Crimes Act. Australia. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Australia
Издательство: Проспект
Жанр произведения: Юриспруденция, право
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785392086412
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ceases to be in force at that time.

      (3) A police officer cannot apply for, and the Minister cannot make, a declaration under section 3UJ after the end of 10 years after the day on which this Division commences.

      Division 4

      Arrest and related matters

      3V Requirement to furnish name etc.

      (1) If a constable believes on reasonable grounds that a person whose name or address is, or whose name and address are, unknown to the constable may be able to assist the constable in inquiries in relation to an indictable offence that the constable has reason to believe has been or may have been committed, the constable may request the person to provide his or her name or address, or name and address, to the constable.

      (2) If a constable:

      (a) makes a request of a person under subsection (1); and

      (b) informs the person of the reason for the request; and

      (c) complies with subsection (3) if the person makes a request under that subsection;

      the person must not:

      (d) refuse or fail to comply with the request; or

      (e) give a name or address that is false in a material particular.

      (2A) Subsection (2) does not apply if the person has a reasonable excuse.

      Note: A defendant bears an evidential burden in relation to the matter in subsection (2A) (see subsection 13.3(3) of the Criminal Code).

      (3) If a constable who makes a request of a person under subsection (1) is requested by the person to provide to the person:

      (a) his or her name or the address of his or her place of duty; or

      (b) his or her name and that address; or

      (c) if he or she is not in uniform and it is practicable for the constable to provide the evidence — evidence that he or she is a constable;

      the constable must not:

      (d) refuse or fail to comply with the request; or

      (e) give a name or address that is false in a material particular.

      Penalty: 5 penalty units.

      3W Power of arrest without warrant by constables

      (1) A constable may, without warrant, arrest a person for an offence if the constable believes on reasonable grounds that:

      (a) the person has committed or is committing the offence; and

      (b) proceedings by summons against the person would not achieve one or more of the following purposes:

      (i) ensuring the appearance of the person before a court in respect of the offence;

      (ii) preventing a repetition or continuation of the offence or the commission of another offence;

      (iii) preventing the concealment, loss or destruction of evidence relating to the offence;

      (iv) preventing harassment of, or interference with, a person who may be required to give evidence in proceedings in respect of the offence;

      (v) preventing the fabrication of evidence in respect of the offence;

      (vi) preserving the safety or welfare of the person.

      (2) If:

      (a) a person has been arrested for an offence under subsection (1); and

      (b) before the person is charged with the offence, the constable in charge of the investigation ceases to believe on reasonable grounds:

      (i) that the person committed the offence; or

      (ii) that holding the person in custody is necessary to achieve a purpose referred to in paragraph (1)(b);

      the person must be released.

      (3) A constable may, without warrant, arrest a person whom he or she believes on reasonable grounds has escaped from lawful custody to which the person is still liable in respect of an offence.

      3X Arrest of prisoner unlawfully at large

      (1) A constable may, without warrant, arrest a person whom the constable believes on reasonable grounds to be a prisoner unlawfully at large.

      (2) The constable must, as soon as practicable, take the person before a Magistrate.

      (3) If the Magistrate is satisfied that the person is a prisoner unlawfully at large, the Magistrate may issue a warrant:

      (a) authorising any constable to convey the person to a prison or other place of detention specified in the warrant; and

      (b) directing that the person, having been conveyed to that place in accordance with the warrant, be detained there to undergo the term of imprisonment or other detention that the person is required by law to undergo.

      (4) In this section:

      prisoner unlawfully at large means a person who is at large (otherwise than because the person has escaped from lawful custody) at a time when the person is required by law to be detained under a provision of a law of the Commonwealth, including Divisions 6 to 9, inclusive, of Part IB.

      3Y Power of arrest without warrant of person on bail

      (1) A constable may, without warrant, arrest a person who has been released on bail if the constable believes on reasonable grounds that the person has contravened or is about to contravene a condition of a recognisance on which bail was granted to the person in respect of an offence, even though the condition was imposed in a State or Territory other than the one in which the person is.

      (2) Subject to subsection (3), if a constable arrests a person under subsection (1), the constable must cause the person to be brought before a magistrate as soon as is practicable.

      (3) If a constable arrests a person under subsection (1) in the State or Territory in which the condition was imposed, the person is to be dealt with according to relevant laws of that State or Territory applied by section 68 of the Judiciary Act 1903.

      (4) When a person arrested under subsection (1) in a State or Territory other than the one in which the condition was imposed is brought before a magistrate in the State or Territory in which the arrest took place, the court may:

      (a) release the person unconditionally; or

      (b) admit the person to bail on such recognisances as the court thinks fit to appear again before the same court at such time as the court orders; or

      (c) if the condition was not imposed by the Federal Court of Australia — remand the person in custody for a reasonable time pending the obtaining of a warrant for the apprehension of the person from the State or Territory in which the condition was imposed; or

      (d) if the condition was imposed by the Federal Court of Australia — remand the person in custody for a reasonable time pending the obtaining of a warrant for the apprehension of the person from that Court.

      (5) A release referred to in paragraph (4)(a) does not affect the operation of the bail order or the conditions of the bail imposed in the other State or Territory.

      3Z Power of arrest without warrant by other persons

      (1) A person who is not a constable may, without warrant, arrest another person if he or she believes on reasonable grounds that:

      (a) the other person is committing or has just committed an indictable offence; and

      (b) proceedings by summons against the other person would not achieve one or more of the purposes referred to in paragraph 3W(1)(b).

      (2) A person who arrests another person under subsection (1) must, as soon as practicable after the arrest, arrange for the other person, and any property