California Labor Code. California. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: California
Издательство: Проспект
Жанр произведения: Юриспруденция, право
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785392105373
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indirectly by that person or entity and is false, misleading, or deceptive, or that omits material information necessary to make the statement therein not false, misleading, or deceptive.

      (b) As soon as reasonably possible, but not later than January 1, 1994, the administrative director shall adopt regulations governing advertising by persons or entities other than physicians and attorneys with respect to services or benefits for injured workers. In promulgating regulations pursuant to this subdivision, the administrative director shall review existing regulations, including those adopted by the State Bar, to identify those regulatory approaches that may serve as a model for regulations required by this subdivision.

      (c) A violation of subdivision (a) is a misdemeanor, punishable by incarceration in the county jail for not more than one year, or by a fine not exceeding ten thousand dollars ($10,000), or both.

      (d) This section shall not apply to physicians or attorneys. It is the intent of the Legislature to exempt physicians and attorneys from this section because the conduct regulated by this section, with respect to physicians and attorneys, is governed by other provisions of law.

      (Amended by Stats. 2004, Ch. 193, Sec. 138. Effective January 1, 2005.)

      139.45. (a) In promulgating regulations pursuant to Sections 139.4 and 139.43, the administrative director shall take particular care to preclude any advertisements with respect to industrial injuries or illnesses that are false or mislead the public with respect to workers’ compensation. In promulgating rules with respect to advertising, the State Bar and physician licensing boards shall also take particular care to achieve the same goal.

      (b) For purposes of subdivision (a), false or misleading advertisements shall include advertisements that do any of the following:

      (1) Contain an untrue statement.

      (2) Contain any matter, or present or arrange any matter in a manner or format that is false, deceptive, or that tends to confuse, deceive, or mislead.

      (3) Omit any fact necessary to make the statement made, in the light of the circumstances under which the statement is made, not misleading.

      (4) Are transmitted in any manner that involves coercion, duress, compulsion, intimidation, threats, or vexatious or harassing conduct.

      (5) Entice a person to respond by the offering of any consideration, including a good or service but excluding free medical evaluations or treatment, that would be provided either at no charge or for less than market value. No free medical evaluation or treatment shall be offered for the purpose of defrauding any entity.

      (Amended by Stats. 2003, Ch. 639, Sec. 14. Effective January 1, 2004.)

      139.47. The Director of Industrial Relations shall establish and maintain a program to encourage, facilitate, and educate employers to provide early and sustained return to work after occupational injury or illness. The program shall do both of the following:

      (a) Develop educational materials and guides, in easily understandable language in both print and electronic form, for employers, health care providers, employees, and labor unions. These materials shall address issues including, but not limited to, early return to work, assessment of functional abilities and limitations, development of appropriate work restrictions, job analysis, worksite modifications, assistive equipment and devices, and available resources.

      (b) Conduct training for employee and employer organizations and health care providers concerning the accommodation of injured employees and the prevention of reinjury.

      (Added by Stats. 2002, Ch. 6, Sec. 40. Effective January 1, 2003.)

      139.48. (a) There is in the department a return-to-work program administered by the director, funded by one hundred twenty million dollars ($120,000,000) annually derived from non-General Funds of the Workers’ Compensation Administration Revolving Fund, for the purpose of making supplemental payments to workers whose permanent disability benefits are disproportionately low in comparison to their earnings loss. Moneys shall remain available for use by the return-to-work program without respect to the fiscal year.

      (b) Eligibility for payments and the amount of payments shall be determined by regulations adopted by the director, based on findings from studies conducted by the director in consultation with the Commission on Health and Safety and Workers’ Compensation. Determinations of the director shall be subject to review at the trial level of the appeals board upon the same grounds as prescribed for petitions for reconsideration.

      (c) This section shall apply only to injuries sustained on or after January 1, 2013.

      (Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 28, Sec. 37. Effective June 27, 2013.)

      139.5. (a) (1) The administrative director shall contract with one or more independent medical review organizations and one or more independent bill review organizations to conduct reviews pursuant to Article 2 (commencing with Section 4600) of Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 4. The independent review organizations shall be independent of any workers’ compensation insurer or workers’ compensation claims administrator doing business in this state. The administrative director may establish additional requirements, including conflict-of-interest standards, consistent with the purposes of Article 2 (commencing with Section 4600) of Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 4, that an organization shall be required to meet in order to qualify as an independent review organization and to assist the division in carrying out its responsibilities.

      (2) To enable the independent review program to go into effect for injuries occurring on or after January 1, 2013, and until the administrative director establishes contracts as otherwise specified by this section, independent review organizations under contract with the Department of Managed Health Care pursuant to Section 1374.32 of the Health and Safety Code may be designated by the administrative director to conduct reviews pursuant to Article 2 (commencing with Section 4600) of Chapter 2 of Part 2 of Division 4. The administrative director may use an interagency agreement to implement the independent review process beginning January 1, 2013. The administrative director may initially contract directly with the same organizations that are under contract with the Department of Managed Health Care on substantially the same terms without competitive bidding until January 1, 2015.

      (b) (1) The independent medical review organizations and the medical professionals retained to conduct reviews shall be deemed to be consultants for purposes of this section.

      (2) There shall be no monetary liability on the part of, and no cause of action shall arise against, any consultant on account of any communication by that consultant to the administrative director or any other officer, employee, agent, contractor, or consultant of the Division of Workers’ Compensation, or on account of any communication by that consultant to any person when that communication is required by the terms of a contract with the administrative director pursuant to this section and the consultant does all of the following:

      (a) Acts without malice.

      (b) Makes a reasonable effort to determine the facts of the matter communicated.

      (c) Acts with a reasonable belief that the communication is warranted by the facts actually known to the consultant after a reasonable effort to determine the facts.

      (3) The immunities afforded by this section shall not affect the availability of any other privilege or immunity which may be afforded by law. This section shall not be construed to alter the laws regarding the confidentiality of medical records.

      (c) (1) An organization contracted to perform independent medical review or independent bill review shall be required to employ a medical director who shall be responsible for advising the contractor on clinical issues. The medical director shall be a physician and surgeon licensed by the Medical Board of California or the Osteopathic Medical Board of California.

      (2) The independent review organization, any experts it designates to conduct a review, or any officer, director, or employee of the independent review organization shall not have any material professional, familial, or financial affiliation, as determined by the administrative director, with any of the following:

      (a) The employer, insurer or claims administrator, or utilization review organization.