A Boy Trooper With Sheridan. Allen Stanton P.. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Allen Stanton P.
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Зарубежная классика
Год издания: 0
isbn: http://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/45024
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had gathered to witness our departure. How the boys shouted!

      “Hi, Johnny, it’s better’n a circus!”

      “Guess ‘tis – they don’t fall off in a circus; they just make b’lief.”

      “Well, these fellows stick tight for new hands.”

      It was fun for the boys – the spectators – but just where the laugh came in the recruits failed to discover. I was told that the governor – or somebody – gave us his blessing as we rode by the reviewing officer, but I have no personal knowledge on the subject.

      After we had put our horses on board we waited a few minutes before entering the cars while the other companies were boarding the train. There was a chain of sentinels around us, and Mrs. Waterman was outside the line. She caught sight of us as we stood there, and she advanced toward us.

      “Halt – you can’t go through here!” commanded one of the sentinels.

      “I must go through.”

      “But my orders – ”

      “I don’t care; my boys are there, and I’m going to speak to them again.”

      She came through and gave us her parting blessing once more.

      “Boys, I’ll pray God to keep you and bring you both back to your mothers – God bless you; good-by.” The mother’s prayers were answered. Her son and his tentmate were spared to return at the close of the war.

      There was a scramble to secure seats when orders were given to board the cars. Good-bys were said. Mothers, wives and sweethearts were there, and with many it was the last farewell. The whistle blew, the bells rang, the band played, the troops remaining at Camp Meigs cheered and we cheered back. The train moved away from the station, and we were off for the front.

      I never saw Governor Andrew again, but I recall his appearance as he reviewed our company in the barracks very distinctly. I observed that while inspecting officers paid more attention to the arms and accoutrements of the men the governor was particular in looking into the faces of the recruits, to satisfy himself, no doubt, that they could be trusted to uphold the honor of the State when the tug of war should come. John A. Andrew was one of the “war governors” whose loyal support of President Lincoln’s emancipation programme held the Northern States in line when the time came for the President to issue the proclamation that freed the slaves of the States in rebellion against the Government.

      The proclamation was promulgated September 22, 1862, a few days after the battle of Antietam. It is on record that Lincoln had made the draft of the document in July, and had held it, waiting for a Union victory, that he might give it to the country at the same time that a decisive defeat of the rebels was announced. The second battle of Bull Run came, and Pope’s shattered army retreated into the works around the national capital. Lee, with his victorious followers, crossed the Potomac into Maryland. The Confederate chief hoped to rally the disloyal element in that State and along the border under the rebel flag. It began to look as though the victory Lincoln was waiting for would never come. It was one of the darkest hours of the conflict. What would have been the effect of issuing the Emancipation Proclamation at that time? The rebels had invaded the North! The Union army had been defeated – everything seemed to be going to destruction!

      Lincoln is credited with saying in respect of the rebels crossing the Potomac just before the battle of Antietam:

      “I made a solemn vow before God, that if General Lee were driven back from Maryland, I would crown the result by a declaration of freedom to the slaves.”

      September 24, 1862, two days after the proclamation was issued, Governor Andrew, with the governors of other loyal States, at a meeting at Altoona, Penn., adopted an address to the President that must have set at rest any doubts the chief magistrate may have had that his policy was the policy of the loyal people of the North. The document was inspired and executed by patriots in whom the citizens of the loyal States reposed unbounded confidence. They declared:

      “We hail with heartfelt gratitude and encouraged hope the proclamation of the President, issued on the 22d inst., declaring emancipated from their bondage all persons held to service or labor as slaves in rebel States where rebellion shall last until the first day of January ensuing.

      “Cordially tendering to the President our respectful assurances of personal and official confidence, we trust and believe that the policy now inaugurated will be crowned with success, will give speedy and triumphant victories over our enemies, and secure to this nation and this people the blessing and favor of Almighty God. We believe that the blood of the heroes who have already fallen and those who may yet give up their lives to their country will not have been shed in vain.

      “And now presenting to our chief magistrate this conclusion of our deliberations, we devote ourselves to our country’s service, and we will surround the President in our constant support, trusting that the fidelity and zeal of the loyal States and people will always assure him that he will be constantly maintained in pursuing with vigor this war for the preservation of the national life and hopes of humanity.”


      Arrival at Warrenton – Locating a Camp – Dog Tents – Building Winter Quarters – On Picket – A Stand-off with the Rebels – A Fatal Post – Alarm at Midnight – Bugle Calls – The Soldier’s Sabbath – The Articles of War and the Death Penalty.

      IT rained the day the third battalion of the First Massachusetts cavalry arrived at Warrenton, Va., and it rained for three days, almost without a let-up, after we, reached our destination.

      Recruits always received a hearty welcome at the front – the less the old soldiers had to do in the way of picket duty, the better they liked it. The recruits were – at first – ready to do all the duty, and the veterans were willing to let the new arrivals have their own way along this line. But after a few weeks of wear and tear at the front, the raw recruits could generally give the old soldiers points on dodging duty and feigning sickness, so as to have “excused from picket,” or “light duty” marked opposite their names on the sick book. These peculiarities of soldier-life were characteristic of camp and winter quarters. As a rule, when the troops were brought face to face with the “business of the campaign,” there was a sort of freemasonry among them. Then the veteran was ready to share his last cracker with the recruit, and they drank from the same canteen. An engagement with the enemy was sure to place all who stood shoulder to shoulder on a level. In the jaws of death, with comrades dropping on every hand, all were “boys,” and all were soldiers – comrades.

      Our first night’s experience at Warrenton was not calculated to inspire us with love for the place. When we arrived we were drawn up in line in front of headquarters.

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