The Alden Catalogue of Choice Books, May 30, 1889. John Alden. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: John Alden
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная классика
Год издания: 0
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A Novel. By J. Douglas. 12mo, cloth, 60c. (15c)

      Drake. The Indians of North America. By S. G. Drake. 800 pp., 8vo, cloth, $1.25 (40c)

      Drisler. Seven Infelicities and One Felicity. A Humorous Story. By Mary Drisler. Paper, 5c.

      Drummond’s Natural Law

      Drummond: Natural Law in the Spiritual World. New Edition, cloth, 12mo, 50c. (15c)

      – The same. Cheap Edition, cloth, 30c. (9c)

      George Eliot’s Works

      *Eliot. George Eliot’s Complete Works, popular edition, eight vols., 12mo, cl. $3.75 (60c)

      – *Eliot, George, complete works, a fine library edition, in 8 vols., large 12mo, elegantly bound in half Russia, $5.75 ($1.00)

      – Eliot, George, Works of. Small octavo edition, cloth, gilt top. Per vol. 60c. (10c); 1. Felix Holt, and Poems; 2. Adam Bede.

      – Essays and Leaves from a Note Book. Caxton ed. 40c. (15c)

      Eliot, George: Silas Marner. Small Pica type, small quarto, paper 10c. (4c); cloth, 25c. (7c)

      – Romola. 12mo, cloth, 35c. (7c)

      Elzevir Classics. Type always large. Each vol. complete in itself. Vol. I. See Classic Poems.

      Vol. II. 342 pages. Cloth, 35c. (12c) Contents: By Washington Irving, Rip Van Winkle. The Spectre Bridegroom. By Canon F. W. Farrar, The Burning of Rome. By Andrew Wilson, The Sea Serpents of Science. By James Parton, Sir Isaac Newton. By W. Mattieu Williams, World-Smashing, Meteoric Astronomy, Lunar Volcanoes. By Frank H. Norton, Paul Gustave Dore. By Bertha Thomas, Richard Wagner. By Dean Swift, The Battle of the Books. By Orpheus C. Kerr, “Puts” and “Calls,” At Easter, Hygeia in the South, The “Last” Man-Epithalamium, In Lent, A Fable of Finance, Condensed Tragedies, A Stoop to Conquer, Squibs for “The Fourth,” Beauty and Booty. By S. Baring-Gould, Legend of the Wandering Jew. By J. H. Merle D’Aubigne, Erasmus and Henry VIII. From Blackwood’s Magazine, James Ferguson, “Astronomer.”

      Vol. III. Contains 330 pages. Cloth, 35c. (12c) Contents: By George Rawlinson. The Civilizations of Asia. By John Caird, Buddhism. By Charles Kingsley. The Celtic Hermits. By Cunningham Geikie, The Crucifixion. By Frederick W. Farrar, Seneca and St. Paul. By Conybeare and Howson, A Half Hour with St. Paul. By Franz Delitzsch, Jesus and Hillel. By F. Godet, The Four Chief Apostles. By Mrs. Müller, Life of George Müller.

      Vol. IV. Contains 363 pages. Cloth, 35c. (12c) Contents: By Herbert Spencer, The Coming Slavery, Philosophy of Style. By Matthew Arnold. Numbers, Emerson. By George William Curtis, Wendell Phillips. By Wendell Phillips, The War for the Union. By Robert Giffen, Progress of the Working Classes. By T. H. Huxley, Evidences of Evolution. By John Tyndall, Count Rumford. By Edward Orton, Public Health.

      Emerson and Epictetus

      Emerson. Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Popular Works. Nature and Other Essays. Ideal Edition, cloth, 30c. (8c); half Morocco, 40c. (15c) Essays, First Series. Ideal Edition, cloth, 30c. (8c); half Morocco, 40c. (15c) Essays, Second Series. Ideal Edition, cloth. 30c. (8c) Essays complete in one vol., half Morocco, 75c. (25c) New England Reformers, and Divinity College Address, Ideal Edition, cloth, 35c. (12c)

      Emerson’s Essays, First Series. Small octavo, Pica type, printed on fine, large paper, giving wide margins, and elegantly bound in half Morocco, marbled edges. Price 75c. (25c)

      English Men of Letters. Each vol. is complete in itself. Vols. I., II., and III. are all sold. IV. Aldus edition half Rus., gilt top, contains: Chaucer, by Ward; Spenser, by Church; Cowper, by Goldwin Smith; Southey, by Dowden: Milton, by Pattison, 40c. (15c) V. Acme edition, contains: De Foe, by Minton; Johnson, by Leslie Stephen; Scott, by Hutton; Thackeray, by Trollope; Goldsmith, by Black. Price 30c. (7c)

      Epictetus, The Teachings of, translated with notes. Ideal edition. 210 pp., cloth, 30c. (10c)

      Famous Warriors. Life of Hannibal, by Thomas Arnold of Rugby; Life of Cæsar, by H. G. Liddell. Life of Cromwell, by Lamartine. Ideal Edition, cloth. 35c. (10c)

      *Farmer’s Barn Book. By Clater, Youatt, Skinner and Mills. A Treatise on the Management of Live Stock in Health and Disease. 12mo, cloth, $1.25 reduced to 80c. (15c)

      Farrar, Florian, Fouque

      Farrar. Seekers after God. By Canon Farrar. Long Primer type, leaded. 12mo, cloth, 40c. (15c)

      – Lectures, Addresses and Essays. By Canon Farrar. Ideal Ed., clo. 40c. (17c)

      Florian’s Fables. Translated into English verse by Gen. J. W. Phelps. With numerous very fine illustrations by J. J. Grandville. Cloth, gilt edges, price $1.15 (40c)

      Fouque, Baron De La Motte: Undine Ideal Edition, cloth, 25c. (7c)

      Franklin Literary Nuggets

      Franklin Literary Nuggets, The. Size 4½ x 6 inches, about 200 pages each. Fine cloth binding, gilt tops. Per volume, 30c. (8c)

      1. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin.

      2. The Castle of Otranto. By Horace Walpole.

      3. My Ten Years’ Imprisonment. By Silvio Pellico.

      4. Lessing’s Nathan the Wise.

      5 and 6. White’s Natural History of Selborne, 2 vols.

      7. Izaak Walton’s Complete Angler.

      8. Addison and Steele’s Sir Roger de Coverley.

      9. Herodotus’ Egypt and Scythia.

      10. Marco Polo’s Voyages and Travels.

      11. Sir Thomas Brown’s Religio Medici.

      Froissart, Frost, and Froude

      *Froissart’s Chronicles. Chronicles of England, France, Spain, and the adjoining countries. By Sir John Froissart. Prefaced by a Life of the author and an Introductory Essay by John Lord. Imperial octavo, 650 pages; 115 illustrations. Cloth. $1.50 (35c)

      Frost: Cyclopedia of Eminent Christians. 8vo. 672 pages. Small Pica type, cloth, 75c. (25c)

      Froude, Jas. A.: Historical and Critical Essays. Ideal Ed. cloth. 50c. (15c)

      – History of the Knights Templars. Ideal Edition, cloth, 25c. (8c)

      Dr. Geikie’s Popular Books

      Geikie. The Holy Land and the Bible. A Book of Scripture Illustrations gathered in Palestine. By Cunningham Geikie, D.D. Beautifully printed from Small Pica type, with a map and over 200 fine illustrations, from drawings by the celebrated American artists, Harry Fenn and J. D. Woodward. In 2 vols, small quarto, cloth. $2.00 (65c); elegantly bound in half Morocco. $2-75 ($1.00)

      – Hours with the Bible. By Cunningham Geikie, D.D. In 6 vols., 12mo, illustrated. I. Creation to Patriarchs: II. Moses to Judges: III. Samson to Solomon: IV. Rehoboam to Hezekiah: V. Manasseh to Zedekiah: VI. Exile to Malachi. Per vol. cloth. 50c. (20c); half Mco., 65c. (25c); per set, cloth. $2.75 (90c); half Morocco. $3.50