Journey to Creating Harmony Within. Heather McCabe. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Heather McCabe
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9783737571418
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Archangel Michael, a blue flash appeared at his head and he got a shiver run down his back. That was Michael letting him know it was definitely him.

      What I have discovered is that there is no right way or wrong way to develop your senses. Everyone is unique. Some people see, some people sense, some people hear, some people smell, some people just have a knowing, some people get a mixture and that’s ok. We were all born with the senses but lose them along the way as conditioning and social acceptability commence. Up until the age of around seven, our brains operate in the theta brain wave which is much slower and allows us to access much of subconscious mind, then it changes to the beta brainwave which is much faster and more of our conscious mind. This is another reason why much of what happens in our childhood can impact us in our adult life.

      Finding a group of liked minded people is always a good idea. That way you can grow and learn from each other, even the teacher is always learning. With spirituality there is no end to the potential of growth. Once you learn so far you go back to the beginning again and you start over. This time you will be learning on a deeper level, then go back and keep going back and the depth to your knowledge will keep growing.

      What is remarkable is when you are in a group like our wee spiritual group, when you meditate together and you link in with each other and you get the same messages or images and that is mind blowing. We can all see the same picture or message from different perspectives giving a complete image often filling the missing parts for each other.

      One of our recent meditations we all got bliss, we all felt bliss and we had the feeling of bliss for a number of days after the meditation. This was a reminder to us of how far we had actually came in our meditations and excited us all as what else were we then going to uncover.

      Meditation is a good practice in helping the chakras and balancing your energy. Meditation is not as out there as you may think, where you have to sit crossed legged and chant OM all the time. Meditation simply means quietening the mind. Switching off the inner dialogue that often fills our minds and causes self-esteem and confidence issues.

      By taking time daily even five minutes, it can have a huge impact on your life having true peace and quiet for yourself.

       Take five minutes just now, read though the steps first then have a practice:

       - Close your eyes

       - Focus on the breath, breathing in deeply filling your lungs and abdomen and hold for a minute

       - Let it go, out through your mouth

       - Repeat the deep breath in and out through your mouth

       keep the focus on your breath

       - Let any thoughts drift in, don’t think about them, let them drift out the same way they drifted in

       - Continue to sit like this until you feel ready to return to the room

       - You may get messages, images, colours that’s ok

       Well how did you find this? It’s not as easy as it looks! Probably the first time you tried it and only managed a few minutes. Keep practicing and you will be able to continue longer.

      Initially five minutes can seem like a lifetime! You will soon realise the benefits and the impact this can have on you.

      It’s a good idea to have a journal to record what happens during your meditation.

       Now the basics of meditation are covered, looking back at balancing the chakras we can use meditation to focus on areas. As we go through this book, there will be meditations to look at each chakra in turn there will be other meditations to help also.

      Meditation helps you to access the deeper subconscious of our minds. There really is a whole new world in there for you to discover. We only use around 20% of our brain in our waking life and that leaves 80% of your brain that can be accessed particularly the akashic records, where all the imprints of all our lives are said to be stored.

      When I first began meditating, I found it difficult to do unless it was a guided meditation. My meditations began after setting up our wee spiritual development group in my clinic. It had three members and now almost three years on we have a solid group of five very strong and powerful women.

      Initially for me, the meditations kept providing me with symbols which over time, kept recurring and I had to depict what they meant to me. There would be hearts, butterflies, pyramids and stars either five pointed or eight pointed stars. I’m not going to go into what these symbols mean here as what I discovered was that no matter how much I tried to understand what they meant through interpretations, it actually had a meaning that was more unique to me. When you uncover the meaning it will be a lightbulb moment.

      So what I am saying is listen to your own inner dialogue and find the meaning that resonates with you, not someone else’s, be open to the fact that sometimes the symbol has more than one meaning dependant on the situation.

      My hearts and butterflies for me were to do with self-love, the fact that I needed to find the love in myself to open up to change the inner me. I kept getting these symbols for weeks, months even a year until I finally listen and accepted what I was getting and making the journey to find me.

      Meditation is a good way to find guidance from the heart, the true you.

      Below is a meditation for the root chakra, either have someone read the meditation to you or record it and play it back. It’s important to take your time and have pauses during the meditation to gain the full benefit. Allow the feelings, emotions and thoughts to come up to clear.

      Root Chakra Mediation

      Close your eyes, take a nice long deep breath in, hold and exhale.

      Take another deep breath in and feel all the muscles of your body relaxing muscle by muscle, as you exhale let go of all the stresses, worries or cares of the day.

      Feel the heaviness of your eyes as they relax, relaxing so much that it’s impossible to open at this time.

      In your mind’s eye, imagine the sun above your head, bright and bold. Feel the warmth of the sun on your head. Take the warmth and pull it down through your body, relaxing the muscles as you do, lingering in any areas that you feel any tightness or tension. Let the warmth penetrate deep into the muscle releasing the fears and anxieties that reside there. Feel your body as it melts into the chair that you are sitting on.

      Let the warmth of the sun travel down your legs like a gentle river flowing into all the necessary areas. Feel this flow go into mother earth like the roots of a tree, strengthening your being and your soul allowing your body and mind to be in perfect balance. As the beats of mother earth resonate through your existence you bask in this energy.

      Take a few minutes and enjoy all that life has to offer, enjoy the beauty of mother earth.

      As the magic of mother earth embraces you, nourishes your soul and replenishes your body,

       allow your body to go deeper, deeper towards the core of mother earth. Feel the heat and power of the magma, as this washes over you it restores you. Let the energy blend with you and become you absorbing the qualities and properties of mother earth. Feel the connection to mother earth and the abundance of life force that connects your root chakra to mother earth and all that she has. Feel as one with the universe, feel complete and whole.

      Take a few minutes to truly absorb this amazing energy, which now you have connected with can reconnect with at any time.

      It’s now time to journey back, bringing with you, the energy you have found in mother earth. Your view of mother earth and her uniqueness has changed, your view on life has new meaning of beauty and simplicity.

      Begin to feel the room in which you sit and the chair you are on. Feel your toes and fingers, feel the awareness return to your body. When you are ready, open your eyes.

      Wow, what a powerful meditation! Your mind will feel so clear and a new sense of clarity and perspective. We often neglect the beauty the power and significance of mother earth and what she has to offer. We don’t pay her as much