Competition and Consumer Act. Australia. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Australia
Издательство: Проспект
Жанр произведения: Юриспруденция, право
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785392085088
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The member of the Tribunal presiding at the review may require the Council to give assistance for the purposes of the review (including for the purposes of deciding whether to make an order under section 44KA).

      (6A) Without limiting subsection (6), the member may, by written notice, require the Council to give information, and to make reports, of a kind specified in the notice, within the period specified in the notice, for the purposes of the review.

      (6B) The Tribunal must:

      (a) give a copy of the notice to:

      (i) the person who applied for review; and

      (ii) the provider of the service; and

      (iii) the person who applied for the declaration recommendation; and

      (iv) any other person who has been made a party to the proceedings for review by the Tribunal; and

      (b) publish, by electronic or other means, the notice.

      (7) If the designated Minister declared the service, the Tribunal may affirm, vary or set aside the declaration.

      (8) If the designated Minister decided not to declare the service, the Tribunal may either:

      (a) affirm the designated Minister’s decision; or

      (b) set aside the designated Minister’s decision and declare the service in question.

      (9) A declaration, or varied declaration, made by the Tribunal is to be taken to be a declaration by the designated Minister for all purposes of this Part (except this section).

      44KA Tribunal may stay operation of declaration

      (1) Subject to this section, an application for review of a declaration under subsection 44K(1) does not:

      (a) affect the operation of the declaration; or

      (b) prevent the taking of steps in reliance on the declaration.

      (2) On application by a person who has been made a party to the proceedings for review of a declaration, the Tribunal may:

      (a) make an order staying, or otherwise affecting the operation or the taking of steps in reliance on, the declaration if the Tribunal considers that:

      (i) it is desirable to make the order after taking into account the interests of any person who may be affected by the review; and

      (ii) the order is appropriate for the purpose of securing the effectiveness of the hearing and determination of the application for review; or

      (b) make an order varying or revoking an order made under paragraph (a) (including an order that has previously been varied on one or more occasions under this paragraph).

      (3) Subject to subsection (4), the Tribunal must not:

      (a) make an order under subsection (2) unless the Council has been given a reasonable opportunity to make a submission to the Tribunal in relation to the matter; or

      (b) make an order varying or revoking an order in force under paragraph (2)(a) (including an order that has previously been varied on one or more occasions under paragraph (2)(b)) unless:

      (i) the Council; and

      (ii) the person who requested the making of the order under paragraph (2)(a); and

      (iii) if the order under paragraph (2)(a) has previously been varied by an order or orders under paragraph (2)(b) — the person or persons who requested the making of the last-mentioned order or orders;

      have been given a reasonable opportunity to make submissions to the Tribunal in relation to the matter.

      (4) Subsection (3) does not prohibit the Tribunal from making an order without giving to a person referred to in that subsection a reasonable opportunity to make a submission to the Tribunal in relation to a matter if the Tribunal is satisfied that, by reason of the urgency of the case or otherwise, it is not practicable to give that person such an opportunity.

      (5) If an order is made under subsection (3) without giving the Council a reasonable opportunity to make a submission to the Tribunal in relation to a matter, the order does not come into operation until a notice setting out the terms of the order is given to the Council.

      (6) An order in force under paragraph (2)(a) (including an order that has previously been varied on one or more occasions under paragraph (2)(b)):

      (a) is subject to such conditions as are specified in the order; and

      (b) has effect until:

      (i) if a period for the operation of the order is specified in the order — the expiration of that period or, if the application for review is decided by the Tribunal before the expiration of that period, the decision of the Tribunal on the application for review comes into operation; or

      (ii) if no period is so specified — the decision of the Tribunal on the application for review comes into operation.

      44KB Tribunal may order costs be awarded

      (1) If the Tribunal is satisfied that it is appropriate to do so, the Tribunal may order that a person who has been made a party to proceedings for a review of a declaration under section 44K pay all or a specified part of the costs of another person who has been made a party to the proceedings.

      (2) However, the Tribunal must not make an order requiring the designated Minister to pay some or all of the costs of another party to proceedings unless the Tribunal considers that the designated Minister’s conduct in the proceedings was engaged in without due regard to:

      (a) the costs that would be incurred by the other party to the proceedings as a result of that conduct; or

      (b) the time required by the Tribunal to make a decision on the review as a result of that conduct; or

      (c) the time required by the other party to prepare their case for the purposes of the review as a result of that conduct; or

      (d) the submissions or arguments made during the proceedings to the Tribunal by the other party or parties to the proceedings or by the Council.

      (3) If the Tribunal makes an order under subsection (1), it may make further orders that it considers appropriate in relation to the assessment or taxation of the costs.

      (4) The regulations may make provision for and in relation to fees payable for the assessment or taxation of costs ordered by the Tribunal to be paid.

      (5) If a party (the first party) is ordered to pay some or all of the costs of another party under subsection (1), the amount of the costs may be recovered in the Federal Court as a debt due by the first party to the other party.

      44L Review of decision not to revoke a declaration

      (1) If the designated Minister decides not to revoke a declaration, the provider may apply in writing to the Tribunal for review of the decision.

      (2) An application for review must be made within 21 days after publication of the designated Minister’s decision.

      (3) The review by the Tribunal is a re-consideration of the matter based on the information, reports and things referred to in section 44ZZOAA.

      Note: There are limits on the information to which the Tribunal may have regard (see section 44ZZOAA) and time limits that apply to the Tribunal’s decision on the review (see section 44ZZOA).

      (4) For the purposes of the review, the Tribunal has the same powers as the designated Minister.

      (5) The member of the Tribunal presiding at the review may require the Council to give assistance for the purposes of the review.

      (5A) Without limiting subsection (5), the member may, by written notice, require the Council to give information, and to make reports, of a kind specified in the notice, within the period specified in the notice, for the purposes of the review.

      (5B) The Tribunal must:
