2 Then the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful, and they took [them] to themselves as wives, whichever one chose. (It is widely known that even very close species of animals do not lend themselves to crossing or form infertile hybrids, it turns out that the «sons of God» are also people, but they have some advantages over the rest – their knowledge, skills, skills).
3 And the LORD said, My Spirit will not be despised by men forever; for they are flesh; let their days be one hundred and twenty years. (People especially did not honor the «higher powers», so they had to be constantly frightened by retribution. The concept of years in the Bible is extremely relative, it could be both a lunar and a solar calendar, and possibly a mixed one. Specific numbers can be so-called «lucky» and «unlucky». All numbers, according to ancient people, have «magical properties». In ancient Babylon, the most remarkable number was «12» – «a dozen», perhaps from the Old Russian word «to squeeze» – that is, «be able», the number 12 is divisible by many numbers, and the next number 13 is not divisible by anything – it turns out «damn dozen». The Babylonians divided the year into 12 months. Their days were divided into 24 hours, or 12 double hours, every hour – 60 minutes, or 5 times 12. In addition, this number was very convenient for counting. After all, it can be divided into 2, 3, 4, and 6 without remainder. Therefore, it was taken as a unit of measurement. Quite unlike the «12» was the «13» that followed it. He could not be divided by any number except himself. Therefore, they began to consider him unlucky, a damn dozen).
4 At that time there were giants on the earth, especially since the sons of God began to come in to the daughters of men, and they began to give birth to them: these are strong, glorious people from ancient times. (Various interpretations are possible here – giants in physical terms, mentally, in their skills, etc., if they produced offspring from «daughters of men», then this means that these giants were also people).
5 And the Lord saw that the corruption of people on earth was great, and that all the thoughts and thoughts of their hearts were evil at all times; (Disobedience to certain nascent orders in the oldest human community led to riots and counteracted the formation of moral and ethical norms, every human individual, like animals, sought to receive primarily benefits for myself, a pyramid of power was being built).
6 And the LORD repented that he had created man on earth, and was grieved in his heart. (Here the Lord is understood as an irresistible element, as well as the dominant one, hence the word «Lord», the moral and ethical environment of ancient human society, in which the dominant position was gradually occupied by the leaders-priests).
7 And the LORD said, I will destroy from the face of the earth the men whom I have created, from man to cattle, and I will destroy the reptiles and the birds of the air, for I have repented that I created them. (Raging nature can destroy all living things, including innocent animals).
8 But Noah found grace in the sight of the LORD. (Most likely, Noah led the «right way of life», that is, he obeyed the prevailing moral and ethical attitudes of that time).
9 This is the life of Noah: Noah was a righteous man and blameless in his generation; Noah walked before God. (The same attitudes that reinforce the righteousness of Noah).
10 Noah begat three sons: Shem, Ham, and Japheth. (The formation of Noah’s family).
11 But the earth was corrupted before God, and the earth was filled with wickedness. (In the most ancient human society, the concepts of good and evil are formed).
12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it is corrupt, for all flesh has perverted its way on earth. (Discontent of the ruling elite – the priests-leaders with the disobedience of the rest of the population).
13 And God said to Noah, The end of all flesh has come before me, for the earth is filled with their wickedness; and behold, I will destroy them from the earth. (Not only man behaved incorrectly, but also other living beings – «flesh». God’s communication with Noah through conversation shows that Noah could receive the necessary information by suggestion from the priest-leaders).
14 You shall make yourself an ark of gopher wood; you shall make compartments in the ark and tar it inside and out. (The Ark can be explained as a kind of chest or box, or a closed boat, unlike a raft. According to the etymological dictionary of O. Steinberg, gopher is a cypress, according to another version – resin, resinous tree).
15 And you shall make it this way: the length of the ark is three hundred cubits; its breadth is fifty cubits, and its height is thirty cubits. (According to A. Asimov’s calculations, the dimensions of the ark resembling a ship will be as follows: 450-75-45 feet = slightly more than 1.5 million cubic feet, about 43 thousand cubic meters).
16 And you shall make an opening in the ark, and you shall bring it up to a cubit, and you shall make a door to the ark on its side; you shall make a lower, second, and third dwelling in it. (It turns out a hermetic multi-deck vessel. Proceeding from the fact that endless floods occur in the Mesopotamia, the priest-leaders learned to create special vessels for rescue on the waters. In addition, the priests-leaders have learned to identify the approaching natural cataclysm, including floods, by various signs).
17 And behold, I will bring a flood of water upon the earth, to destroy all flesh in which there is the spirit of life, under heaven; everything that is on earth will lose its life. (Prediction of the future of the largest flood in Mesopotamia. The priests could make predictions by sending this information to Noah using morphogenetic fields, he could read information from them. It is quite possible that in such cases, animals, plants, and hypersensitive people also read information from the formative fields. It is not uncommon for our smaller brothers to «study» global morphogenic fields. The ability of animals to anticipate disasters is well known. Eyewitnesses recall that in 1960, on the eve of the earthquake in Agadir (Morocco), all stray dogs escaped from the city (not only rats run from danger!). Three years later, the same thing happened in the city of Skopje (Yugoslavia): dogs running out and tremors of destructive force. History knows many other similar examples (in ancient China, dogs were specially kept predictors of natural disasters. The morphogenetic field is constantly changing, reflecting the dynamics of the development of the organism. Thus, the concept of morphogenetic fields is based on the thesis of extracellular information, and the «volumetric» nature of this field is assumed, since it should cover all cells of the body. From this point of view, morphogenetic fields meet the requirements for an unknown programming mechanism that controls the whole organism as a whole. The world-renowned British biologist Rupert Sheldrake for the first time proposed to consider not only the human body or the atom as a single whole, but everything that can be combined on any basis. For example, pets and their owners, according to Sheldrake, are a whole, therefore, it is not surprising that when this whole disintegrates, its parts continue to read information from each other’s morphogenic fields).
18 But I will make my covenant with you, and you and your sons and your wife and your sons’ wives will enter the ark with you. (A covenant is a solemnly concluded contract between the righteous and the priests).
19 You shall also bring into the ark two of every animal and of every flesh, that they may live with you; male and female they shall be. (The ancient idea that all animals can be placed on a ship so that they are paired, that is, they can reproduce).
20 Of the birds according to their kind, and of the cattle according to their kind, and of all the creeping things on the earth according to their kind, of all two will come to you, so that they may live. (That is, land animals).
21 But you take for yourself all the food that they eat, and gather it to yourself; and it will be food for you and for them. (The oldest idea that animals can eat plant food, although plants are also living beings, does not take into account the fact that animals on the ship can devour other