Athens. From the Temple of Athene, or Minerva, the tutelary goddess of the city.
Athens of America. The city of Boston, considered the chief seat of learning in the New World.
Athens of the South. Nashville, Tennessee, on account of the number of its scholastic institutions.
Athelney. The “Royal Island” or “Isle of the Nobles,” where Alfred the Great founded a Benedictine monastery.
Atlas. Since the publication of “Mercator’s Projections,” with the figure of Atlas bearing the globe on his shoulders as a frontispiece, in 1560, all books of maps have received this name.
At Loggerheads. See “Loggerhead.”
Auburn. From the Anglo-Saxon Auld Bourne, old bourn, or stream.
20Auckland. The capital of New Zealand, named in honour of Lord Auckland, a famous politician of his time, who became Governor-General of India, and after his retirement was elected President of the Asiatic Society. His ancestor, the first Lord Auckland, took his title from Auckland in Durham, which name was originally Oakland.
Audley Street (North and South). Perpetuate the memory of Hugh Audley, a barrister of the Middle Temple, whose landed estates hereabouts were computed at his death in 1662 to be worth a million of money.
Augsburg Confession. The Lutheran Confession of faith drawn up by Melancthon, and presented by Martin Luther to Charles V. during the sitting of the German Diet at Augsburg in 1530.
August. After Augustus Cæsar, who regarded this as his lucky month. Its original name was Sextilis, the sixth month of the Roman year.
Augustan Age. The best literary age of any country, because Rome in the time of Augustus Cæsar produced the finest examples of Latin literature.
Augustin Friars. The religious Order said to have been founded by St Augustine, the first Archbishop of Canterbury. See “Austin Friars.”
Auld Reekie. The name given to the old part of Edinburgh, from the cloud of reek or smoke which usually caps it.
Austin Friars. Part of the site of the priory of the Augustin Friars, whose church still remains.
Australasia. Southern Asia.
Australia. From the Latin Australis, southern.
Austria. From Oesterreich, or Eastern Empire, as distinguished from the Western Empire founded by Charlemagne.
Autocar. The name first given to a motor car; incorrectly, however, since so far from being automatic such a 21one, like all mechanically propelled vehicles, requires a guiding intelligence.
Autun. The Augustodunum, or Town of Augustus, of the Romans.
Auvergne. From the Auverni, who overran it in the time of the Cæsars.
Avoca. Gaelic for “the meeting of the waters.”
Ave Maria Lane. Where the monks of old chanted the “Ave Maria” on their way to St Paul’s. See “Amen Corner.”
Avon. From Arfon, the Celtic for river or stream, which enters into many place-names.
Axminster. The monastery town on the Axe.
Ayah. Hindustani for waiting-woman or nurse.
Aye-Vye. An animal found in Madagascar, so called from its cry.
Aylesbury Street. From the town house and garden of the Earls of Aylesbury.
Azores. The Portuguese named this group of islands Acores, the plural of acor, hawk, on account of the great number of hawks there.
Azov. A Russianised form of Asak, the name given to it by the Tartars.
Bacchanalia. Roman festivals in honour of Bacchus, the god of wine.
Bacchus Verses. Verses written in praise or dispraise of Bacchus, and affixed to the doors of the College at Eton on “Collop Monday.”
Bachelor Girl. One who lives in her own rooms, belongs to a woman’s club, and considers herself superior to what is called home influence–a distinctly modern creation.
Backgammon. From the Saxon Bac and gamen, “back-game,” because the pieces have at times to go back and be moved up afresh.
22Back a Man. To have full confidence in him. From backing or endorsing a bill on another’s behalf.
Badajoz. Called by the Moors Beledaix, “Land of Health.”
Bad Egg. A man who is commercially or morally unsound, and therefore fit only to be shunned.
Badger State. Wisconsin, from the name given to the early miners, who made for themselves winter habitations in the earth, like a badger.
Badminton. A drink of spiced claret, and also a game of tennis played with shuttlecocks instead of balls, introduced by the Duke of Beaufort at Badminton, his country seat.
Baffin’s Bay. After William Baffin, the pilot of an expedition sent out to explore this region in 1616.
Bagatelle. From the Italian bagetella, a conjurer’s trick.
Baggage. A term often applied to a woman, because the wives of soldiers taken on foreign service go with the stores and baggage generally. In the United States this word is an equivalent for the English “Luggage.”
Bagman. The old name for a commercial traveller, who carried his samples in a bag.
Bag o’ Nails. A popular corruption of the ancient inn sign, “The Bachannals,” referring to Pan and the Satyrs.
Bag o’ Tricks. In allusion to the large bag in which an itinerant conjurer carried his tricks.
Bakers’ Dozen. In olden times, when bread was sold in open market instead of shops, women took up the trade of selling bread from door to door. They received from the bakers thirteen loaves for the price of twelve, the odd one constituting their profit.
Baker Street. After Sir Edward Baker, a great friend of the Portmans of Dorsetshire, the ground landlords.
Bakshish. A Persian word for “gratuity.”
Balaklava. When settled by the Genoese, they gave it the name of Bella-chiava, or “Fair Haven.”
23Balearic Islands. From the Greek ballein, to throw, expresses the Island of Slingers.
Ball. A dancing party received this name primarily from the curious ancient Ball Play in Church by the Dean and choir boys of Naples during the “Feast of Fools” at Easter. While singing an antiphon the boys caught the ball thrown by the Dean as they danced around him. At private dancing parties the dancers always threw a ball at one another as, to the sound of their own voices, they whirled around in sets, the pastime consisting in loosening hands in time to catch it. Afterwards the ball was discarded, but the dance time received the name of a Ballad, from the Latin ballare, to dance.
Ballad. See “Ball.”
Ballet. Expresses the French diminutive of bal, a dance. See “Ball.”
Ball’s Pond. From an inn, the “Salutation,” kept by John Ball, whose dog and duck sports in a large pond attracted a great concourse of visitors in former days.
Balsover Street. From Balsover, Derbyshire, the seat of the Fitzroys, Dukes of Grafton, the ground landlords.
Baltic Sea. A sea of belts or straits. Bält is Norse for strait.
Baltimore. After Lord Baltimore, the founder of the neighbouring state of Maryland.
Baltimore Bird. Though found almost everywhere in the United States, it is said to have received its name from the correspondence of its colours with those distinguished in the arms of Lord Baltimore, the Governor of Maryland.
Bancroft Road. After Francis Bancroft, the founder of the Drapers’ Almshouses, in this road.