Словарь английских синонимов и синонимичных выражений. Том II. J – Z. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин
Издательство: Автор
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 2024
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Get on horseback.

      Mount, v. a. 1. Ascend, climb, scale, escalade, get upon.

      2. Put or raise (upon something).

      3. Embellish, cover with ornaments.

      4. (Mil.) Carry, be furnished with.

      Mount guard, Do duty as sentinel.

      Mountain, n. Mount, high hill, vast eminence.

      Mountain-ash, (European) n. Rowan-tree, quicken-tree, fowler's service-tree, roan-tree (Pyrus aucuparia or Sorbus aucuparia).

      Mountebank, n. Pretender, charlatan, empiric, quack, quack doctor.

      Mourn, v. n. Grieve, lament, be sorrowful.

      Mourn, v. a. Deplore, lament, bewail, bemoan, grieve for, sorrow over.

      Mournful, a. Sad, distressing, afflicting, afflictive, grievous, calamitous, lamentable, melancholy, deplorable, woful.

      Mournfulness, n. Sorrow, mourning, grief.

      Mourning, n. 1. Lamentation, sorrow, grief.

      2. Weeds, symbol of sorrow.

      Mouse, v. n. 1. Catch mice.

      2. Peer, search, pry about, look closely.

      Mouth, n. 1. Chaps, jaws, cavity between the jaws.

      2. Aperture (in a vessel for receiving or discharging any thing).

      3. Entrance (as of a cave or a river), inlet.

      Mouth, v. n. Vociferate, rant.

      Mouth-piece, n. 1. Piece (in a wind instrument) for the mouth.

      2. Speaker (in behalf of several persons).

      Movables, n. pl. Goods, wares, effects, furniture, chattels, movable property.

      Move, v. a.. 1. Impel, put in motion.

      2. Incite, instigate, rouse, actuate, influence, persuade, induce, prevail upon, act upon.

      3. Affect, touch, impress.

      4. Propose (in a deliberative body), recommend, suggest, offer for consideration.

      Move, v. n. 1. Stir, budge, change place or posture.

      2. Go, proceed, walk, march.

      3. Act, live, have power of motion.

      4. Remove, change residence.

      Move, n. Movement, motion, change of place.

      Movement, n. 1. Motion, move, change of place.

      2. (Mus.) Strain.

      Moving, a. Affecting, touching, pathetic, impressive.

      Much, a. Abundant, plenteous, a great deal of, a great quantity or amount of.

      Much, ad. 1. Greatly, abundantly, far, by far, to a great degree.

      2. Often, long, frequently, earnestly, a great deal.

      3. Nearly, almost, about the same.

      Mucilaginous, a. Slimy, gummy, ropy, mucous, glutinous, viscid.

      Muckworm, n. Miser, niggard, churl, curmudgeon, codger, skinflint, scrimp, screw, lickpenny, hunks, sordid wretch.

      Mucous, a. Slimy, ropy, mucilaginous, gummy, glutinous, viscid.

      Mud, n. Mire.

      Muddle, v. a. 1. Make muddy, make turbid.

      2. Stupefy, fuddle, inebriate, make half drunk, make tipsy.

      Muddle away, Waste, misuse, squander, fool away, fritter away, spend foolishly.

      Muddled, a. Fuddled, tipsy, disguised, mellow, in liquor, half drunk, half seas over, the worse for liquor.

      Muddy, a. 1. Miry.

      2. Turbid, dirty, foul, soiled.

      3. Confused, dull, stupid, heavy, muddy-headed, muddy-brained.

      Muddy-brained, a. Dull, muddy, stupid.

      Muddy-headed, a. Dull, muddy, stupid.

      Muffle, v. a. Wrap, cover, shroud.

      Muggy, a. 1. Wet, damp, moist.

      2. Close, warm, oppressive (said of the weather).

      Mulct, n. Fine, amercement, forfeit, forfeiture, pecuniary penalty.

      Mulct, v. a. Fine, amerce, impose a fine upon.

      Mule, n. Hybrid, mongrel, hinny.

      Muliebrity, n. Womanhood, feminality, femineity.

      Mulish, a. Stubborn, dogged, obstinate, headstrong, cross-grained, intractable.

      Mulishness, n. Stubbornness, doggedness, obstinacy.

      Mullion, n. [Arch.] Munnion.

      Multangular, a. Polygonal.

      Multifarious, a. Multiform, manifold, various, divers, diversified, different, of many sorts, of various kinds, of all sorts and kinds; this, that, or the other.

      Multiform, a. 1. Many-shaped, of many shapes, of many forms.

      2. Manifold, multifarious.

      Multiplicity, n. Great number.

      Multiplied, a. Numerous, many.

      Multiply, v. a. Increase (in number), make more, make many.

      Multiply, v. n. Increase, grow in number.

      Multitude, n. 1. Host, legion, crowd, throng, concourse, confluence, army, swarm, a great number, a great many.

      2. Rabble, mob, the populace, the vulgar, dregs of the people, scum of society.

      Mum, a. Silent, mute, speechless, dumb.

      Mumble, v. n. Mutter, speak inarticulately.

      Mumbler, n. Mutterer.

      Mummer, n. Masker, buffoon.

      Mummery, n. 1. Masking, masquerade, buffoonery, harlequinade, foolery, tomfoolery.

      2. Empty show, solemn mockery, vain ceremony.

      Mumpish, a. Sullen, sulky, morose, moody, spleeny, spleenish.

      Munch, v. a. [Colloquial.] Eat (with the lips closed), masticate, mandicate, chew.

      Mundane, a. Earthly, terrene, terrestrial, terraqueous, worldly, sublunary, under the sun.

      Municipal, a. Civic, civil, not military.

      Munificence, n. Liberality, generosity, bountifulness, bounty.

      Munificent, a. Liberal, bountiful, generous, bounteous, beneficent, princely, free, free-hearted.

      Muniment, n. 1. Fortification, stronghold, citadel, fortress, fort.

      2. (Law.) Record, title deeds and papers.

      Munition, n. Ammunition, military stores.

      Munnion, n. (Arch.) Mullion.

      Murder, n. Homicide (with malice), slaughter, massacre, assassination, butchery, manslaughter.

      Murder, v. a. Kill (with malice), slay, assassinate, despatch, put to death.

      Murder the king's English, Use bad grammar, commit a solecism, break Priscian's head.

      Murderer, n. Slaughterer, assassin, slayer, killer, butcher, cut-throat.

      Murderous, a. Sanguinary, bloody, cruel, savage, fell, bloodthirsty.

      Muriate, n. Hydrochlorate.

      Muriatic acid, Hydrochloric acid, marine acid, spirit of sea-salt.

      Murky, a. Dark, gloomy, obscure, dim, cloudy, clouded, dusky, lurid, overcast, lowering.

      Murmur, n. 1. Whisper; low, continuous sound.

      2. Complaint, plaint, whimper.

      3. Mutter, indistinct utterance.

      Murmur, v. n. 1. Make a low, continued sound.

      2. Complain, mutter, repine, croak, grumble.

      Murmurer, n. Censurer, complainer, repiner, objector, fault-finder.
