Beaumont and Fletcher's Works. Volume 9. Beaumont Francis. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Beaumont Francis
Издательство: Public Domain
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Год издания: 0
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Fly, fly dear brother,

      You are lost else.

      Jul. A man, a man, a new man.

      Raym. What are these?

Enter Juletta, Crocale, Clarinda

      Cro. An enemy, an enemy.

      Cla. Dispatch him,

      Take him off, shoot him straight.

      Raym. I dare not use my sword, Ladies,

      Against such comely foes.

      Amin. Oh brother, brother!

      Cla. Away with 'em, and in dark prisons bind 'em.

      One word reply'd, ye die both.

      Now brave mother, follow thy noble anger,

      And I'll help thee.


      Actus Quintus. Scæna Prima

Enter Rossella, Clarinda, Crocale, Juletta, Hippolita


      I am deaf to all your intreaties: she that moves me

      For pity or compassion to these Pirats,

      Digs up her Fathers, or her Brothers Tomb,

      And spurns about their ashes.

      Couldst thou remember what a Father thou hadst once,

      'Twould steel thy heart against all foolish pity.

      By his memory, and the remembrance of his dear embraces,

      I am taught, that in a Noble cause revenge is Noble;

      And they shall fall the sacrifices to appease

      His wandring Ghost, and my incensed fury.

      Cla. The new come prisoner too!

      Ros. He too[. Y]et that we may learn

      Whether they are the same, or near ally'd

      To those that forc'd me to this cruel course,

      Better their poor allowance, and permit 'em

      To meet together and confer,

      Within the distance of your ear; perhaps

      They may discover something that may kill

      Despair in me, and be a means to save 'em

      From certain ruine.

      C[r]o. That shall be my charge.

      Ros. Yet to prevent

      All hope of rescue: for this new-come Captain

      Hath both a Ship and Men not far [off] from us,

      Though ignorant to find the only Port,

      That can yield entrance to our happy Island,

      Guard the place strongly, and e'r the next Sun

      Ends his diurnal progress, I will be

      Happy in my revenge, or set 'em free.

Enter Crocale, Juletta, Hippolita. [A Table furnish'd

      Cro. So serve it plentifully,

      And lose not time to enquire the cause;

      There is a main design that hangs upon this bounty.

      See the Table furnisht with Wine too,

      That discovers secrets which tortures cannot open:

      Open the doors too of the several prisons,

      And give all free entrance into this room.

      Undiscover'd I can here mark all.

Enter Tib. Mast

      Here's Captain careless, and the tough Ship-master,

      The slaves are nos'd like Vultures

      How wild they look.

      Tib. Ha, the mistery of this,

      Some good Hobgoblin rise and reveal.

      Mast. I'm amazed at it: nor can I sound the intent.

      Tib. Is not this bread,

      Substantial bread, not painted?

      Mast. But take heed,

      You may be poisoned.

      Tib. I am sure I am famish'd;

      And famine, as the wise man says,

      Gripes the guts as much as any Mineral.

      This may be Treacle sent to preserve me

      After a long Fast: or be it Vipers spittle,

      I'll run the hazard.

      Mast. We are past all fear, I'll take part with ye.

      Tib. Do: and now i'faith, how d'ye feel your self?

      I find great ease in't. What's here;

      Wine, and it be thy Will;

      Strong lusty Wine. Well, fools may talk

      Of Mythridate, Cordials, and Elixirs.

      But from my youth this was my only Physick.

      Here's a colour, what Ladies cheek,

      Though cerus'd over, comes near it?

      It sparkles too: hangs out Diamonds.

      Oh my sweet-heart, how I will hug thee,

      Again, and again! They are poor drunkards,

      And not worth thy favors,

      That number thy moist kisses in these Crystals.

      Mast. But Mounsieur,

      Here are Suckets, and sweet dishes.

      Tib. Tush, boys meat,

      I am past it; here's strong food fit for men:

      Nectar, old lad. Mistriss of merry hearts,

      Once more I am bold with you.

      Mast. Take heed (man)

      Too much will breed distemper.

      Tib. Hast thou liv'd at Sea

      The most part of thy life, where to be sober

      While we have Wine aboard, is capital Treason;

      And dost thou preach sobriety?

      Mast. Prethee forbear,

      We may offend in it; we know not for whom

      It was provided.

      Tib. I am sure for me: therefore footra,

      When I am full, let 'em hang me, I care not.

Enter Albert, Aminta, Raymond, Lamure, Morrillat, Franvile, severally

      Mast. This has been his temper ever.

      See, provoking dishes; candid Eringoes,

      And Potatoes.

      Tib. I'll not touch 'em, I will drink;

      But not a bit on a march, I'll be an Eunuch rather.

      Mast. Who are these?

      Tib. Marry, who you will;

      I keep my Text here.

      Alb. Raymond!

      Ray. Albert!

      Tib. Away, I'll be drunk alone;
