Синонимы и антонимы. Сборник общеупотребительных слов с похожими и с противоположными по смыслу словами. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
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Cheat, deceive, befool; amuse, entertain, cheer, solace.

      Ant. Enlighten, advise; weary, bore.


      Behavior. Conduct, deportment, manners, breeding, carriage, bearing, action, demeanor, life.

      Ant. Misconduct, misdemeanor.


      Behest. Command, injunction, charge, precept.

      Ant. Option, liberty.


      Behind. Back, astern, rearward.

      Ant. Before, in front of.


      Behold. See, look, discern, gaze, scan, observe, contemplate.

      Ant. Ignore, miss, wink, overlook, disregard, connive.


      Behoof. Advantage, profit.

      Ant. Loss, detriment, disadvantage.


      Being. Reality, existence, actuality; essence, inmost nature, substance, life, vital principle, root, heart.

      Ant. Nonentity, nullity, non-existence.


      Beleaguer. Besiege, beset, blockade, invest; compass, block up, surround, obstruct, environ.

      Ant. Abandon; conquer, subdue.


      Belief. Trust, confidence, conviction, credence, persuasion, reliance, assurance; dogma, creed, tenets, opinion, view; credit, acceptance, assent, currency.

      Ant. Distrust, denial, discredit, dissent, rejection, disavowal.


      Belligerent. Warlike, contending, conflicting, hostile, rival, opposed, adverse, antagonistic, pugnacious, contentious, quarrelsome.

      Ant. Peaceful, friendly, forbearing, pacific, neutral.


      Belonging, n. Quality, gift, endowment, attribute; property, goods, estate, chattel, possession; appendage, appurtenance, accessory.


      Belonging, a. Related, connected, appertaining, congenial, cognate, accompanying.

      Ant. Alien, optional, independent, irrelevant.


      Below. Under, beneath, underneath, hereinafter.

      Ant. Above, beforementioned, previously.


      Bend. Curve, twist, crook, bow, deflect, deviate, diverge, twine; influence, persuade, incline, submit.

      Ant. Straighten, stiffen, direct; resist, break, crush.


      Beneath. Below, under, underneath; unworthy of, unbefitting.

      Ant. Above, superior to; over, aloft.


      Benediction. Benison, blessing, beatitude; gratitude, thanks, praise; benefit, grace, boon.

      Ant. Curse, censure, execration, ingratitude.


      Benefactor. Patron, supporter, upholder, friend, contributor.

      Ant. Destroyer, enemy, oppressor, brute.


      Beneficence. Charity, bounty, liberality, benevolence.

      Ant. Malevolence, hatred, stinginess, miserliness, niggardliness.


      Benefit. Boon, service, advantage, profit, favor, blessing.

      Ant. Evil, loss, damage, calamity, injury, privation.


      Benevolence. Kindness, humaneness, charitableness, good will, altruism, beneficence, liberality, philanthropy, benignity, bounty, humanity, sympathy, munificence, generosity, unselfishness, kind-heartedness.

      Ant. Malevolence, malignity, selfishness, stinginess, unkindness, brutality, churlishness, barbarity, illiberality, self-seeking, niggardliness, harshness.


      Benign. Kind, gracious, amiable, gentle, friendly, benevolent, humane, obliging, good.

      Ant. Hateful, harsh, brutal, churlish.


      Bequeath. Will, leave, devise; hand down, transmit, impart.

      Ant. Withhold, alienate, disinherit.


      Bereavement. Deprivation, loss, destitution, affliction, forlorn condition, desolation.

      Ant. Blessing, compensation, reparation, consolation, restitution, restoration, substitution.


      Bereft. Stripped, despoiled, deprived.

      Ant. Endowed, blessed, enriched, compensated.


      Beseech. Beg, implore, pray, ask, solicit, entreat, petition, importune.

      Ant. Grant, requite, confer; disdain, defy.


      Beset. Surround, circle, hem in, besiege, beleaguer; embarrass.

      Ant. Defend, defy, repel.


      Beside. Near, close together; aside from; out of.

      Ant. Far, distant.


      Besides or Beside. Except, save, distinct from; moreover, furthermore, else, beyond that.

      Ant. Apart, separate from; exclusively; finally.


      Bestow. Give, present, award, grant, confer; place, stow, store.

      Ant. Receive; seize, appropriate, usurp; disperse, throw away.


      Bet. Stake, wager, pledge.

      Ant. Plan, calculate, dispose.


      Betide. Happen, bechance, befall, come to pass, occur, take place.

      Ant. Result, be destined or doomed.


      Betimes. Seasonably, in good time or season.

      Ant. Inopportune, late, tardy, unseasonable.


      Betoken. Signify, denote, indicate, represent, imply, prove, show, augur; presage, prefigure, foretell, portend.

      Ant. Mask, hide, mislead, belie, misrepresent.


      Betray. Reveal, expose, divulge, deliver up, deceive; manifest, show, indicate; lure, ensnare, entrap, beguile; seduce, ruin, corrupt.

      Ant. Protect, preserve, foster, cherish, conceal, suppress, guard.


      Betrothal. Engagement, plighting, affiancing.


      Better. Amend, ameliorate, improve, correct, advance, reform.

      Ant. Make worse, degrade, wreck, weaken, cripple, impair, injure.


      Between. Amid, among, betwixt.

      Ant. Outside, beyond, without.


      Bewail. Bemoan, lament, sorrow, grieve.

      Ant. Rejoice, joy, exult.


      Beware. Take care, be cautious, be wary, look out, mind.

      Ant. Be reckless, careless; neglect, ignore.


      Bewilderment. Confusion, embarrassment, daze, maze, perplexity, mystification.

      Ant. Enlightenment, self-possession, calmness, discernment,