Essentials of Veterinary Ophthalmology. Kirk N. Gelatt. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kirk N. Gelatt
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Биология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119801351
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curvature; (iii) changing the distance between the cornea and retina; or (iv) having two or more separate optical pathways of different refractive powers. Accommodation is most commonly measured using IR photoretinoscopy, which uses reflection of IR light from the fundus to measure dynamic changes in the refractive error. Since mammalian accommodation is mediated by contraction of the smooth ciliary muscle, it can be stimulated by pilocarpine. Humans and other primates accommodate by changing the curvature of the lens (Figure 2.12). To view distant objects, sympathetic innervation induces relaxation of the ciliary body muscle, which in turn leads to stretching of the lens zonule. The increased tension of the zonules results in a greater pull on the lens capsule, thus causing the lens to become more discoid and decreasing its overall axial thickness and refractive power in a process of disaccommodation. To accommodate for near objects, the reverse process takes place. Parasympathetic input induces contraction of the ciliary body muscles, leading to relaxation of the zonular fibers and reduced tension on the lens capsule. In turn, this liberates the inherent elasticity of the lens, resulting in a more spherical lens possessing greater axial thickness and refractive power. Consequently, anterior chamber depth decreases and increases during accommodation and disaccommodation, respectively.

Schematic illustration of the effect of vitreous elongation on ocular refraction.


      The pupillary aperture is not considered to be a classic refractive structure as it has no refractive index, but it does make an important contribution to the resolving power of the eye. As the pupil dilates in dim light, the number of photons entering the eye increases, resulting in increased retinal illumination. However, there is “a price to be paid” for this increased illumination, as mydriasis also decreases the depth of focus of the eye. This means that as the pupil dilates, the range of distances at which objects remain in focus decreases.

      Abnormal Refractive States and Optical Errors

      Emmetropia and Ametropia

      The “purpose” of refraction and the accommodative processes described in the previous sections is to focus an image on the outer segments of the photoreceptors. An emmetropic eye is one in which parallel light rays (from a distant object) are focused on the outer segments when the eye is disaccommodated. A nonemmetropic, or ametropic, eye is one in which the focused image (from a distant object) falls anterior to the retina (i.e., nearsighted or myopic eye) or posterior to it (i.e., farsighted, hyperopic or hypermetropic eye) (see Figure 2.12).

Image described by caption.

      A study in cats reported that kittens (≤4 months) are myopic, with a mean error of −2.45 D, while adult cats are close to emmetropia, with a mean error of −0.39 D, thus demonstrating a significant effect of age. It is interesting to note that myopia decreases with age in cats, but in horses and in some dog breeds, notably the English Springer Spaniel and Beagle, it increases with age.

      Several large studies have shown horses to be overall emmetropic. However, only 48–68% of horses are emmetropic in both eyes, with hyperopia and myopia reported in equal proportions in the ametropic horses, with errors of up to ±3 D. Age and breed may affect the refractive error in horses.

      A large range of retinoscopy values is reported in species with small eyes. For example, values range from +20 to −13 D in the rat, and from −0.7 to +13.7 D in C57BL/6J mice.

      Aphakic Eyes and Intraocular Lenses

      Because of the significant refractive role of the lens, cataract surgery (or any surgical lens extraction) resulting in aphakia leaves the eye severely hypermetropic. The aphakic eye lacks the refractive contribution of the lens; therefore, light is not sufficiently refracted, resulting in image formation “behind” the retina. Since the early 1980s, veterinary ophthalmologists have sought to alleviate this problem by implanting IOLs in dogs' eyes following cataract extraction. The purpose of these implants is to compensate for loss of refraction by the lens, thereby returning the eye to an emmetropic state. Following the results of studies involving large numbers of dogs of various breeds, it has been determined that the canine IOL should have a power of 40.0–41.5 D. The 1.5 D range of recommended values probably results from breed differences. Use of 41 D IOLs in 60 dogs resulted in an average refractive error of ≤1.2 D. However, it is important to note that though 41 D IOLs are used to bring aphakic dogs to emmetropia, this does not mean that aphakic dogs suffer from hypermetropia of 41 D.