The Mysteries of Bilingualism. Francois Grosjean. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Francois Grosjean
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119602415
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      Unresolved Issues

       François Grosjean

      © 2022 JohnWiley & Sons Ltd

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      1  Cover

      2  Title page

      3  Copyright

      4  Author Biography

      5  Introduction

      6 Part I Bilingual Adults and Children1 Who Is Bilingual?Definitions and Their EvolutionDescribing Bilinguals2 How Many Bilinguals Are There?The Extent of BilingualismOn the Difficulties of Counting People Who Are BilingualThe Proportion of Bilinguals in a Number of CountriesEstimating the Percentage of Bilinguals in the World3 Bilingual Infants’ Journey to Language SeparationPerception StudiesTaking Pragmatics into AccountA Brief Account of Language Separation

      7 Part II Linguistics and Neurolinguistics4 Having an Accent in One of Your LanguagesGeneral AspectsThe Phonetic Characteristics of AccentsHow Well Is Accented Speech Understood?Factors that Affect the Degree of a Foreign AccentAccent in a Third Language5 Language Loss in Adults and ChildrenLanguage Loss in AdultsLanguage Loss in Young Children6 Brain Injury and BilingualismA Personal TestimonyLanguage Impairment and Recovery in Bilingual AphasiaFactors that Account for Impairment and RecoveryA Recent Meta-AnalysisLanguage Mixing and Aphasia

      8 Part III Language Use and Language Processing7 The Bilingual’s Languages in InteractionChoosing the Language of the InteractionWhat Role for the Other Language?Experimental Work on Language MixingThe Language Mode Concept8 What a Bilingual’s Languages Are Used ForWhat Past Research Has RevealedRecent Interest in Bilingual Language UseMeasuring Bilingual Language UseImpact of Bilingual Language Use9 Is Language Processing in Bilinguals Selective or Non-selective?Language Perception and ComprehensionSpoken Language Production

      9 Part IV Biculturalism and Personality10 Bilinguals Who Are also BiculturalDescribing BiculturalsBecoming Bicultural and the Evolution of Biculturalism over TimeActing BiculturallyBicultural Identity11 Change of Language, Change of Personality?Opinions and BeliefsPioneering Research on the QuestionFeeling Different When Using Different LanguagesIs a Change of Personality Involved When Changing Languages?An Explanation

      10  Index

      11  End