A Gothic Grammar. Braune Wilhelm. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Braune Wilhelm
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная классика
Год издания: 0
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n. 1). Also here we distinguish between pure ô-stems and -stems.

      Paradims: (a) giba, gift (stem gibô-). (b) long -stems: bandi, bond (stem bandjô-); mawi, girl (stem maujô-).

§ 97. Like giba ar declined a great many words; as, bida, request; þiuda, peple; hansa, multitude; saiwala, soul; stibna, voice; aírþa, erth; ƕeila, hour; wamba, belly; mildiþa, mercy; aƕa, water.

      Note 1. The declension of the wô- and short -stems is identical with that of giba; e. g., triggwa, cuvenant; bandwa, sign; —sunja, truth; halja, hel; sibja, relationship; wrakja, persecution; plapja, street.

      Note 2. The acc. sg. of ƕeila before the enclitic -hun is found as ƕeilô- in ƕeilôhun; s. § 163, n. 1 (as regards the form, cp. ainôhun, § 163, c; ƕarjôh, § 165).

§ 98. Like bandi go the long and polysyllabic -stems. Their inflection is the same as that of giba, except in the nom. and voc. sg. which hav i insted of ja. – Further exampls: þiudangardi, kingdom; ƕôftuli, glory; *haiþi, field, heath; *wasti, garment; *frijôndi, f., frend; *fraistubni, temptation.

      Note 1. Like mawi (for the change of w into u, s. § 42), whose inflection corresponds to that of bandi, inflects also þiwi, þiujôs, maid-servant.

2. I-Declension

§ 99. The i-declension contains only masculins and feminins. Both genders properly ought to inflect precisely alike. But this is the case in the pl. only, while the sg. of the masculins has the gen. and dat. after the analogy of the a-declension.


§ 100. Paradim: balgs, wine-skin (proethnic Germanic balgi-z).

§ 101. The number of masculins inflecting like balgs is not very great; e. g., gasts, guest; gards, house; muns, thought; mats, meat, food; saggws, song; sauþs, saudis, sacrifice; brûþ-faþs (d), bridegroom; staþs (d), sted, place.

      Note 1. Words not occurring in the nom., dat., acc. pl. can not with certainty be referd to this declension (cp. § 91, n. 1). In many cases, however, we can infer from the remaining Germanic languages to what declension they belong. Accordingly, the word saiws, sea, lake, belongs here; and, particularly, a number of verbal abstracts like qums, arrival; drus, fall; wlits, face; runs (gen. runis), a running; grêts, weeping; krusts, gnashing.

      Note 2. The s of the nom. is dropt according to § 78, n. 2; e. g., ur-runs, ur-runsis; drus, drusis; baúr, baúris (< baíran, to bear), sun.

      Note 3. naus, a ded person, is explaind according to the rules for w (§ 42); nom. pl. naweis, acc. pl. nawins; so, also, the acc. and voc. sg. nau.

      Note 4. For wêgs and aiws, s. § 91, n. 5; for the acc. pl. andins, s. § 92, n. 1.


§ 102. Paradim: ansts, favor (proethnic Germanic ansti-z).

§ 103. A great number of feminins belong to this class. Exampls: qêns, woman, wife; dails, deal; wêns, hope; nauþs, nauþais, need; siuns, sight; sôkns, serch; taikns, token; fahêþs, fahêdais, joy; magaþs (þ), maid; fadreins, generation, family; arbaiþs (d), work; asans, harvest; ahaks, duv; those in -duþs, -duþais (perhaps -dûþs; cp. § 15, n. 1): mikilduþs, greatness; managduþs, abundance; ajukduþs, eternity; gamainduþs, communion.

      Very numerous ar the verbal abstracts which may be formd from every strong verb by means of the dental suffix t (þ, d); e. g., gaskafts, creation; þaúrfts, need; ganists, salvation; fralusts, loss; gakusts, test; gabaúrþs, birth; gataúrþs, destruction; manasêþs (d), world; dêþs, deed; gahugds, thought.

      Note 1. Here belong also the abstracts in -eins, -ôns, -ains, derived from the weak verbs of the I., II., and III. Weak Conjugations, respectivly; e. g., naseins (< nasjan), salvation; laiseins, doctrin; háuheins, a 'heightening', hense praise; galaubeins, belief; naiteins, blasfemy; laþôns (< laþôn), invitation; salbôns, salv, ointment; mitôns, consideration; þulains (< þulan), suffering, patience; libains, life. – But those in -eins hav the nom. and gen. pl. according to the ô-declension. Thus, for exampl:

      So in one exampl also the dat. pl.: unkaúreinôm; II. Cor. XI, 8. – The pl. of the abstracts in -ôns, -ains is regular: mitôneis, mitônê, etc.

      Note 2. Whether words ar f. or m. is doutful when they do not occur in a distinctiv case; as, lists, craftiness; fulleiþs (or fulleiþ, n.), fulness.

      Note 3. The s of the nom. is dropt according to § 78, n. 2; e. g., us-stass, us-stassais, resurrection; garuns, -runsais, street.

      Note 4. haims, village, forms its pl.