Criminal Code Act. Australia. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Australia
Издательство: Проспект
Жанр произведения: Юриспруденция, право
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785392081615
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      Section 15.2 (extended geographical jurisdiction — category B) applies to each offence against this Subdivision.

      72.32 Saving of other laws

      This Subdivision is not intended to exclude or limit the operation of any other law of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory.

      72.33 Marking requirements

      (1) This section sets out the 2 marking requirements for a plastic explosive.

      Concentration of detection agent at time of manufacture

      (2) The first marking requirement is that, at the time of the manufacture of the plastic explosive, all of the following conditions were satisfied:

      (a) the plastic explosive contained a detection agent;

      (b) the concentration of the detection agent in the plastic explosive was not less than the minimum manufacture concentration for the detection agent;

      (c) the detection agent was homogenously distributed throughout the plastic explosive.

      Note: For minimum manufacture concentration, see section 72.34.


      (3) The second marking requirement is that less than 10 years have elapsed since the manufacture of the plastic explosive.


      (4) In determining whether a plastic explosive manufactured before the commencement of this section breached the first marking requirement, assume that this section and sections 72.34 and 72.36 had been in force at the time of manufacture.

      72.34 Detection agents and minimum manufacture concentrations

      For the purposes of this Subdivision, the following table defines:

      (a) detection agent; and

      (b) the minimum manufacture concentration for each detection agent.

      Detection agents and minimum manufacture concentrations Item Detection agent Minimum manufacture concentration 1 Ethylene glycol dinitrate (EGDN)

      (molecular formula: C2H4(NO3)2)

      (molecular weight: 152) 0.2 % by mass 2 2,3-Dimethyl-2,3-dinitrobutane (DMNB)

      (molecular formula: C6H12(NO2)2)

      (molecular weight: 176) 1 % by mass 3 para-Mononitrotoluene (p-MNT)

      (molecular formula: C7H7NO2)

      (molecular weight: 137) 0.5 % by mass 4 a substance prescribed for the purposes of this table item the concentration prescribed for the purposes of this table item in relation to the substance

      72.35 Presumption as to concentration of detection agent

      (1) This section applies in relation to a prosecution for an offence against this Subdivision.

      (2) If no detection agent can be detected in a sample of a plastic explosive when tested using:

      (a) a method generally accepted in the scientific community as a reliable means of measuring the concentration of detection agents in plastic explosives; or

      (b) a method prescribed for the purposes of this paragraph;

      it is presumed, unless the contrary is proved, that the plastic explosive breaches the first marking requirement.

      Note: A defendant bears a legal burden in relation to proving the contrary (see section 13.4).

      72.36 Definitions

      In this Subdivision:

      Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives means:

      (a) the Convention on the Marking of Plastic Explosives for the Purpose of Detection, done at Montreal on 1 March 1991; or

      (b) if:

      (i) the Convention is amended; and

      (ii) the amendment binds Australia;

      the Convention as so amended.

      Note: In 2006, the text of the Convention was accessible through the Australian Treaties Library on the AustLII website (

      Department of Defence means the Department that deals with matters relating to defence.

      detection agent has the meaning given by section 72.34.

      explosive device includes the following:

      (a) a bomb;

      (b) a grenade;

      (c) a mine;

      (d) a missile;

      (e) a perforator;

      (f) a projectile;

      (g) a rocket;

      (h) a shaped charge;

      (i) a shell.

      export includes take from Australia.

      first marking requirement has the meaning given by subsection 72.33(2).

      high explosive means an explosive with a velocity of detonation that is greater than the velocity of sound in the explosive (typically greater than 340 metres per second), and includes the following:

      (a) cyclotetramethylenetetranitramine (HMX);

      (b) pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN);

      (c) cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine (RDX).

      import includes bring into Australia.

      manufacture a substance means any process by which a substance is produced, and includes the following:

      (a) the process of transforming a substance into a different substance;

      (b) the reprocessing of a substance.

      marking requirement has the meaning given by section 72.33.

      minimum manufacture concentration has the meaning given by section 72.34.

      Minister for Defence means the Minister administering the Defence Act 1903.

      plastic explosive means an explosive product (including an explosive product in flexible or elastic sheet form) that is:

      (a) formulated with:

      (i) one or more high explosives which in their pure form have a vapour pressure less than 10¯4 Pa at a temperature of 25 °C; and

      (ii) a binder material; and

      (b) as a mixture, malleable or flexible at normal room temperature.

      possess a substance includes the following:

      (a) receive or obtain possession of the substance;

      (b) have control over the disposition of the substance (whether or not the substance is in the custody of the person);

      (c) have joint possession of the substance.

      responsible Minister means:

      (a) the Minister; or

      (b) the Minister for Defence.

      second marking requirement has the meaning given by subsection 72.33(3).

      traffic in a substance means:

      (a) transfer the substance; or

      (b) offer the substance for sale; or

      (c) invite the making of offers to buy the substance; or
