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cautiously out of the subway into the blinding light, they were convinced that the light does not blind eyes through the tape. Bakhtiar moving first, followed by Aelita, then Sasha with Oleg and others. Standing dead silence. There were only heard their steps and the terrible silence of the wilderness. If they were stuck in a frozen time and space. Everyone was terrified.

      The buildings were all intact, only without the glasses. The cars were scattered everywhere, as though someone scattered them with the huge hand. There were no corpses. No one. Dead city. Gray leafless trees were standing, greenery was not anywhere.

      Oleg said:

      – Maybe try to start the car?

      Approaching the car, they saw that it had opened the tank. There wasn’t petrol. After checking dozens more cars, they found that all vehicles carefully drained of petrol. It means that someone was living upstairs? It means people still survived? All were delighted.

      Bakhtiar said:

      – There are live! We are not alone.

      All immediately forgot about the bunker, decided to look for people.

      – It is necessary to climb up to the roof and write on it, that we are in the Underground, – said Sasha.

      They began to look for, something to write. Went to the supermarket. Everyone mood has risen. There were people abovep, and therefore, all saved. Finding paint, Oleg and Sasha went to the roof.

      Bakhtiar said:

      – It is necessary to stock up on water and food. Take all lung to go light.

      Started to collect water, chocolates, cereals, potato chips. Everything was sealed in packages. On the street there was a noise resembling the roar of jet aircraft. Sultan ran out shouting that it’s people. Everybody followed him. Sultan ran into the street first. Above his head was formed some kind of cloud, and he instantly started to disintegrate into pieces. Initially, dropped his head, then hands, torso, legs. Roman, unable to stop, ran up to him, and also began to disintegrate. Bakhtiar silently pointed with his hand that it is necessary run deep into the store. Taking Aelita’s shoulders, he shook her, but she was standing in a daze. Then he picked her up and ran. All silently ran behind them. Run into some Office and closed. Aelita started to cry.

      Suddenly over the loudspeaker, they heard the Oleg’s voice:

      – Guys, come out. They will save us.

      Timur wanted to open the door, but Bakhtiar did not let him do it.

      – It’s Oleg – Timur said.

      – Wait, here’s something unclean, – said Bakhtiar.

      They heard Sasha’s voice very close:

      – Guys, run away from here.

      Opening the door, they saw Sasha. He crawled, and he had no legs. Dragged him into the room, they tried to stop the bleeding. The suit was torn. His thighs were visible, which bubbled as if they been poured with acid.

      – What happened? – Bakhtiar asked.

      Sasha ripped off a gas mask with the face and quickly began to speak:

      – When Oleg began to paint, I walked away. There were satellite dishes on the roof. I know something about them and wanted to take one small dish, so to transmit signals through it in the subway. And then I heard the noise and saw the cloud, it moved inside as a living, and It has taken different shapes. It could stop abruptly, could fly very quickly. The cloud stopped on Oleg and Oleg became destroyed piecemeal. I didn’t even have time to say anything, and cloud had flown. I ran up to Oleg, fell to his knees and began to collect him. I do not understand anything, I did not believe my eyes. And then I felt under my feet thrust some red-hot iron stick and cut off my legs. It happened very quickly. Turning around, I saw that it was some kind of huge worm, it was like a huge earthworm. I don’t know what it was. It pounced on my feet and was eating them. I started to crawl. Guys, there is no living people, they could not survive. Something terrible is happening, run back to the subway, or you will all die.

      – It is necessary to carry Sasha back. In the subway there nurse, Victor, he will think up something to cure you. We have tie your legs to stop the blood, – said Nurlan.

      – Look at me, I’ll be dead soon. Don’t waste your time on me, run as soon as possible. Don’t you see that I am infected? My skin bubbling, I’m dying. Run away! – Sasha croaked.

      It was obvious that Sasha barely talking and grits his teeth to keep from crying out from pain. Suddenly he grabbed Yerlan’s arm and started earnestly whisper:

      – Kill me! My bones are burned from the inside, it is unbearable to endure. Please have pity on me.

      Nobody wanted to do that, in spite of his anguish.

      Sasha croaked:

      – Have pity. Be human.

      Peter came to him and cut his throat in one motion. All stood speechless. Peter shut his eyes and recited the prayer “our father”.

      Nobody knew what to do: search for bunker or search for people.

      Nurlan said:

      – Guys, who then shouted with Oleg’s voice? What is going on? There are live or not? And what is that giant worm? Where are the corpses?

      – And what kind of cloud? Guys, something is going wrong! -Timur said.

      – We need to calm down and think logically, – said Bakhtiar.

      – We need to collect the products that are packed, water and medicine and take to the subway, -said Aelita.

      Peter said:

      – I agree with Aelita. First of all, we need to carry the products into the subway. It is not known whether we will find people, bunker and return back at all?

      – Well, then. Everyone takes themselves trolley and collects itself into the trolley food and water. So the more we can carry. First make sure that at the trolley wheels do not squeak, in order not to attract attention. Timur, you find large bags and go to the pharmacy department and raking all medicines to the bag. Any medication will be useful for us. Each acts as quiet as possible. Do everything quietly, quickly and in an orderly manner, Yerlan said.

      All came out of the room and began to collect supplies. Did everything in silence. Timur found large bags and walked into the Pharmacy Department. When he has reached the Department, he suddenly saw in front of a girl.

      – Over here! – He shouted.

      Before him stood a bald girl with a huge swollen head. She stood facing him and somehow strangely smiling.

      – What is your name? – asked Timur, departing from her slightly away.

      – Olesya, she said. And behind her came a man’s voice. The voice said:

      – But I am a worm.

      There was nobody next to her. Guys ran up.

      Timur asked:

      – Where is a worm?

      – I’m behind, – said a male voice.

      Timur carefully sidestepped Olesya and started looking around. There was no one. Turning, he saw that in a nightmare could not have dreamed.

      Olesya was a huge swollen head, which seemed about to explode. It throbbed, and inside through the gray skin in the head could be seen moving long worms. In front was a great girl’s face, and behind it was a terrible great face covered with many small rotting eyes all over his face, a rotting mouth from which something dripping. The creature had no nose.

      Head said:

      – My name is Worm.

      Timur cried. All bypassed Olesya and gaped at the worm.

      – Mother of God, what is this crap? – Valera said.
