The Pearl Diver. Juriy Tashkinov. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Juriy Tashkinov
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения:
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785006228610
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off your ring. I need it more – it’s a beautiful thing, there’s no point in putting it on for such a lackey.

      In the first minutes, you shouldn’t give in to slack in such places. Of course, life in Eldoras will soon end when Shamon comes here. But Tram did not know how long he would spend in this place where inveterate people gathered. On a pirate ship, Tram witnessed how a young, thin guy periodically replaced female affection with unshaven corsairs, and did not want to share his fate. The rune-covered sword was taken, but Tram had a dagger in his bosom. He quietly took it out and placed it just below the prisoner’s stomach.

      «If you touch me again, you nit, I’ll cut off my balls.» Believe it! Understand? One more fucking time and you’ll be singing in the choir of inquisitors!

      – Okay, why are you doing so right away! So I would say that it’s my own. You know, we don’t like nobles here. And you are one of your own, you are not one of the nobles. «My name is Sam,» the «leader» extended his hand.

      «Trem,» the Exile shook hands with caution.

      – Will you have makhorka? There is little entertainment here – shag, cards and dice. Well, sometimes we fight, but so as to stretch the loaves.

      Tram had a special gift. He was unsociable and very rarely spoke to anyone first. But he always had comrades everywhere. And now he has become the soul of this team, with whom everyone took into account and asked for advice.

      The days passed in a monotonous sequence. Tram glanced warily at the street through the bars. He was taught to play poker. They played, of course, for shag.

      One day the door to the cell opened. Stuart entered.

      – Has Leslie come to his senses?

      «Not really,» said the guard. – Let’s go, I’ll tell you along the way.

      The door behind Tram creaked open and he was finally free. Fresh air! This is what is missing in the musty, sweat-smelling cell.

      «Tell me what happened while I was away,» said Tram.

      – Many things. Much more than in all previous years. Let me start with the fact that Shamon’s return is now no secret to anyone. The combined forces of Dragha and the Ennians burn cities and villages from the south. Morelia and mercenaries from the far west are burning our northern lands. According to my calculations, Shamon in all his grandeur will be with us in a week. And the king… He is still blind. He doesn’t see obvious things. Doesn’t want to see.

      We walked down the street without meeting a soul. How strange, even ominous for Dream – an empty city.

      «The merchants and rich townspeople have left,» Stuart commented.

      We entered the castle and the meeting room. All six of the Seven stood around the throne.

      – Oh, and you are here too, Exile! – said Leslie. – When you appeared in my city, I immediately realized that something was dirty. CONSPIRACY! And you can’t trust anyone. But you won’t overthrow Leslie that easily! You will not take away my crown. Guards! Capture these traitors!

      The soldiers hesitated – the Order of the Seven was something sacred and inviolable for them. Since childhood, their parents told them legends about the Battle of Antimonica.

      – Do I have to repeat orders twice?

      Some soldiers pulled their swords from their scabbards and walked towards the seven monks. Other soldiers pulled out their weapons and blocked the first one’s path. A fight broke out between supporters of the order and supporters of the king.

      – I thought so! – shouted Leslie. – Traitors among the walls! Damned traitors!

      He made a strange sound:

      – You? And you!

      Tram turned to see Esteri, his old lover, pull the dagger from her husband’s back, and the king fell to the ground.

      – Stop! In the name of the queen! I order! – Absolute silence hung for a while, no one dared to move.

      – I’m not ready to sacrifice my dear Dream for the whims of my husband!

      A strong woman, Tram thought to himself. She became haggard and aged, but Leslie could not extinguish in her through years of tyranny what the Exile loved her for.

      – The Order of the Seven receives as much power as it needs to fulfill its goal. We have lost the country, but we will not give up the capital to the enemy. Everyone else is now preparing for defense. And we will defend!

      – Do your duty, Exile! – the king hissed in his death throes. «I hope you go to hell after this, you fucking asshole!»

      These were the last words of the most cruel of the kings of Eldoras. Or maybe the last king, who knows how history will turn in a week?..

      Chapter 4. The Fall of Eldoras

      For the last two centuries, Eldoras had to defend its right to a place in the sun with blood and blades. A country rich in ore and fertile lands is always a tasty morsel for a greedy neighbor. Not a trace remained of the luxurious forests of Morelia after the reign of Chamon. Antimonik cut down forests and built mechanisms. The war of those times is long over, and instead of the legendary Magic Forest there is a scorched desert. The oak trees withered, the animals became extinct. And Eldoras, with its fertile black soils and access to the Sea of Erin and the appendage island of Ddraigh, became one of the richest countries in Seisilla.

      Therefore, in this war, Morelia the envious woman again took the side of Evil. Two weeks ago, the guards saw signal lights to the north. A day later, the southern signal light was lit. Trouble was knocking at the gate. But the king didn’t care. He was too carried away by searching for traitors within the castle walls. When Queen Esteri came to power, it was too late to liberate the provinces. Dream went on the defensive. All efforts were devoted to this.

      * * *

      Tram walked through the streets of Dream. It was hard to believe that the city was under threat. Everyone is also running and fussing. The market is full of people. A drunk woman invites you to buy fresh fish, another offers silk. Fruits, vegetables, wines, furs, silks, jewelry. Everything is the same as always. Dream was drowning in luxury and did not look for a way to salvation.

      A detachment of guards was leading some people shackled. A whole convoy. At first Tram thought they were being taken to a slave market. But then I looked closer and saw the familiar face of Liton.

      – How are you here, captain?

      – Looks like the old sailor has had enough of a swim. We are all mortals. Something seems to me that this time was the last voyage!

      – So what happened? – Tram was wearing black clothes, so the guards did not notice how someone was talking to their prisoners.

      – We were hanging out with the men. And out of drunkenness they decided to attack one ship. At first this was one thing, and then several more ships appeared. The royal bloodhounds decided to fish with live bait. And here we are, being led to trial.

      Queen Esteri sat on the throne. The maids brought her dishes with fruits and sweets. It smelled of orchids and incense. The musicians played violins, a busty blonde sang soulfully.

      The guards brought a tall, dark-haired man in a tattered suit into the room.

      – Your Highness, we have finally caught Liton! – said the old guard.

      Silence reigned in the hall. Everyone, including the queen, looked at the arrival with curiosity. The fame of the captain of the «Soul of the Corsair» spread to all directions of the world. The crew of the infamous schooner claimed the lives of hundreds of sailors.

      – Well, Liton, now you’ve had your fill.

      Tram ran into the throne room:

      – Your