Who set Hitler against Stalin?. Nikolay Starikov. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Nikolay Starikov
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 2008
isbn: 978-5-496-01375-8
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and only after that acknowledged the Soviet Union[115]. The matter was not in the non-acceptance of communism by the heads of Britain. The matter was in the principal position not to deal with the one who lied to them. The one who was sent to destroy the country and transfer it under governance of the West and who had fulfilled the first task but rejected to fulfill the second. In Genoa he demonstrated once again that he could perform political “somersaults” just as good as his British “friends”. Such issues as establishment of the diplomatic relations were not done within one week. Consultations were in the active phase before the death of the leader. And acknowledgement of USSR in nine days after Lenin’s passing away was quite a direct and unambiguous hint at which political course of the USSR would find understanding. Lenin’s “leaving” gave a wonderful opportunity to fix those problems that his sharp mind created for the Anglo-Saxon. And that situation had to be fixed by Trotsky. All the hopes were placed on him.

      It is now the correct time to return to ideological disagreements between Joseph Stalin and Leon Trotsky, disagreement between the theory of constructing the socialism in one country and principal impossibility to do it. What is it – the construction of the new social structure? It is struggle, blood, civil war, sacrifices and devastation. Trotsky and Stalin had almost no disagreements in this issue. But the clash was over and it was time to restore the country. And this is where disagreements began. Stalin thought that to construct socialism in the USSR new factories, plants and railways had to be build. Socialism was supposed to improve the life of a working person. There was such a need to build kindergartens, schools and libraries. Socialism was aimed at eliminating illiteracy and ignorance. Sources were supposed to be contributed to improvement of the infrastructure, to construction of health resorts for working people. The purpose was not only to restore Russia but to improve it.

      What did Trotsky offer? Socialism is impossible in one, separate Russia. Thus such large-scale construction was senseless from his point of view. Why would you need to build a roof without laying a foundation! And the foundation of the happy life in Russia could be only the world revolution. The revolution had to be performed and then deal with everything else. That meant no kindergartens and resorts. Nothing is needed after all other than financing of the world revolution movement and establishing of the strong army that would bring sunrise to the whole world on the edge of the blade. According to Trotsky such permanent revolution had to be exported all the time. What did it mean? It meant that at any moment USSR could attack any other country at its choice and discretion of comrade Trotsky. And at the choice of his foreign friends, those to whom Leon Trotsky sent the “railway” funds.

      The situation was far from harmless. If Trotsky had won, all the county’s resources would be spent for establishing the threat for the surrounding world[116]. Therefore comrade Trotsky gave his supervisors from the British and American intelligence services a good reason to achieve the destruction of USSR through war. That is a reason for another military defeat of the Russian army and for creating a magnificent cause for country’s occupation. Who would accuse the West of the aggression if USSR was getting ready to attack? Nobody, everybody would only applaud. Besides the theory of revolution export would enable the United Kingdom with our own hands and with the blood of our own soldiers to create tension in the required territories of the world. The Persian Shah doesn’t want to grant England oil? The Red Army would bring revolution to Iran, would make a mess and later the white and innocent Englishmen would come and save the Persians from the brutal communists. And take the oil as a thank you note.

      It is very appropriate to cite one of the statements of Joseph Stalin: “Opposition thinks that the issue on construction of socialism in USSR has only the theoretical pursuit. That is not correct. That is a complete delusion”[117]. Decision in regards of the course that the country would choose really determined its further practical actions. And those actions were completely opposite. If Stalin won, the country would be independent and restoration would begin, if Trotsky took advantage, the country would be at the edged of the next “October” and thousands of the Russian men might fall dead on the battle fields trying to set on fire Europe and Asia.

      And the main thing: if Trotsky’s ideas triumphed over, USSR would have no allies at all! Because there are no other socialistic countries in the world and all the capital countries were our enemies a priori! And that meant that the Treaty of Rapallo that was so dangerous for England would die away.

      The first large collision between Stalin and Trotsky happened in January 1923 because of the mentioned above occupation of Ruhr by the French. Trotsky called upon the support of the communists who as we well remember arranged the uprising in Hamburg in October 1923. That meant to sacrifice friendship with Germany for the idea of the world revolution. Friendship with the Germans was not only parties, handshakes and smiles of the diplomats. Friendship was also equipment, machines, optics that other than Germany nobody supplied to our country. USSR badly needed all the above. That is why Stalin was absolutely against the intervention. And there was no intervention.

      In January 1924 Lenin died and the battle for Russia came out into the open phase. It was yet unclear who was going to win. Quite possible that another war might be required for Russia’s destruction. For that purpose there had to be the country that would start such war. And such country needed a relevant leader.

      Trial over the Nazi putschists took place in February-March 1924. Hitler was sentenced to 5 years of prison. Without losing any time he started dictating his future book Mein Kampf to Rudolf Hess in which as we remember he was celebrating the advantages of the England and Germany alliance for the both countries. You are not surprised, are you? He was supposed to be placed in the cell, he was supposed to be re-educated but he was not supposed to write books! But the prison for Führer was like a resort. Good feeding, numerous visitors that took about 6 hours per day[118].

      Hitler was provided with the most favourable conditions. “The place of confinement looked like a Deli store. The grocery store with flower, fruit and wine departments with large inventory could be opened in his prison cell”[119], – this is how Ernst Hanfstaengl described Hitler’s place of imprisonment. By the way the American came to that prison with a visit not because of the sentimental feelings. He was getting ready to drag Hitler out of that difficult situation. Hitler’s manuscript, the masterpiece, was secretly carried out from the prison and was already typed in the printing facility of Völkischer Beobachter but the Nazi newspaper had numerous invoices payable. That invoices had to paid, otherwise all that had been done, would be all for nothing.

      “I paid some of the invoices and confirmed some others, that was enough to keep the newspaper operating”[120], – wrote Hitler’s “kind genius” in his memoirs. Pro-English Hitler’s ideas expressed in the book belonged to Hanfstaengl in many aspects and it would be a pity if the book had not been published. And that did not really cost some great money, some simple trifles. Instead of five years of Hitler’s imprisonment he spent there only thirteen months![121] The support was not significant but played the crucial role…

      Hitler walked free from jail and the next financial miracle occurred right away. Later on Hitler was miraculously boosting German’s economy but first of all the financial miracle happened to him personally. The finished manuscript of his book Four Years of Struggle against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice was published under the new name Mein Kampf. The issue of the book would not be very big and the interest from the readers would be even less. In 1926 the second volume of Mein Kamp went out but it did not change the core of the matter. The first volume was sold in 1925 in the amount of 10 thousand copies, in 1926 in the amount of 7 thousand copies. In 1927 both volumes found only 5,607 buyers and in 1928 even fewer – only 3,015[122].

      It is clear that with such number of issues or with such “sales” as we currently call it the writer could not survive. However the young “writer” Adolf Hitler lives a rather well-to-do life. It seemed that he had no other sources of income. But it did not


Right after the patron, the vassals also started acknowledging USSR: on 7 February 1924 – Italy where Benito Mussolini was the Prime Minister, on 13 February – Norway, on 25 February – Austria, on 8 March – Greece, on 15 March – Sweden, on 18 June – Denmark, on 6 July – Albania, on 19 July – China, on 1 August – Mexico, on 28 October 1924 – France. The last in this “acknowledgement order” was Japan, it happened on 20 January 1925, while the United States acknowledged USSR on in 1933.


Rezun-Suvorov attributes such brutal aggression to USSR of the Stalin period, thus, explaining the mechanism of the World War II. While such concept lost in the battle together with its author Trotsky and Stalin never used it. At the VII congress of Communist International in 1935 it was officially declared that the world revolution was not prepared any more.


Stalin, J.V. Collected works. V.9. P. 37.


Fest, I. Hitler. V.2. P.5.


Hanfstaengl, E. Hitler. The Missing Years. P. 119.


Ibid. P. 122.


Hitler was in prison from November 12, 1923 to December 20, 1924.


Fest, I. Hitler. V.2. P. 82.