California Code of Civil Procedure. California. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: California
Издательство: Проспект
Жанр произведения: Юриспруденция, право
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785392105359
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levied upon to satisfy the attachment.

      (Repealed and added by Stats. 1982, Ch. 1198, Sec. 50. Operative July 1, 1983, by Sec. 70 of Ch. 1198.)

      488.020. (a) A writ of attachment shall be directed to a levying officer in the county in which property of the defendant described in the writ may be located and to any registered process server.

      (b) Upon the receipt of written instructions from the plaintiff’s attorney of record or, if the plaintiff has no attorney of record, from the plaintiff, the levying officer to whom the writ is directed and delivered shall levy the writ without delay in the manner provided in this chapter on the property described in the writ or so much thereof as is clearly sufficient to satisfy the amount to be secured by the attachment. The levying officer is not liable for a determination made in good faith under this subdivision.

      (c) If a copy of the summons and complaint has not previously been served on the defendant, the instructions to the levying officer shall instruct the levying officer to make the service at the same time the levying officer serves the defendant with a copy of the writ of attachment.

      (Repealed and added by Stats. 1982, Ch. 1198, Sec. 50. Operative July 1, 1983, by Sec. 70 of Ch. 1198.)

      488.030. (a) The plaintiff shall give the levying officer instructions in writing. The instructions shall be signed by the plaintiff’s attorney of record or, if the plaintiff does not have an attorney of record, by the plaintiff. The instructions shall contain the information needed or requested by the levying officer to comply with the provisions of this title, including but not limited to:

      (1) An adequate description of any property to be levied upon.

      (2) A statement whether the property is a dwelling.

      (3) If the property is a dwelling, whether it is real or personal property.

      (b) Subject to subdivision (c), the levying officer shall act in accordance with the written instructions to the extent the actions are taken in conformance with the provisions of this title.

      (c) Except to the extent the levying officer has actual knowledge that the information is incorrect, the levying officer may rely on any information contained in the written instructions.

      (Repealed and added by Stats. 1982, Ch. 1198, Sec. 50. Operative July 1, 1983, by Sec. 70 of Ch. 1198.)

      488.040. (a) If the levying officer is required by any provision of this title to serve any writ, order, notice, or other paper on any person, the plaintiff shall include in the instructions to the levying officer the correct name and address of the person. The plaintiff shall use reasonable diligence to ascertain the correct name and address of the person.

      (b) Unless the levying officer has actual knowledge that the name or address included in the instructions is incorrect, the levying officer shall rely on the instructions in serving the writ, order, notice, or other paper on the person.

      (Repealed and added by Stats. 1982, Ch. 1198, Sec. 50. Operative July 1, 1983, by Sec. 70 of Ch. 1198.)

      488.050. (a) Except as otherwise provided by law:

      (1) As a prerequisite to the performance by the levying officer of a duty under this title, the plaintiff shall deposit a sum of money with the levying officer sufficient to pay the costs of performing the duty.

      (2) As a prerequisite to the taking of property into custody by the levying officer under this chapter, whether by keeper or otherwise, the plaintiff shall deposit with the levying officer a sum of money sufficient to pay the costs of taking the property and keeping it safely for a period not to exceed 15 days. If continuation of the custody of the property is required, the levying officer shall, from time to time, demand orally or in writing that the plaintiff deposit additional amounts to cover estimated costs for periods not to exceed 30 days each. A written demand may be mailed or delivered to the plaintiff. The plaintiff has not less than three business days after receipt of the demand within which to comply with the demand. If the amount demanded is not paid within the time specified in the oral or written demand, the levying officer shall release the property.

      (b) The levying officer is not liable for failure to take or hold property unless the plaintiff has complied with the provisions of this section.

      (Repealed and added by Stats. 1982, Ch. 1198, Sec. 50. Operative July 1, 1983, by Sec. 70 of Ch. 1198.)

      488.060. The notice of attachment shall inform the person notified of all of the following:

      (a) The capacity in which the person is notified.

      (b) The specific property which is sought to be attached.

      (c) The person’s rights under the attachment, including the right to make a third-party claim pursuant to Division 4 (commencing with Section 720.010) of Title 9.

      (d) The person’s duties under the attachment.

      (Repealed and added by Stats. 1982, Ch. 1198, Sec. 50. Operative July 1, 1983, by Sec. 70 of Ch. 1198.)

      488.065. A copy of the original notice of attachment which has been served upon a third party holding the property sought to be attached, if served upon the defendant or any other party, shall suffice as the notice of attachment to that person.

      (Added by Stats. 1984, Ch. 759, Sec. 1.)

      488.070. If a writ of attachment has been issued and personal property sought to be attached under the writ is located in a private place of the defendant:

      (a) The levying officer shall comply with the provisions of Section 699.030.

      (b) The plaintiff may obtain the relief provided under Section 699.030 in the manner and subject to the requirements of that section.

      (Repealed and added by Stats. 1982, Ch. 1198, Sec. 50. Operative July 1, 1983, by Sec. 70 of Ch. 1198.)

      488.080. (a) A registered process server may levy under a writ of attachment on the following types of property:

      (1) Real property, pursuant to Section 488.315.

      (2) Growing crops, timber to be cut, or minerals or the like (including oil and gas) to be extracted or accounts receivable resulting from the sale thereof at the wellhead or minehead, pursuant to Section 488.325.

      (3) Personal property in the custody of a levying officer, pursuant to Section 488.355.

      (4) Equipment of a going business, pursuant to Section 488.375.

      (5) Motor vehicles, vessels, mobilehomes, or commercial coaches used as equipment of a going business, pursuant to Section 488.385.

      (6) Farm products or inventory of a going business, pursuant to Section 488.405.

      (7) Personal property used as a dwelling, pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 700.080.

      (8) Deposit accounts, pursuant to Section 488.455.

      (9) Property in a safe-deposit box, pursuant to Section 488.460.

      (10) Accounts receivable or general intangibles, pursuant to Section 488.470.

      (11) Final money judgments, pursuant to Section 488.480.

      (12) Interest of a defendant in personal property in the estate of a decedent, pursuant to Section 488.485.

      (b) Before levying under the writ of attachment, the registered process server shall deposit a copy of the writ with the levying officer and pay the fee provided by Section 26721 of the Government Code.

      (c) If a registered process server levies on property pursuant to subdivision (a), the registered process server shall do both of the following:

      (1) Comply with the applicable levy, posting, and service provisions of Article 2 (commencing with Section 488.300).

      (2) Request any third person served to give a garnishee’s memorandum to the levying officer in compliance with Section 488.610 on a form provided by the registered process server.

      (d) Within five court days after levy under this section,