Broken moon. God’s court. Olga Kholodova. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Olga Kholodova
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Драматургия
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785448324017
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unnecessary drawings,” the amazed professor said, “I already one thousand times saw them!”

      “Frederick I ask you look at the moon,” the girl was not appeased, “I noticed only today that Robert in all drawings draws the split moon.”

      “Well and that,” a quiet voice professor told, “I do not see in it anything special. I can, and the sun blue to draw.”

      “And people will think that you are sick!” haughty tone Abilene said.

      “Than?” asked Frederick and smiled.

      Answering a smile on Professor sly smile, she asked again, “Than?”

      Then Abilene raised a chin and answered the question, “What you after all not ingenious Frederick. People would think, and scientists confirmed that you the color-blind person!”

      Professor thought and after a while said, “You are right Abilene. Sometimes it is more difficult to notice usual things, than unusual. I need to think properly. Give your drawings.”

      Frederick took drawings from hands of the girl and began to look through them attentively. Abilene stood at a table and looked at professor. She hoped that Frederick will resolve this riddle and will cure Robert. For a moment to the girl it became sad when she saw how professor smiled, turning over drawings. Some time later, the Professor said, “It is interesting why we did not notice such mysterious trifle at once. Broken moon.”

      “Maybe because all the pictures painted clear night and the moon is lost in sight, because it merges with stars and dark tones,” said Abilene.

      “Of course, of course,” professor agreed, “I really did not pay attention to it because of a fine landscape and ability of the artist to reflect a shadow of the wood or mountains in twilight of night.”

      “What can speak an image of the split moon?” Abilene asked.

      “I do not know,” Frederick answered and shrugged shoulders, “I will try to find the answer, but I do not guarantee result.”

      “Thanks,” the nurse thanked and left an office.

      “Please!” Professor after Abilene in hope shouted that she will hear, but the answer did not follow.

      Professor sat not movably and looked out of the window. He so strongly went deep into the thoughts that did not even notice how he speaks in hearing, “Moon. It is so beautiful, but why it is split? Why to ruin beauty? I understand! Think, think my head. Moon. Perhaps, the guy associates it with the girlfriend? And it is split because the love was meek? No, likely the moon means something else.”

      Frederick began to consider drawings again.

      “How to me to solve this not simple rebus?” professor wondered, “can rummage in textbooks on psychology? Precisely! Urgently I go to library. But if I manage to cure the guy, I will precisely write about it the book.”

      Professor got up from a chair and approached a cupboard. When Frederick put on the coat, he took one of Robert’s drawings from a table and put it in a pocket.

      “Well, everything seems,” having looked round, professor told and left an office.


      The village Gloomy was big and beautiful. Because of narrow streets and lanes in the summer it seemed the wood, and in the winter the tunnel. The village began with the bridge which was built through river even before war. The bridge was built of wood therefore over time began to decay gradually. Thanks to residents of the village, it to this day, was in working order and was sight. Much money was spent for repair of the bridge, but inhabitants did not despair and always beat are glad to help.

      Behind the bridge very first house of old Agnes was visible. In spite of the fact that the house was built long ago, and the hostess was very old woman, it still pleased passersby with the stateliness and originality. Ingeniously cut out patterns on eaves literally bewitched. Further other not less beautiful houses of residents of the village followed. The village Gloomy was small, though was divided into eight streets – just streets were small.

      Robert lived in the village with the family since three years. His mother was called Anastasia, and the father Victor. Robert with a family arrived in Gloomy from the cold and severe North in hope to find the dying grandmother – Anastasia’s mother. The road from the North was long and difficult. Almost always because of shortage of tickets it was necessary to spend the night at the station. When they after all reached the village, was already too late. Robert did not see the grandmother. She was already buried.

      Back the family did not go to the North. Robert’s parents decided to remain to live in the village, both climate suitable and to Anastasia’s father will not be so lonely without wife. At first lived in the parental house, and then and saved up for the housing of money. Generally, everything was good, and only one thought tormented heart and Anastasia’s soul – as if to preserve Robert from bad thoughts and to grow up the clever and well-mannered person.

      There passed years, Robert grew and became the handsome and strong guy. Its private life always remained secret for people around including parents. Anastasia asked the son about plans for the future more than once and there was always one alone with the question. Robert just turned away and left. Victor in turn calmed the wife, referring to the fact that the son at them quite adult and knows how to behave in this or that situation, but Anastasia felt ill at ease. It was heavy to look it at how Robert is black as thundercloud and not to know the reason of his grief.

      Being tormented with doubts, Anastasia did not sustain and just decided to observe the son who from morning to the night could not find any peace and spent the most part of time alone with the thoughts under a bird cherry in a kitchen garden.

      “The sonny,” Anastasia called, “It is possible I will sit down near you?”

      “What for?” Robert asked and continued to look afar.

      “Was tired strongly, I want to have a rest a little,” justifying oneself, the woman told and sat down on a grass near the son.

      “What you think of?” Anastasia asked and took Robert by hand.

      Robert wanted to pull out a hand from hands of mother and to rise, but did not become.

      Then Anastasia told, “I guess what you think of. I was too young and as well as you, worried and suffered,” the woman carefully said and added, “When loved!

      Robert was surprised and looked at mother.”

      “So you know everything,” the guy told and asked, “Really considerably?”

      “Of course, darling,” Anastasia agreed, “All residents of the village know that you are not indifferent to Selena.”

      Robert hung the head and told, “What’s the use! She does not love me. Selenium considers me as the childhood friend no more. We since the childhood are on friendly terms. Mother, why we bought the house on this street?”

      Anastasia smiled and stroked the son on the head.

      “What to me still to make that she, at last, understood how strongly I love it? What act to make. I do not want to be just a friend!” Robert argued.

      “Can make a declaration of love to me it?” Robert asked and itself answered the question, “No! She and so strange looks recently at me and if still I make a declaration of love to it will obviously escape or at all any more will never approach. What to do to me?”

      Robert interrogatively looked at mother and stood.

      “Do not worry the sonny!” Anastasia told, calming Robert, “Life sometimes gives us surprises of which we do not even dream. I am sure, as at you everything will be good. And now get up, we will go to the house your friends were already tired of waiting.”

      “How long have they been waiting for?” Robert asked.
