Observations. – It is a native of Guiana, Cayenne, and the Caribbee Islands. Bird-sellers in Germany are generally provided with them, as they are not delicate or difficult to carry about. They must be treated like the former species.
“This,” says Buffon, “is, of all parrots from the new continent, the most easily taught to speak; nevertheless it is only tractable in this particular, for even after a long captivity it still preserves a native wildness and ferocity, and is sometimes stubborn and ill-humoured. But as it has a lively eye, is neatly and well formed, it is admired for its shape.”
Bird-sellers give the name of Guinea-sparrow to this little parrakeet, which is not larger than the common crossbill. The beak is red, but pale at the tip, the membrane at the base ash colour, as well as the circle round the eyes. The feet are grey, the iris bluish; the front part of the head and throat are red; the edge of the wings and rump blue. The upper side of the tail feathers is red, the under has a black streak, the tip is green; the two centre feathers are entirely green, like the rest of the body.
In the female, the colours are the same, though lighter, and the lower part of the wing is yellow.
These birds may be found in any part of the torrid zone in the old world, from Guinea to India. As most of them died on the voyage, there were formerly very few of them in Europe, but as the means of preserving them is now better known, most bird-sellers have them. Though they cannot learn to speak, and their cry is rather disagreeable, yet one cannot help admiring them as much for their beauty as their great mildness. They are so much attached to each other that they must always be had in pairs, and if one dies the other rarely survives it. Some people think that a mirror hung in the cage, in which the survivor may imagine that it still sees its lost companion, will console it. The male remains affectionately near the female, feeds her, and gives her the most tender caresses; she, in her turn, shows the greatest uneasiness if she be separated from him for an instant. In the countries which this species inhabits, it makes great havoc among the corn. In Europe it is fed on canary seed, millet, and white bread soaked in boiled milk.
This bird is about the size of a turtle-dove; its length is thirteen inches, of which the tail measures at least half. The beak is as white as ivory, the membrane and naked circle of the eyes, as well as the feet and claws, greyish white; the front of the head of a beautiful orange, the back, the nape of the neck, and the throat, light yellow; the rest of the neck, the back, breast, belly, and sides, are green; the tail is green, and very wedge-shaped.
Observations. – A native of Guiana; this pretty parrot also breeds in Carolina, and sometimes even penetrates into Virginia in large flocks during the fruit season, making great ravages among the nuts, of which it only eats almonds, rejecting all others. It is frequently brought to Europe; and in Paris it is the species of parrot which costs the most. It is fed, says Buffon, on hemp seed; but it is better to add white bread soaked in water, or boiled milk which is not sour, wheat, Indian corn, and the like. Its cry is frequent; it is rather wicked, and does not speak; but it well makes up for this by its beauty, the elegance of its form, its graceful movements, and its strong and almost exclusive attachment to its mistress; it likes to hang by the beak, even while sleeping, and will let itself be carried thus every where without moving for a very long time.
Its size very little exceeds that of the sparrow. A beautiful light green is the predominant colour of its plumage; but the rump is blue, the large wing-coverts are the same; the small ones, again, are green. The beak, the membrane at the base, the circle of the eyes, and the feet, are often orange; it sometimes varies, however, to yellow, ash colour, and flesh colour.
Observations. – This species is as social and affectionate as the preceding, but much more rare and dear. It is a native of Brazil, and cannot speak. It must be fed on canary seed, millet, and hemp.
This pretty parrot, distinguished by its silvery grey colour, is about the size of a turtle-dove. Its ruffling the feathers of its head, particularly on the cheeks, added to the smallness and peculiar way in which it holds its bill, which is always buried in its breast, gives it somewhat the appearance of a small screech owl. Its length is ten inches, of which the wedge-shaped tail measures half. The beak is three-quarters of an inch in length, pearl grey, or whitish. The forehead, to about the middle of the top of the head, the cheeks, throat, breast, and half the belly are of a light silvery grey, with shades appearing like grey stripes; the upper part of the body and tail are of a brilliant siskin green.
Observations. – This species is very mild, speaks but little, and even seems to be of a melancholy turn. Its call, which is “keirshe,” is loud and sonorous. It is the same species which is mentioned in the Travels of Bougainville, by Pernetty. “We found it,” says he, “at Montevideo, where our sailors bought several at two piastres a-piece. These birds were very tame and harmless; they soon learnt to speak, and became so fond of the men that they were never easy when away from them.” The general opinion is, that they will not live more than a year and a half if kept in a cage; this prejudice is completely refuted by the bird from which this description is taken, and which may be seen in the collection of his Highness the Duke of Saxe Meiningen.
This species, which is rather common among us, is ten inches in length, of which the tail measures half, of which the folded wings cover one third; the forehead is scarlet, the top of the head a fine sky blue, paler at the back; the upper part of the body meadow green, the under lighter.
The forehead is orange, and the circle of the eye pale yellow may be peculiar to the female.
Observations. – This parrot is handsome, but does not speak. Although a native of South America, is not very delicate or difficult to preserve. The food as usual.
This species, which I have not found described by any author, may be seen in the collection belonging to his Highness the Duke of Saxe Meiningen. Its length is eleven inches and a half, of which the tail measures six. The beak, one inch in length. The forehead is deep red, a crescent of the same colour extends towards the upper part of the neck, ornamenting the top of the breast; the upper part of the body is leek green, becoming a little darker on the head. The under part of the body is light green, slightly tinted with red on the breast; the under part of the pen and tail feathers is dirty yellow.
Observations. – I do not know of what country this parrot is a native. It appears very lively, cries often and very loudly “goeur, goeur,” speaks prettily and distinctly, and appears very healthy. The bird from which the description is taken is certainly a proof that this species will attain a great age, for it is very old.
The size of this bird is that of a barn-door fowl, and its length seventeen inches. The beak is blackish, and the membrane at the base black; the iris is dark brown, the circle of the eye white. The whole of the plumage is white except the large quill-feathers and the exterior feathers of the tail, the inner beards of which are primrose-yellow to the centre.