Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
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gentleness, forbearance.

      Leniency, n. Clemency, mildness, lenity, mercy, tenderness, gentleness, forbearance.

      Lenient, a. 1. Softening, assuasive, soothing, mitigating, mitigative, lenitive.

      2. Mild, gentle, clement, merciful, tender, forbearing, long-suffering, not rigorous, not severe.

      Lenitive, a. Soothing, assuasive, emollient, lenient, mitigative, balmy, sedative, demulcent.

      Lenitive, n. Palliative, emollient, soothing medicine.

      Lenity, n. Mildness, clemency, gentleness, tenderness, mercy, kindness, forbearance, lenience, leniency.

      Lens-shaped, a. Lentiform, lenticular.

      Lenten, a. Sparing, meagre, slender.

      Lentiform, a. Lens-shaped.

      Lenticular, a. Lens-shaped.

      Lentiginous, a. Scurfy, scabby, scaly, scabbed, furfuraceous.

      Lentisk, n. Mastic tree (Pistacia lentiscus).

      Lentiscus, n. Mastic tree (Pistacia lentiscus).

      Leonine, a. Lion-like.

      Leopard's-bane, n. Arnica.

      Lepidolite, n. (Min.) Rose mica, lithia mica.

      Lepidote, a. (Bot.) Scaly, leprous.

      Lepidoted, a. (Bot.) Scaly, leprous.

      Leprous, a. 1. Infected with leprosy.

      2. (Bot.) Scaly, lepidote, lepidoted.

      Lese-majesty, n. [Preferably written Leze-majesty.] Treason.

      Lesion, n. (Med.) Injury, hurt, disorder, derangement, morbid change.

      Less, a. Smaller, inferior.

      Less, ad. Not so much, in a less degree.

      Less, n. Not so much, smaller quantity.

      Lessen, v. a. 1. Diminish, decrease, reduce, abate, abridge, make less.

      2. Lower, degrade.

      Lessen, v. n. Decrease, diminish, abate, dwindle, shrink, be reduced.

      Lessening, n. Diminution, decrement, decrease, reduction, abatement.

      Lesser, a. Less, smaller, inferior.

      Lesser-Bear, n. [With The prefixed.] Little Bear, ursa minor.

      Lesson, n. 1. Exercise (of a learner), task.

      2. Instruction, precept.

      3. Reproof, rebuke, lecture, formal censure.

      Lest, conj. That not, for fear that.

      Let, v. a. 1. Allow, permit, suffer, give leave to, give permission to.

      2. Lease, put to hire.

      Let, n. Hinderance, impediment, obstacle, obstruction.

      Let alone, Leave, let be, suffer to remain undisturbed, forbear to meddle with.

      Let be, Leave, let alone.

      Let bygones be bygones, Let the past be forgotten.

      Let down, Lower, depress.

      Let drive, Discharge, let loose.

      Let fly, Discharge, let loose.

      Let go, Release, loose, set free, let loose, let slip, cast off, let out.

      Lethal, a. [Rare.] Deadly, mortal, fatal.

      Lethargic, a. Drowsy, dull, torpid, let loose, heavy, stupid, stupefied, comatose, morbidly sleepy.

      Lethargical, a. Drowsy, dull, torpid, let loose, heavy, stupid, stupefied, comatose, morbidly sleepy.

      Lethargy, n. Stupor, torpor, coma, stupefaction, hypnotism, stupidity, morbid drowsiness.

      Lethean, a. Oblivious.

      Let in, Admit, permit to enter.

      Let into, Admit, permit to enter.

      Let loose, Release, liberate, let free, free from restraint, let out, let go, set at liberty.

      Let off, 1. Discharge, explode.

      2. Excuse, exonerate, exempt.

      Let out, 1. Release, liberate, set free, let loose, free from restraint, set at liberty.

      2. Extend, loosen.

      3. Blab, disclose, divulge, reveal.

      Let slip, Loose, let go.

      Letter, n. 1. Alphabetic character.

      2. Epistle, note.

      3. Literal meaning, literal sense, verbal expression.

      Lettered, a. Learned, literary, bookish, well-read, deep-read, book-learned.

      Letters, n. pl. 1. Literature, learning, erudition.

      2. Correspondence.

      Levant, n. The East, Eastern coasts of the Mediterranean.

      Levee, n. 1. Time of rising.

      2. Ceremonious party (properly in the morning), reception, entertainment, soirée.

      3. Embankment (along a river to prevent inundation).

      Level, a. 1. Horizontal.

      2. Even, flat, plain.

      3. Flush, on a level, of the same height.

      4. Of the same rank, condition, &c., on a par.

      Level, v. a. 1. Make horizontal.

      2. Bring to the same level.

      3. Raze, demolish, destroy.

      4. Aim, direct, point, take aim.

      5. Adapt, suit, fit, proportion.

      Level, n. 1. Horizontal surface, horizontal line.

      2. State of equality, equal elevation.

      Leverage, n. Purchase (obtained by the lever).

      Levigate, v. a. Pulverize, comminute, triturate, grind, bruise, bray, reduce to powder.

      Levigation, n. Pulverization, comminution, trituration.

      Levity, n. 1. Lightness.

      2. Frivolity, flightiness, giddiness, volatility, want of seriousness.

      Levy, v. a. 1. Raise, muster, call together.

      2. Collect, gather.

      Lewd, a. Lustful, libidinous.

      Lexicon, n. Dictionary, glossary, vocabulary, word-book.

      Leze-majesty, n. [Sometimes written Lese-majesty.] Treason.

      Liability, n. 1. Responsibility, accountableness, accountability, bounden duty.

      2. Exposedness.

      Liable, a. 1. Answerable, responsible, accountable, amenable.

      2. Exposed, subject, obnoxious.

      Liaison, n. [Fr.] 1. Union, bond of union.

      2. Amour, love intrigue.

      Libel, n. 1. Lampoon, pasquinade, defamatory publication.

      2. (Law.) Charge, statement of complaint.

      Libel, v. a. 1. Lampoon, defame (by some publication).

      2. (Law.) Proceed against by a libel, bring a charge against.

      Libellous, a. [Written also Libelous.] Defamatory.

      Liberal, a. 1. Generous, bountiful, free, beneficent, munificent, princely, charitable, open-hearted, free-hearted, unselfish, disinterested.

      2. Enlarged, catholic, tolerant, unbigoted, high-minded, magnanimous, honorable, chivalrous.

      3. Large, full, unstinted, abundant, ample, plentiful.

      Liberal, n. Liberalist, advocate of liberal principles.

      Liberalism, n. Latitudinarianism.

      Liberalist, n. Liberal.

      Liberality, n. 1. Generosity, bounty, beneficence,