Notes on the Bibliography of Yucatan and Central America. Adolph Francis Alphonse Bandelier. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Adolph Francis Alphonse Bandelier
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная классика
Год издания: 0
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Lizarraga. "Representacion al Rey pidiéndole la Conquista de Itzá y Lacandon, con unas Noticias y Mapa de dichas Tierras."

      Nicolás de Valenzuela. An account of the expedition against the Lacandones, written 1695, and comprising 402 pages.

      I would further call attention to the land titles, such as Deeds, Grants, donations, &c., &c., in Yucatan, some of which go back to the 17th century. These contain occasional references to the Indian settlements, some of which are certainly of great value and importance.

      Finally, I refer to some general works, treating of Yucatan:

      Samuel Purchas. "His Pilgrimage, &c., &c." London, 1613, 1614 and 1617. (This forms the 5th volume of Purchas' great works). – The great work of Purchas, also known as "Hackluytus Posthumous," appeared in 1625, and treats also of Yucatan.

      O. Dapper. "Die unbekannte neue Welt, oder Beschreibung des Welt-theils Amerikas, &c." Amsterdam, 1673. This is in fact but a translation of the following:

      Arias Montanus. "De Nieuvre en Onbekende Weereld: of Beschryving van America en t' Zuid Lande." Amsterdam, 1671.

      Mathias Quad. "Enchiridion Cosmographicum: Dass ist, Ein Handbüchlein, der gantzen Welt gelegenheit, &c." Cologne, 1604 and 1608.

      Joannes Petrus Maffei. "… historiarum Indicarum libri XVI., &c." Antwerp, 1605 – frequently reprinted and translated.

      Jacobus Viverus. (Van de Vijvere). "Handbook: of Cort begrijp der Caerten Ende Beschryvinghen van allen Landen des Werelds." Amsterdam, 1609. (This is the 2d edition of an anonymous atlas).

      Cornelius Wytflict et Anthoine Magin. "Histoire universelle des Indes occidentales et orientales," Douay, 1611.

      Gaspard Ens. "West und Ost-Indischer Lustgart.:…" Cologne, 1618.

      Aubertus Miraeus. "De statu religionés christianae…" Cologne, 1619.

      Athanasius Inga. "West-Indische Spiegel, &c." Amsterdam, 1624.

      Johann Philipp Abelin. (Gottfriedt). "Neue Welt und Americanische Historien." Francfort, a. m. 1655.

      A. O. Exquemelin. "De Amerikaensche Zee-Roovers." Amsterdam, 1678. (Innumerable translations, &c. &c).

      Eberhard Werner Happel. "Thesaurus Exoticorum." Hamburg, 1688. (Indifferent compilation).

      I do not include in this hasty bibliographical list any linguistical works whatever, – or writings on the plants and medicinal herbs of Spanish-America. Purposely I omit also Antonio de Solis, whose history of the conquest of Mexico has a great literary, but hardly any scientific, value.

Writers of the Eighteenth Century

      Juan de Villagutierre Y Sotomayor. "Historia de la Conquista y Reducciones de los Itzaes y Lacandones en la América Septentrional." Madrid, 1701. The first part only, composed of 10 books, – the second part may not have been completed, – at least it has remained unknown till now. The work is of the highest importance, especially for that part of Yucatan which has since hardly been explored.

      Abbate Francesco Saverio Clavigero. S. J. "Storia antica del Messico." Cesena, 1780, 1781. Spanish translations: London, 1826; México, 1844, id. 1853. English translation: London, 1787. German version: Leipzig, 1789. (The English copy by Sir Charles Cullen), – all these works mention Yucatan also.

      Antonio de Alcedo. "Diccionario geográfico-histórico de las Indias Occidentales ó América…" Madrid, 1786-1789. 5 vols. 4o. – English translation by G. A. Thompson. London, 1812-15.

      Joseph Antonio de Villa-señor y Sanchez. "Teatro Americano." México, 1746. – Of indirect value for Yucatan. (2 vols. folio).

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