises, and clasping her hands together exclaims, “How, Sire! do I read your meaning aright? can I, by my humble service to your Majesty – ”

      “Yes, fair lady, you can. Your presence at my Court, where your adorable beauty shall receive due homage, will be my hostage for your father’s loyalty. Madame Diane, I declare that the Comte de Saint-Vallier is PARDONED. Though he had rent the crown from off our head, your father is pardoned. And I add, madame, that it was the charm of his daughter that rendered a refusal impossible.”

      Madame Diane’s face shines like April sunshine through rain-drops; a smile parts her lips, and her glistening eyes dance with joy; she is more lovely than ever.

      “Thanks, thanks, Sire!” And again she would have knelt, but the King again takes her hands, and looks into her face so earnestly that she again blushes.

      Did that look of the King fascinate her? or did the sudden joy of saving her father move her heart with love? Who can tell? It is certain, however, that from this time Diane left Normandy, and became one of the brightest ornaments of that beauty-loving Court. Diane was a woman of masculine understanding, concealed under the gentlest and most fascinating manners; but she was also mercenary, intriguing, and domineering. Of her beauty we may judge for ourselves, as many portraits of her are extant, especially one of great excellence by Leonardo da Vinci, in the long gallery at Chenonceau.

      Diane was soon forsaken, but the ready-witted lady consoled herself by laying siege to the heart of the son of Francis, Prince Henry, afterwards Henry II.

      Henry surrendered at discretion. Nothing can more mark the freedom of the times than this liaison. Yet both these ladies – Diane de Poitiers and her successor in the favour of the King, the Duchesse d’Étampes – were constantly in the society of two most virtuous queens Claude, and Elinor of Spain, the successive wives of Francis.

      CHAPTER V.


      THE next scene is in Italy. The French army lies encamped on the broad plains of Lombardy, backed by snowy lines of Alpine fastnesses.

      Bonnivet, in command of the French, presumptuous and inexperienced, has been hitherto defeated in every battle. Bourbon, fighting on the side of Spain, is, as before, victorious.

      Francis, stung by the repeated defeat of his troops, has now joined the army, and commands in person. Milan, where the plague rages, has opened its gates to him; but Pavia, distant about twenty miles, is occupied by the Spaniards in force. Antonio de Leyva is governor. Thither the French advance in order to besiege the city.
