The Toilet of Flora. Buc'hoz Pierre-Joseph. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Buc'hoz Pierre-Joseph
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная классика
Год издания: 0
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higher than the cucurbit; place it in balneo Mariæ, or a water-bath, and distill with a strong fire. You run no risk from pressing forward the distillation with violence, the water-bath effectually preventing the Flowers from being burnt. In this method you pay no regard to the quantity, but the quality of the water drawn off. If nine pounds of Orange Flowers were put into the still, be satisfied with three or four quarts of fragrant water; however, you may continue your distillation, and save even the last droppings of the still, which have some small fragrancy. During the operation, be careful to change the water in the refrigeratory vessel as often as it becomes hot. Its being kept cool prevents the distilled water from having an empyreumatic or burnt smell, and keeps the quintessence of the Flowers more intimately united with its phlegm.

      58. Another Method

      Take four pounds of unpicked Orange Flowers, bruise them in a marble mortar, and pour on them nine quarts of clear Water. Distil in a cold still, and draw off five or six quarts, which will be exquisitely fragrant. If you are desirous of having it still higher flavoured, draw off at first full seven quarts, unlute the still and throw away the residuum; empty back the water already distilled, and add to it two pounds of fresh Orange Flowers bruised. Again luting the still, repeat the distillation, and draw of five or six quarts. Then stop, being careful not to draw off too much water, lest the Flowers should become dry and burn too.

      The use of Orange-Flower Water is very extensive. It is high in esteem for its aromatic perfume; and is used with success for hysteric complaints.

      Waters from all kinds of Flowers are made in the same manner as Orange-Flower and Rose-water; but waters from dried odoriferous plants, such as Thyme, Hyssop, Marjoram and Wormwood, are made as follows.

      Fill two thirds of a large stone jar with the tops of the plant you propose to distil; boil, in a sufficient quantity of water, some twigs or tops of the same plant; and when one half of the water has evaporated, pour the remainder into a jar over the flowers, and let them stand to infuse three or four days; then distil them in a common or cold still. Care, however, must be taken not to distil to dryness, lest you risque the bottom of the vessel; to prevent which accident, the best way is never to draw off more than two thirds of the liquor put into the still. If you be desirous that the distilled water should acquire a higher flavour, after the first distillation unlute the still, throw out what remains at the bottom, and fill it half full of fresh tops of the plant, pouring on them the water already distilled; repeat the distillation, and this second time the water drawn off will be highly odoriferous. If the plant contains a large portion of Essential Oil, it will not fail to float on the top of the liquor contained in the receiver, and may be separated by the usual method.

      59. Magisterial Balm-Water

      Take half a pound of Cinnamon, six ounces of Cardamon-seeds, and the same quantity of green Aniseeds; Cloves, four ounces; Coriander-seeds, eight ounces: beat these spices in a marble mortar, and putting them afterwards into a stone jar, add the Yellow Rind of eight Lemons, a pound of Juniper-berries bruised, twelve handfuls of Balm gathered in its prime, six handfuls of Rosemary-tops, as much Sage, Hyssop, and Angelica, Sweet Marjoram and Thyme, of each six handfuls; Wormwood a handful; cut the herbs very small, putting them into the jar with the spices, and pour on four gallons of Brandy or Melasses Spirits. When they have stood in infusion eight days, empty the ingredients and liquor into an alembic of a common height, and distil in a water-bath. At first draw off ten quarts, which are to be thrown again into the alembic, continue the same degree of fire for some time, then gradually lessen it till the aromatic spirit comes off in quick drops. Continue your distillation in this manner till you perceived the phlegm rise, which is easily known by the weakness of the Spirit, and when the process is ended, expose the aromatic spirit which has been drawn off to the rays of the sun, in a glass bottle, stopped only with a loose paper cork, to give the fiery particles an opportunity of evaporating. What remains in the body of the still is not to be considered as wholly useless. After evaporating it to dryness, burn the residuum of the plants and aromatics; and when the whole mass is reduced to ashes, throw them into a vessel of boiling water, in which let them remain two or three minutes on the fire. Then remove the vessel, and let the water stand till cold, when it is to be filtered through blotting paper: The water, which appears limpid, is to be set on the fire again, and wholly evaporated. At the bottom of the vessel, which ought to be a new-glazed earthen pot, will remain a pure white fixed salt, which may be dissolved in the Magisterial Balm-water.

      This water is highly esteemed, and has even acquired a reputation equal to that of Hungary-water, (the receipt for preparing which has been already given) and in particular cases is preferable.

      60. Compound Balm-Water, commonly called Eau de Carmes

      Take of the fresh Leaves of Balm, a quarter of a pound; Yellow Rind of Lemons, two ounces; Nutmegs and Coriander-seeds, of each one ounce; Cloves, Cinnamon, and Angelica Root, of each half an ounce: having pounded the spices and seeds; and bruised the leaves and roots, put them with a quart of Brandy into a glass cucurbit, of which stop the mouth, and set it in a warm place, where let it remain two or three days. Then add a pint of simple Balm-water, and shake the whole well together; after which distil in a vapour bath till the ingredients are left almost dry; and preserve the water thus obtained, in bottles well stopped.

      This water has been long famous at Paris and London, and carried thence to most parts of Europe. It has the reputation of being a cordial of very extraordinary virtues, and not only of availing in all lowness of spirits, but even in apoplexies. It is also much esteemed in cases of the gout in the stomach; whence the Carmelite Friars, who originally were in possession of the secret, have reaped great benefit from the sale of this water.

      61. Sweet Honey-Water

      Take of good French Brandy, a gallon; of the best Virgin Honey and Coriander-seeds, each a pound; Cloves, an ounce and half; Nutmegs, an ounce; Gum Benjamin and Storax, of each an ounce; Vanilloes No. 4; the Yellow Rind of three large Lemons: bruise the Spices and Benjamin, cut the Vanilloes into small pieces, put all into a cucurbit, and pour the Brandy on them. After they have digested forty-eight hours, distil off the Spirit in a retort with a gentle heat.

      To a gallon of this water, add of Damask Rose-water and Orange Flower-water, of each a pint and a half; Musk and Ambergrise, of each five grains; first grind the Musk and Ambergrise with some of the water, and afterwards put all into a large matrass, shake them well together, and let them circulate three days and nights in a gentle heat. Then, letting the water cool, filtre and keep it for use, in a bottle well stopped.

      It is an antiparalytic, smooths the skin, and gives one of the most agreeable scents imaginable. Forty or sixty drops put into a pint of clear water, are sufficient to wash the hands and face.

      62. Sweet-scented Water

      Take Orange Flower-water and Rose-water, of each an equal quantity; put them into a large wide-mouthed glass, and strew upon the surface gently as much Jasmine Flowers as will cover it; then tie the mouth of the glass so carefully that the Flowers be not shook down to the bottom. Repeat the process, letting each quantity of the Flowers remain five or six days, until the water is strongly scented with them. Then dissolve Ambergrise and Musk, of each a scruple, in a few ounces of the water, which filtre and put to the rest.

      This water may also be made by putting the whole into a retort with a sufficient quantity of Jasmine Flowers, and drawing it off in a vapour bath into a receiver well luted.

      This is an excellent perfume, and taken inwardly, is of service in some nervous cases and languors.

      63. German sweet-scented Water

      Begin with infusing for eight days in two quarts of Vinegar, two handfuls of Lavender Flowers, as many Provence Roses picked from the stalks, Wild Roses, and Elder Flowers. While they stand in infusion prepare a simple odoriferous water as follows: Put into a glass body the Yellow Rind of three Lemons, sweet Marjoram, Lilies of the Valley and Lavender Flowers, of each two handfuls; pour on them a pint of double distilled Rose-water, and a quart of Spring-water. Lute on a bolt-head, place the alembic in a sand heat, fix on a receiver, and leave matters in this state two days, then light a fire under it and distil quick. When you have drawn off