Lost Worlds of 1863. W. Dirk Raat. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: W. Dirk Raat
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Историческая литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119777632
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separated from their “tribal” and “savage” ways so as to become “civilized,” but by separating them from their families they could be used as hostages to insure proper behavior by their parents back at the reservation. This type of education would be a different kind of relocation policy, a sort of education that would assimilate and integrate the Indian into American society. It would be a form of cultural genocide, or as one writer called it, “education for extinction.”10 And the model for organizing an off-reservation school like Carlisle would be a military one, and Richard Henry Pratt would become its first officer and teacher.

      It was at Fort Marion that Pratt became more of a teacher than a jailer. He decided that he would rehabilitate his prisoners and received permission to teach his captives vocational skills that would hopefully lead them to become useful citizens. He cleaned them up and gave them military uniforms to wear. The Indians were instructed on pressing their trousers and shining their boots. He instituted daily inspections in which every Indian would stand at attention at their freshly made beds. They received haircuts. For exercise they would drill in army maneuvers and participate in parade marches.13

      They would also learn to work like white men, especially doing hard labor like stacking lumber or packing crates. Do-gooder matrons from St. Augustine served as volunteer schoolteachers, teaching English and Christian doctrine at the same time. All in all, Fort Marion was turned into a basic training camp that was part school and vocational center, with a catechism curriculum thrown in. The Fort Marion experience was later transferred to the Hampton Institute in Virginia, where 22 prisoners were sent for more schooling.14 The Fort Marion and Hampton Institute experiences convinced Pratt that he had finally found a solution to the “Indian problem,” and his program of eradicating “Indianness” could be permanently installed at Carlisle. In 1879 the secretary of the interior, Carl Schurz, gave Pratt his school. And from Carlisle Pratt’s martial philosophy would diffuse outward to other reservation and off-reservation schools.

      Figure 2.6 Before and After. Tom Torlino (Navajo) arrived at Carlisle Indian School October 21, 1882, at the age of 22 years. After his term was disrupted in 1884, he returned to Carlisle in 1885.

      Credit: Cumberland County Historical Society, Carlisle, PA.

      Part of the transformation included segregating the children by age and gender into companies for marching in close-order drill every morning. Music programs took the form of marching bands that accompanied the students as they drilled and marched in parades. School plays dramatized stories of the saga of Hiawatha or George Washington and the cherry tree in order to instill within them the new American mythology. Native dances were allowed, as long as they were performed on patriotic holidays or celebratory occasions—such as the Fourth of July or Thanksgiving.16

      One poster at Carlisle encouraged male students to participate in sports, seemingly for purposes of exercise but more likely to instill military discipline. The sign urged them to “become a football player or boxer,” and “learn to play a sport and become controlled and civilized.” Appealing to the machismo of teen-agers, the poster instructed them to “develop manly aggressiveness so that you can win a trophy.” Being macho meant that you can “learn to be strong and not to cry or show emotion.” Finally, and this was the clincher, “learn to obey a stern fatherly authority—your coach!”17

      Repression came in a variety of ways. If a student spoke his native tongue, or refused to adopt “civilized” English names, he or she would have their mouth washed out with “a bar of yellow soap” or get a “kerosene shampoo” and receive corporal punishment.19 Homesick children would often become “runaways,” either attempting to go home, or more often, finding solitude in the empty spaces that could be found within the educational compound. Some girls even held peyote meetings in their dorm rooms. Again, if discovered these students would be hand delivered to the Guardhouse for punishment, or if a boy, would have to run the “belt line.” Sadistic dorm advisers would misuse their authority and inflict cruel punishment on their charges.20

      As in many other darker phases of life in the American West, rape and sexual abuse at the off-reservation boarding school was a common event. Students were intimidated by sexual predators. One student said that “After a nine-year-old girl was raped in her dormitory bed during the night, we girls would be so scared that we would jump into each other’s bed as soon as the lights went out.” She continued to note that “When we were older, we girls anguished each time we entered the classroom of a certain male teacher who stalked and molested girls.”21

      When the youngsters were given work assignments outside of the campus it was very likely that they would often have to confront unwanted sexual advances and molestation.22 While they might learn a useful vocational trade, they would also be a form of cheap labor and sexual and non-sexual entertainment for outsiders.

      But the ultimate form of repression was contagious diseases, especially tuberculosis, trachoma, measles, and influenza. The crowded conditions at the boarding schools without