Crimes Act. Australia. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Australia
Издательство: Проспект
Жанр произведения: Юриспруденция, право
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785392086412
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If a law of a State or Territory requires or permits a court or a court officer to:

      (a) refer a matter to a person or organisation; or

      (b) notify a person or organisation; or

      (c) provide information to a person or organisation;

      in relation to the enforcement or recovery of a fine imposed by the court, the law applies under subsection (1) in relation to a federal court in the same way as it applies to a court of the State or Territory.

      (1A) Where there is a law of a State or Territory with respect to the enforcement or recovery of fines ordered to be paid by offenders (including a law described in subsection (1AA)) that applies in relation to fines ordered to be paid by offenders convicted by courts of summary jurisdiction:

      (a) subsection (1) operates to require that law to apply and be applied to persons who are convicted summarily of federal offences by a federal court in the same manner as that law would apply and be applied if the federal court were a court of summary jurisdiction; and

      (b) that subsection does not operate in relation to any law of that State or Territory that applies in relation to fines ordered to be paid by offenders convicted by superior courts.

      (1B) If a law of a State or Territory:

      (a) is with respect to the enforcement or recovery of fines ordered to be paid by offenders (including a law described in subsection (1AA)); and

      (b) applies in relation to fines ordered to be paid by offenders convicted on indictment;

      subsection (1) operates to require that law to apply and be applied in the same manner to persons who are convicted on indictment of federal offences by a federal court.

      (2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), in the application to a person convicted of a federal offence of any State or Territory laws with respect to the enforcement or recovery of fines, a requirement that the amount of a fine be paid to a State or Territory office or officer is to be treated as a requirement that the amount of the fine be paid in accordance with the law of the Commonwealth.

      (3) Where a court imposes a sentence or sentences of imprisonment on a person in respect of a failure to pay a fine or fines imposed for a federal offence or offences, the court must direct that the sentence, or all the sentences, commence to be served from the earliest practicable day despite the fact that the person may, on that day, already be serving another sentence of imprisonment for a federal, State or Territory offence.

      (4) Despite subsection (3), a court may, where it is of the opinion that, in all the circumstances of the case, it is more appropriate to do so, direct that a period of imprisonment imposed on a person in respect of a failure to pay a fine imposed in respect of a federal offence commence to be served during, or at the end of, a period of imprisonment imposed for a similar failure in respect of another federal offence.

      (5) In this section:

      federal offence means an offence against the law of the Commonwealth.

      modifications includes additions, omissions and substitutions.

      15B Time for commencement of prosecutions

      (1) Subject to subsection (1B), a prosecution of an individual for an offence against any law of the Commonwealth may be commenced as follows:

      (a) if the maximum penalty which may be imposed for the offence in respect of an individual is, or includes, a term of imprisonment of more than 6 months in the case of a first conviction — at any time;

      (b) in any other case — at any time within one year after the commission of the offence.

      (1A) A prosecution of a body corporate for an offence against any law of the Commonwealth may be commenced as follows:

      (a) if the maximum penalty which may be imposed for the offence in respect of a body corporate is, or includes, a fine of more than 150 penalty units in the case of a first conviction — at any time;

      (b) in any other case — at any time within one year after the commission of the offence.

      (1B) A prosecution of an individual for an offence that is taken to have been committed because of section 11.2 or 11.2A of the Criminal Code, or against another law of the Commonwealth dealing with aiding and abetting, in relation to an offence committed by a body corporate may be commenced as follows:

      (a) if the maximum penalty which may be imposed for the principal offence in respect of a body corporate is, or includes, a fine of more than 150 penalty units in the case of a first conviction — at any time;

      (b) in any other case — at any time within one year after the commission of the offence by the individual.

      (2) Notwithstanding any provision in any law of the Commonwealth passed before the commencement of this Act and providing any shorter time for the commencement of the prosecution, any prosecution for an offence against the law may be commenced at any time within one year after the commission of the offence.

      (3) Where by any law of the Commonwealth any longer time than the time provided by this section is provided for the commencement of a prosecution in respect of an offence against that law, a prosecution in respect of the offence may be commenced at any time within that longer time.

      15C Form of indictments, informations and summonses

      (1) At the hearing of any indictment, information or summons, the court may make such amendment in the indictment, information or summons as appears to it to be desirable or to be necessary to enable the real question in dispute to be determined.

      (2) If in any such case the court considers that the defendant has been misled by the form in which the indictment, information or summons has been made out, it may adjourn the hearing of the case for such period as it thinks fit and may make such order as to the costs of the adjournment as it thinks proper.

      (3) The power of the court under subsection (1) shall not be exercised in cases where the court considers that the required amendments cannot be made without injustice to the defendant.

      15E Privilege of Parliament not affected

      Nothing in this Act shall derogate from any power or privilege of either House of the Parliament or of the members or committees of either House of Parliament as existing at the commencement of this Act.

      15F Civil rights not affected

      Nothing in this Act shall affect the right of any person aggrieved by any act or omission which is punishable as an offence against this Act to institute civil proceedings in any court in respect of such act or omission.

      Part IAB Controlled operations

      Division 1


      15G Objects of Part

      The main objects of this Part are:

      (a) to provide for the authorisation, conduct and monitoring of controlled operations; and

      (b) to exempt from criminal liability, and to indemnify from civil liability:

      (i) law enforcement officers who, in the course of a controlled operation authorised under this Part, take an active part in, or are otherwise involved in, the commission of a Commonwealth offence or an offence against a law of a State or Territory or conduct that may result in a civil liability; and

      (ii) certain other persons who, in accordance with the instructions of a law enforcement officer and in the course of a controlled operation authorised under this Part, take an active part in, or are otherwise involved in, the commission of a Commonwealth offence or an offence against a law of a State or Territory or conduct that may result in a civil liability.

      15GA Relationship to other