Who set Hitler against Stalin?. Nikolay Starikov. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Nikolay Starikov
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 2008
isbn: 978-5-496-01375-8
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of arms with the Entente countries, as soon as they came to power. It was made so handily that Germans were outwitted as a middlebrow in a shellgame. When one reads this document, no doubt about sponsors of the German revolution remain.

      “Clause 4. The German army shall cede the following military goods: 5 thousand cannons, 25 thousand machine guns, 3 thousand trench mortars and 1,700 airplanes…

      Clause 7. … The Allies get 5 thousand steam locomotives, 150 thousand wagons and 5 thousand trucks…

      Clause 9. The German Government undertakes to support occupation armies in the Rhineland (excluding Alsace-Lorraine).

      Clause 10. Immediate one-sided repatriation … of all army prisoners, who belong to armies of the allies…”[48]

      Besides all the above-mentioned, Germany was obliged to provide its entire fleet to the Entente, i.e. 6 heavy cruisers, 10 battleships, 8 light cruisers, 50 destroyers and 160 submarines[49].

      How do you like this armistice? Can text related to armistice contain such clauses? The other wording for armistice is ceasefire. However, the document offered by the Entente and hastily signed by the new German government can only be considered as unconditional surrender. At the same time, if Germans learnt what the British and the French demanded, the population would go on rebelling. That is why the document was called armistice. At first, Germany surrendered its weapons, obliged to withdraw its troops from occupied lands and to hand over its fleet to the Entente’s supervision, to hand over all of its heavy armament and transport means and to release all captives. Only when Germans had no more army and means of resistance the peace talk was to be started. In fact, at first Germans surrendered their weapons, and only then they learnt the terms and conditions of the deal!

      Germany was crushed without a hitch. With Kaiser’s consent the German delegation started peace negotiation as early as on November 7, 1918, even before Wilhelm had abdicated. The allies let Germans consider the offer for 72 hours, which expired on November 11. But Kaiser would never have agreed to such predatory terms. Signing such document actually meant that Germany lost World War I! So, it was necessary that by the time of signing the truce Kaiser wasn’t the Head of Germany anymore. Otherwise, this ceasefire, looking more like surrender, wouldn’t have been signed. That is why Max of Baden had to lie about Kaiser’s abdication on November 9. And the new puppet government instantly signed the documents till November 11, as demanded by the enemy.

      These papers were all right! When did the Entente’s leaders manage to calculate military property and steam locomotives that Germans were to hand over? Or did the German delegates kindly bring a list with them? Or may the allies have prepared the agreement in advance, as they knew about the revolt being prepared?

      The Entente’s propagandists were assuring Germans that as soon as Germany got rid of its Kaiser, equitable peace agreement would be signed. To a certain extent such attitude made many Germans unwilling to support him.

      Germans overthrew its leader, brought the country to chaos and made it impossible for its army to fight further. However, Germans weren’t spared in any way, when terms of the armistice agreement and the Treaty of Versailles were being compiled. Conversely, that were the harshest terms of armistice since the Punic wars between Rome and Carthage. Consequently, Germans felt deceived and betrayed. It has to be mentioned that vengeance caught up with most of the traitors. Thus, Matthias Erzberger, who signed “the peace agreement”, was shot in August 1921 by two young Nationalists. Most of those who signed the Treaty of Brest from the part of Russia perished in 1937–1938…

      Naturally, the predatory Treaty of Versailles was signed after that. You know what happened next. Reparations till 1988, starvation, chill and unprecedented inflation. Germans sobered fast, but they had no way back. Goods output reduced to the level of 1888, but since that time the population increased by 30 %![50] Germans could only stand it or shut their windows and open gas valves in their kitchens. That is when Adolf Hitler started his way to the political arena. He understood who had won the last world war and who kindly permitted Germany to be put back on its feet.

      So, who organized the February and October Revolution in Russia and the November Revolution in Germany?

      Almost all my books are dedicated to inquiry into this matter. There are loads of proof there[51]. It is absolutely impossible to repeat all of it in the research related to mysteries of Adolf Hitler coming to power. Let the Reader refer to the books already published, and let me only repeat the conclusion that matters for our research of causes and reasons of World War II.

      Revolutions in Germany and Russia were organized by the British Intelligence Service at adequate support of the USA and France. The aim of the World Slaughter I was to play off one great country against the other and to later unleash revolutions in both of them, thus destroying these countries[52]. All possible political parties were used to reach this goal. In Russia these were SRs, Kadets, Menshiviks and Bolsheviks; in Germany that were ace-deuce social democrats. However, it didn’t went smoothly for the British Intelligence Service. If Germany had its own “bloody dog” Noske, in Russia murdering of political competitors was firmly undertaken by Bolsheviks. Having been delivered to Russia by the British Intelligence Service in a sealed wagon as agreed with German security services, they didn’t want to get away from the political arena. Having turned out to be gifted and merciless organizers, Bolsheviks won the Civil war and got out of control of British curators.

      When dust from crushing of the great Russian Empire settled down, the surprised British saw something impossible. Instead of a huge but predictable Royal Empire there was a smaller but absolutely unpredictable new country, the USSR. It was headed by people, who were personally aware of how revolutions had been made and who thus were worthy competitors in political struggle.

      However, the Soviet Union wasn’t dangerous because of its new ideology. At least, its mottos, “-isms” and configurations of regimes were only means for reaching the intended goal, not the goal itself. That is why Bolsheviks, who collapsed Russia, had to continue politics of their incoronated predecessors, when they came to power. They quickly got almost all the lands lost back, though, it was made in the name of Marxism at that time. However, the true reason was not the ideological triumph of the bearded man from London, but logics of geopolitical opposition and protection of the country’s interests[53].

      When we say that Great Britain used revolution as a weapon to destruct its geopolitical rivals, it must be understood that Britain and the USA had been kind of a single whole for a long time. Once Brits were in the lead, but since 1945 Americans took up the reins. There were certain disagreements between them, of course. But disagreements between the Anglo-Saxon were absolutely minor, if compared to their monolithic solidarity in matters of grabbing global resources. That is why not only the British but the American Intelligence Service as well participated in crushing of their geopolitical competitors[54].

      There was also a place for the French in this block of “progressive mankind”. Differently speaking, the so-called Western world was getting more and more close-knit in regard to pursuing of common objectives since Napoleon Bonaparte had been defeated. One of the objectives was to destroy all dangerous rivals, such as Russia and then Germany, who prevented them from using global resources. And “the imaginative disagreements” started, when it was necessary to determine shares of goods due to each of the parties. However, such disagreements had no effect on solidarity of Western democracies. Mind, this is how historians call the sworn friendship of Britain, France and the USA in the period between two World Wars[55].

      Yet, only two latter states are called republics, whereas Great Britain is constitutional monarchy. That difference of political regimes makes us comprehend that comparing countries basing on the method of management is rather conventional, at the first place, and that these states weren’t united by some “global human values” or “struggle for human rights”,


Shatzillo, V. World War I 1914–1918. P. 338.


History of World War I 1914–1918. M., 1975. P. 508.


How the German sword was forged. M., 2006. P.7.


Refer to Starikov, N. 1917. Not revolution, but a special operation! 1917. Who murdered Russia?; Betrayed Russia. Our “allies” from Boris Godunov to Nicolas II; From Decembrists to Mujahidins. Who fed our revolutionaries?


Refer to Starikov, N. 1917. Not the revolution, but the special operation! M., 2007.


For 37 years Carl Marx lived in London. That is where he wrote his “Capital” and where he is buried. And the First Communistic International was established in this city. It was not by accident. For about 200 years all anti-Russian forces find shelter with this city. Simply remember the most recent events of contemporary Russian history to see how fair this statement is.


Despite obvious domination of the USA in the late XX – early XXI century, the British Intelligence Service MI6 still was the most powerful in the global arena. Famous movie character James Bond worked for this Service, not for CIA. Even our “freedom fighters”, involved into something very alike espionage, were leaving for London, not for Berlin or Geneva, for some reason.


After World War II “progressive mankind” took Italy and Germany under its wing. Though, to get there these countries had to sacrifice some of their foreign policy sovereignty. And occupation troops of the winners still remained in German lands, and that weren’t only American troops. A patrol of the French Military Gendarmerie could be met somewhere in the German wilderness.