Arnold, Thos. Kerchever. 1800–1853. Author of classical text-books. Pub. Apl.
Arnold, Wm. Delafield. 1828–1859. Son to T. A. Writer of historical sketches and lectures.
Arnott, Neil. 1788–1874. Scotch scientist. Author Elements of Physics, etc. Pub. Apl.
Ascham [ăs´kam], Roger. 1515–1568. Tutor of Lady Jane Grey and Q. Elizabeth. Author of Toxophilus, a treatise on the bow, and The Schoolmaster. A. possessed a clear, correct style.
Ashe, Thomas. 1836 – . Poet. Author of The Sorrows of Hypsipyle, etc.
Ashmole, Elias. 1617–1692. Antiquary. Author of Laws of the Order of the Garter, etc.
Atterbury, Francis. 1662–1732. Bp. Rochester. Theologian. Author Sermons and numerous controversial writings.
Aubrey, John. 1626–1697. Antiquary. A. published a collection of popular superstitions.
Austen, Jane. 1775–1817. Novelist. Author of Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park, Persuasion, Emma, The Watsons, and Lady Susan. These novels are examples of the finest literary art, and have delighted cultured minds for almost three generations. Her character-drawing is strong and realistic. See Atlantic Monthly, Feb. 1863. See Jane Austen and her Works by Sarah Tytler (pub. 1881). Pub. Har. Por. Lit. Rou.
Austin, Alfred. 1834 – . Poet and novelist. Author of An Artist's Proof, Interludes, The Human Tragedy, etc. Pub. Mac.
Austin, Mrs. Sarah. 1793–1867. Author Characteristics of Goethe, and of numerous translations from the German.
Ayton [ā´tun], Sir Robert. 1570–1638. Scotch poet. Remembered for his lyric, "I do confess thou'rt smooth and fair."
Aytoun [a´tun], Wm. Edmondstoune. 1813–1865. Scotch poet. Author Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, Bothwell, Edinburgh after Flodden, and with T. Martin, of the Bon Gaultier Ballads. See Memoir by Theodore Martin. Pub. Arm. Hou.
Babbage, Chas. 1790–1871. Mathematician and philosopher. Author of The Economy of Manufactures and Machinery, A Ninth Bridgewater Treatise, etc.
Bacon, Francis. Viscount St. Albans and Baron Verulam. 1561–1626. Philosopher. The Founder of Inductive Philosophy. He wrote, in both Eng. and Latin, The advancement of Learning, Novum Organum and Historia Naturalis et Experimentalis from the Instauratio Magna, which embodies his system of philosophy. His Essays are his most important English work. A man of great genius and wonderful intellectual activity whose writings cover a wide range. He awakened the scientific spirit in England and gave it form. The best edition of B. is that by James Spedding. See Life and Letters of Bacon, by James Spedding (1870), also W. H. Dixon's Personal History of Lord Bacon. Pub. Hou.
Bacon, Roger (Friar.) 1214–1292. Philosopher. The great light of the thirteenth century. In his Opus Major he anticipated many inventions of later times, and displayed a familiarity with all branches of study of his day.
Bage, Robert. 1728–1801. Novelist. Author of Man as he Is, The Fair Syrian, etc. See Life, by Walter Scott.
Bagehot [bāj´ut], Walter. 1826–1877. Essayist and journalist. Author of Lombard Street, Physics and Politics, The Eng. Constitution, and Essays on Silver. See Living Age, April 19, 1879. Pub. Apl. Lit. Scr.
Bailey, Philip James. 1816 – . Poet. Author of Festus, The Angel World, The Mystic, The Age, etc. Festus, which had a brief popularity, is a work of unequal merit, but contains a few brilliant passages.
Baillie, Joanna. 1764–1851. Scotch dramatist. Has been called "the female Shakespeare." Author of Plays on the Passions, etc. Her tragedy of De Montfort is her finest effort. See complete Works in one vol. with Life (1853). See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 4.
Baker, Sir Samuel White. 1821 – . Traveller. Author of the Albert Nyanza, The Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia, Ismaïlia, etc. Pub. Har. Lip. Mac.
Balfour, Francis Maitland. 1851–1882. Biologist. Author Elements of Comparative Embryology. Development of the Elasmobranch Fishes, etc. Style acute and original. See Fortnightly Rev. Nov. 1882. Pub. Mac.
Banim [bā´nim], John. 1798–1842. Irish novelist. His novels deal almost exclusively with the tragic side of Irish peasant life. See Life, by P. J. Murray, 1857.
Banks, Sir Joseph. 1743–1820. Naturalist. See Cuvier, Elegy on Sir J. Banks, 1821.
Barbauld [bar´bawld or bar-bō´], Mrs. Anna Lætitia. 1743–1825. Miscellaneous writer. Author of Hymns in Prose, Miscellaneous Poems, etc. Among her best efforts is the exquisite little poem, Life. Some of her religious poetry is deservedly popular. Style easy and graceful. See edition with Memoir, by L. Aikin, 1827.
Barbour, John. 1316–1396. Archdeacon of Aberdeen. Scotch poet. His Bruce, a metrical hist. in 13,000 octosyllabic lines, is a chronicle of the life of King Robert I., and has historical value as well as literary merit. See Craik's Eng. Lit. vol. I.
Barclay, Robert. 1648–1690. Scotch writer. His Apology for the Quakers was first pub. in Latin.
Barham [băr´am], Richard Harris. 1788–1845. Humorous poet. Author of the Ingoldsby Legends, a witty volume of facile rhymes. Pub. Por. Wid.
Baring-Gould, Sabine. 1834 – . Author Curious Myths of the Middle Ages, Lives of the Saints, etc. See Lit. World, Jan. 13, 1883. Pub. Apl. Lip. Rob.
Barnard, Lady Anne. 1750–1825. Scotch poet. Author of Auld Robin Gray.
Barnfield, Richard. 1574-c. 1605. Poet. His ode "As it fell upon a day" was once ascribed to Shakespeare. See Warton's Eng. Poetry.
Barrow, Isaac. 1630–1677. Theologian and mathematician. Author of Sermons and Mathematical works of almost equal renown. See Selections from, pub. 1866. Pub. Mac.
Barton, Bernard. 1784–1849. A Friend of Lamb's. "The Quaker Poet." Author of Poetic Vigils, Devotional Verses, etc., the literary merit of which is but slight.
Baxter, Richard. 1615–1691. Theologian. A voluminous writer, but now best known by his Saints' Rest, and Call to the Unconverted. See edition of 1850 in 23 vols. with Life. Pub. Clx.
Bayley, Thos. Haynes. 1797–1839. Song writer. Author of I'd be a Butterfly, She wore a Wreath of Roses, We met, 't was in a Crowd, etc.
Bayne, Peter. 1830 – . Essayist and biographer. Author of Christian Life, Essays in Biographical Criticism, Life of Hugh Miller, etc. Pub. Har. Rou.
Beale, Lionel Smith. 1828 – . Scientific writer of note. Author of How to Work with the Microscope, Protoplasm, The Mystery of Life, etc.
Beattie [bee´tĭ1; or bā´tĭ], James. 1735–1803. Scotch poet. Author of The Minstrel, a long, prosy poem in Spenserian stanza, and a prose Essay on Truth. See Ward's Eng. Poets, vol. 3. Pub. Hou.
Beaumont, Francis. 1586–1615. Dramatist. Colleague of John Fletcher. Their collected plays amount to 52, of which 14 were in part the work of B., but his separate authorship is not easy to trace. B. and F. in their day were more popular than Shakespeare, but none