13 Index
List of Tables
1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Percentage change in area production and productivity of wheat an...Table 1.2 Average Annual Rate of Return of stunting and wasting from 2005–2...
2 Chapter 2Table 2.1 Crop diversification options with oilseed crops.Table 2.2 The diversification of traditional crop base with annual oilseed ...Table 2.3 System productivity and economics of maize‐based diversification ...Table 2.4 Possible new niches for pulses.Table 2.5 Nutritional importance of vegetable crops.
3 Chapter 3Table 3.1 Composition of home‐made balanced concentrate mixtures.Table 3.2 Season‐wise production potential of different fodder.Table 3.3 Performance of crossbred cows fed on TMR.Table 3.4 Performance of crossbred lactating cows fed on homemade balanced ...
4 Chapter 6Table 6.1 Coxidered variables in the study of effects of climate variabilit...Table 6.2 Natural disasters in NTT from 1951 to 2014.Table 6.3 GAM analysis result of deviance explained, significance level, an...Table 6.4 Fixed and random effect models. Table S1 Impacts of climate variability on food access and utilization. Table S2 Impacts of climate variability on food availability. Table S3 Impacts of climate variability on food utilization and availability... Table S4 Impacts of climate variability on food availability.Table 6.5 Impacts of climate variability on food access and utilization....Table 6.6 Impacts of climate variability on food availability.
5 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Economically important culturable species in aquaculture in India...
6 Chapter 9Table 9.1 Comparison between conventional and conservation agriculture.Table 9.2 Impact of conservation agriculture on different crops.
7 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Top 15 countries poor in water resources in the world.Table 10.2 Top 15 countries rich in water resources in the world.Table 10.3 Indian water resources.Table 10.4 Average physicochemical characterization of groundwater from dif...Table 10.5 Suitability of irrigation water on the basis of electrical condu...Table 10.6 Suitability of irrigation water based on sodium ion activity.Table 10.7 Suitability of irrigation water as per RSC and MHR value.Table 10.8 Boron concentration on crops.Table 10.9 Chloride content in irrigation water and their suitability for c...Table 10.10 List of tolerant crops in irrigation water salinity (ECw) and s...Table 10.11 Institution for ground water management.
8 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Number of irrigations, water requirement, and WUE of vegetable c...
9 Chapter 12Table 12.1 Effect of drip irrigation and fertigation on yield (t/ha) of dif...Table 12.2 Effect of drip irrigation and fertigation on WUE (kg ha/cm) of d...Table 12.3 Effect of drip irrigation and fertigation on nutrient uptake (kg...Table 12.4 Effect of drip irrigation and fertigation on nutrient use effici...
10 Chapter 16Table 16.1 Eigenvalues and principal component analysis (PCA).