Supplier Diversity For Dummies. Kathey K. Porter. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Kathey K. Porter
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: О бизнесе популярно
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119843030
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Diversity Aligning Supplier Diversity Goals with Procurement Strategies Setting Goals with a Disparity Study Setting Goals without a Disparity Study Meeting Utilization Goals versus Adding Value Chapter 19: Tracking, Measuring, and Reporting Metrics in Supplier Diversity: It’s All in the Numbers Tracking Diverse Spend Measuring the Impact/Success of Supplier Diversity Efforts Being Aware of Problems in Reporting Reporting What Matters: Creating an At-a-Glance Dashboard Reporting to Senior Leaders and the Community

      10  Part 6: Building a Career in Supplier Diversity Chapter 20: Becoming a Supplier Diversity Professional Understanding Job Titles and Job Descriptions Looking at Department Structures and Job Functions Supplier Diversity by Any Other Name: Examining Industry Terminology Landing a Job in Supplier Diversity Chapter 21: Supplier Diversity Certifications and Continuing Education Checking Out Certification Programs Staying Current with Continuing Education Digging into Degrees, Diplomas, and Other Education Options

      11  Part 7: The Part of Tens Chapter 22: Nearly Ten Ways to Become an Effective Supplier Diversity Leader Be the Champion within Your Organization Be an Influencer Be an Advocate Be a Collaborator Know How Your Organization Works Know What to Ask For Know the Needs of Your Business Community Focus on Impact, Not Activities Focus on Driving Results Chapter 23: Ten (Plus One) Ways to Create a World-Class Supplier Diversity Program Connect Program Deliverables to Organizational Goals Develop Your 4 P’s to Be Small and Diverse Business-Centric Focus on Connecting Businesses to Opportunities Establish Your Place in Your Community’s Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Become Self-Sustaining: From Limiting to Limitless Invest in Analytics to Help Manage Your Program Cultivate a Supplier Development Program Using M.O.D.E. Don’t Be Afraid to Try New Programs Put a Compliance Program in Place Get Your Prime/Tier 1 Partners Involved Get out from Behind That Desk Chapter 24: Ten Myths about Supplier Diversity Supplier Diversity Will Increase How Much We Pay for Things Supplier Diversity Doesn’t Add Value Because It Doesn’t Generate Revenue Supplier Diversity Is Just a Feel-Good Initiative Supplier Diversity Is Too Confusing Supplier Diversity Doesn’t Impact Our Bottom Line Supplier Diversity and DEI Are Close Enough Our Name Alone Will Deliver Program Results Anybody Can Lead This Effort — Any Body We’re Too Busy to Devote Energy to Supplier Diversity Supplier Diversity Will Lower Our Standards

      12  Index

      13  About the Author

      14  Advertisement Page

      15  Connect with Dummies

      16  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 6TABLE 6-1 Comparing Leadership Structures

      2 Chapter 10TABLE 10-1 Sample ObjectivesTABLE 10-2 Sample KPIs

      3 Chapter 11TABLE 11-1 Levels of Supplier Diversity Transparency

      4 Chapter 16TABLE 16-1 Common Supplier Diversity MetricsTABLE 16-2 Generating Meaningful Supplier Diversity BenchmarksTABLE 16-3 KPIs for Supplier Diversity ObjectivesTABLE 16-4 Sample Metric Comparison ReportTABLE 16-5 Metrics for the Story You Want to Tell

      List of Illustrations

      1 Chapter 1FIGURE 1-1: Supplier diversity title frequency.

      2 Chapter 2FIGURE 2-1: Evolution of supplier diversity.

      3 Chapter 3FIGURE