Mr. Spencer suggests an inquiry whether the greater powers possessed by eminent musicians were not mainly due to the inherited effect of the musical practice of their fathers (p. 19). But these great musicians inherited far more than their parents possessed. The excess of their powers beyond their parents' must surely be attributed to spontaneous variation; and who shall say that the rest was in any way due to use-inheritance? If, too, the superiority of geniuses proves use-inheritance, why should not the inferiority of the sons of geniuses prove the existence of a tendency which is the exact opposite of use-inheritance? But nobody collects facts concerning the degenerate branches of musical families. Only the favourably varying branches are noticed, and a general impression of rapid evolution of talent is thus produced. Such cases might be explained, too, by the facts that musical faculty is strong in both sexes, that musical families associate together, and that the more gifted members may intermarry. Great musicians are often astonishingly precocious. Meyerbeer "played brilliantly" at the age of six. Mozart played beautifully at four. Are we to suppose that the effect of the adult practice of parents was inherited at this early age? If use-inheritance was not necessary in the case of Handel, whose father was a surgeon, why is it needed to account for Bach?
The "direct proofs" of use-inheritance are not as plentiful as might be desired, it appears (pp. 24-28). This acknowledged "lack of recognized evidence" is indeed the weakest feature in the case, though Mr. Spencer would fain attribute this lack of direct proof to insufficient investigation and to the inconspicuous nature of the inheritance of the modification. But there is an almost endless abundance of conspicuous examples of the effects of use and disuse in the individual. How is it that the subsequent inheritance of these effects has not been more satisfactorily observed and investigated? Horse-breeders and others could profit by such a tendency, and one cannot help suspecting that the reason they ignore it must be its practical inefficacy, arising probably from its weakness, its obscurity and uncertainty or its non-existence.
Brown-Séquard's discovery that an epileptic tendency artificially produced by mutilating the nervous system of a guinea-pig is occasionally inherited may be a fact of "considerable weight," or on the other hand it may be entirely irrelevant. Cases of this kind strike one as peculiar exceptions rather than as examples of a general rule or law. They seem to show that certain morbid conditions may occasionally affect both the individual and the reproductive elements or transmissible type in a similar manner; but then we also know that such prompt and complete transmission of an artificial modification is widely different from the usual rule. Exceptional cases require exceptional explanations, and are scarcely good examples of the effect of a general tendency which in almost all other cases is so inconspicuous in its immediate effects. Further remarks on this inherited epilepsy can be most conveniently introduced later on in connection with Darwin's explanation of the inherited mutilation which it usually accompanies, but which Mr. Spencer does not mention.
Mr. Spencer infers that, because insanity is usually hereditary, and insanity can be artificially produced by various excesses, therefore this artificially-produced insanity must also be hereditary (p. 28). Direct evidence of this conclusion would be better than a mere inference which may beg the very question at issue. That the liability to insanity commonly runs in families is no proof that strictly non-inherited insanity will subsequently become hereditary. I think that theories should be based on facts rather than facts on theories, especially when those facts are to be the basis or proof of a further theory.
Mr. Spencer also points out that he finds among physicians "the belief that nervous disorders of a less severe kind are inheritable" – a general belief which does not necessarily include the transmission of purely artificially-produced disorders, and so misses the point which is really at issue. He proceeds, however, to state more definitely that "men who have prostrated their nervous systems by prolonged overwork or in some other way, have children more or less prone to nervousness." The following observations will, I think, warrant at least a suspension of judgment concerning this particular form of use-inheritance.
(1) The nervousness is seen in the children at an early age, although the nervous prostration from which it is supposed to be derived obviously occurs in the parent at a much later period of life. This change in time is contrary to the rule of inheritance at corresponding periods; and, together with the unusual promptness and comparative completeness of the inheritance, it may indicate a special injury or deterioration of the reproductive elements rather than true inheritance. The healthy brain of early life has failed to transmit its robust condition. Is use-inheritance, then, only effective for evil? Does it only transfer the newly-acquired weakness, and not the previous long-continued vigour?
(2) Members of nervous families would be liable to suffer from nervous prostration, and by the ordinary law of heredity alone would transmit nervousness to their children.
(3) The shattered nerves or insanity resulting from alcoholic and other excesses, or from overwork or trouble, are evidently signs of a grave constitutional injury which may react upon the reproductive elements nourished and developed in that ruined constitution. The deterioration in parent and child may often display itself in the same organs – those probably which are hereditarily weakest. Acquired diseases or disorders thus appear to be transmitted, when all that was conveyed to the offspring was the exciting cause of a lowered vitality or disordered action, together with the ancestral liability to such diseases under such conditions.
(4) Francis Galton says that "it is hard to find evidence of the power of the personal structure to react upon the sexual elements, that is not open to serious objection." Some of the cases of apparent inheritance he regards as coincidence of effect. Thus "the fact that a drunkard will often have imbecile children, although his offspring previous to his taking to drink were healthy," is an "instance of simultaneous action," and not of true inheritance. "The alcohol pervades his tissues, and, of course, affects the germinal matter in the sexual elements as much as it does that in his own structural cells, which have led to an alteration in the quality of his own nerves. Exactly the same must occur in the case of many constitutional diseases that have been acquired by long-continued irregular habits."13
Mr. Spencer finds it hard to believe that the modifications conveyed to offspring are not identical in tendency with the changes effected in the parent by altered use or habit (pp. 23-25, 34). But it is perfectly certain that the two sets of effects do not necessarily correspond. The effect of changed habits or conditions on the individual is often very far from coinciding with the effects on the reproductive elements or the transmissible type. The reproductive system is "extremely sensitive" to very slight changes, and is often powerfully affected by circumstances which otherwise have little effect on the individual (Origin of Species, p. 7). Various animals and plants become sterile when domesticated or supplied with too much nourishment. The native Tasmanians have already become extinct from sterility caused by greatly changed diet and habits. If, as Mr. Spencer teaches, continued culture and brain-work will in time produce lessened fertility or comparative sterility, we may yet have to be careful that intellectual development does not become a species of suicide, and that the culture of the race does not mean its extinction – or at least the extinction of those most susceptible of culture.
The reproductive elements are also disturbed and modified in innumerable minor ways. Changed conditions or habits tend to produce a general "plasticity" of type, the "indefinite variability" thus caused being apparently irrelevant to the change, if any, in the individual.14 A vast number of variations of structure have certainly arisen independently of similar parental modification as the preliminary. Whatever first caused these "spontaneous" congenital variations affected the reproductive elements quite differently from the individual. "When a new peculiarity first appears we can never predict whether it will be inherited." Many varieties of plants only keep true from shoots, and not from seed, which is by no means acted on in the same way as the individual plant.