Criminal Code Act. Australia. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Australia
Издательство: Проспект
Жанр произведения: Юриспруденция, право
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785392081615
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country or a foreign organisation, or to a person acting on behalf of such a country or organisation.

      Penalty: Imprisonment for 25 years.

      (3) A person commits an offence if:

      (a) the person makes, obtains or copies a record (in any form) of:

      (i) information concerning the Commonwealth’s security or defence; or

      (ii) information concerning the security or defence of another country, being information that the person acquired (whether directly or indirectly) from the Commonwealth; and

      (b) the person does so:

      (i) intending that the record will, or may, be delivered to another country or a foreign organisation, or to a person acting on behalf of such a country or organisation; and

      (ii) intending to prejudice the Commonwealth’s security or defence.

      Penalty: Imprisonment for 25 years.

      (4) A person commits an offence if:

      (a) the person makes, obtains or copies a record (in any form) of:

      (i) information concerning the Commonwealth’s security or defence; or

      (ii) information concerning the security or defence of another country, being information that the person acquired (whether directly or indirectly) from the Commonwealth; and

      (b) the person does so:

      (i) without lawful authority; and

      (ii) intending that the record will, or may, be delivered to another country or a foreign organisation, or to a person acting on behalf of such a country or organisation; and

      (iii) intending to give an advantage to another country’s security or defence.

      Penalty: Imprisonment for 25 years.

      (5) For the purposes of subparagraphs (3)(b)(i) and (4)(b)(ii), the person concerned does not need to have a particular country, foreign organisation or person in mind at the time when the person makes, obtains or copies the record.

      (6) A person charged with an offence under this section may only be remanded on bail by a judge of the Supreme Court of a State or Territory. This subsection has effect despite anything in section 93.1.

      Note: Section 93.1 deals with how a prosecution is instituted.

      (7) Section 15.4 of the Criminal Code (extended geographical jurisdiction — category D) applies to offences under this section.

      91.2 Defence — information lawfully available

      (1) It is a defence to a prosecution of an offence against subsection 91.1(1) or (2) that the information the person communicates or makes available is information that has already been communicated or made available to the public with the authority of the Commonwealth.

      (2) It is a defence to a prosecution of an offence against subsection 91.1(3) or (4) that the record of information the person makes, obtains or copies is a record of information that has already been communicated or made available to the public with the authority of the Commonwealth.

      Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matters in subsections (1) and (2). See subsection 13.3(3).

      Division 93

      Prosecutions and hearings

      93.1 Institution of prosecution

      (1) A prosecution under this Part may be instituted only by, or with the consent of, the Attorney-General or a person acting under the Attorney-General’s direction.

      (2) However:

      (a) a person charged with an offence against this Part may be arrested, or a warrant for his or her arrest may be issued and executed; and

      (b) such a person may be remanded in custody or on bail;

      even if the consent of the Attorney-General or a person acting under his or her direction has not been obtained, but no further proceedings are to be taken until that consent has been obtained.

      (3) Nothing in this section prevents the discharging of the accused if proceedings are not continued within a reasonable time.

      93.2 Hearing in camera etc.

      (1) This section applies to a hearing of an application or other proceedings before a federal court, a court exercising federal jurisdiction or a court of a Territory, whether under this Act or otherwise.

      (2) At any time before or during the hearing, the judge or magistrate, or other person presiding or competent to preside over the proceedings, may, if satisfied that it is in the interest of the security or defence of the Commonwealth:

      (a) order that some or all of the members of the public be excluded during the whole or a part of the hearing; or

      (b) order that no report of the whole or a specified part of, or relating to, the application or proceedings be published; or

      (c) make such order and give such directions as he or she thinks necessary for ensuring that no person, without the approval of the court, has access (whether before, during or after the hearing) to any affidavit, exhibit, information or other document used in the application or the proceedings that is on the file in the court or in the records of the court.

      (3) A person commits an offence if the person contravenes an order made or direction given under this section.

      Penalty: Imprisonment for 5 years.

      Division 94


      94.1 Forfeiture of articles etc.

      A sketch, article, record or document which is made, obtained, recorded, retained, forged, possessed or otherwise dealt with in contravention of this Part is forfeited to the Commonwealth.

      Part 5.3


      Division 100


      100.1 Definitions

      (1) In this Part:

      AFP member means:

      (a) a member of the Australian Federal Police (within the meaning of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979); or

      (b) a special member of the Australian Federal Police (within the meaning of that Act).

      Commonwealth place has the same meaning as in the Commonwealth Places (Application of Laws) Act 1970.

      confirmed control order means an order made under section 104.16.

      constitutional corporation means a corporation to which paragraph 51(xx) of the Constitution applies.

      continued preventative detention order means an order made under section 105.12.

      control order means an interim control order or a confirmed control order.

      corresponding State preventative detention law means a law of a State or Territory that is, or particular provisions of a law of a State or Territory that are, declared by the regulations to correspond to Division 105 of this Act.

      express amendment of the provisions of this Part or Chapter 2 means the direct amendment of the provisions (whether by the insertion, omission, repeal, substitution or relocation of words or matter).

      frisk search means:

      (a) a search of a person conducted by quickly running the hands over the person’s outer garments; and

      (b) an examination of anything worn or