Thomas Merton. Sonia Petisco Martínez. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Sonia Petisco Martínez
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788491344018
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The Secular Journal of Thomas Merton; Selected Poems of Thomas Merton. 1960 Octubre, construcción de una ermita para Thomas Merton en Mount Olivet. Disputed Questions; Spiritual Direction and Meditation; The Wisdom of the Desert. 1961 The Behavior of the Titans; The New Man; New Seeds of Contemplation. 1962 Clement of Alexandria; Original Child Bomb; A Thomas Merton Reader. Dirige un retiro para la plantilla de The Catholic Worker. 1963 Reconocimiento académico de la Universidad de Columbia, Breakthrough to Peace;Emblems of a Season of Fury; Life and Holiness. 1964 La Universidad de Kentuky le concede un “Honorary Doctorate of Letters.” Come to the Mountain; Seeds of Destruction. Encuentro con el Dr. Suzuki en Nueva York. 1965 20 de agosto, entra formalmente en su ermita. Gandhi on Non Violence; Seasons of Celebrations; The Way of Chuang-Tzu. 1966 Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander; Hagia Sophia; Raids on the Unspeakable. 1967 Mystics and Zen Masters. Concelebración de la ordenación de Dan Walsh, profesor de Filosofía y mentor de Merton en la Universidad de Columbia. 1968 13 de enero, elección del padre Flavian Burns como nuevo abad del monasterio. Mayo, visita California y Arizona. Septiembre, visita distintos puntos del país; viaja a Asia; encuentro de benedictinos asiáticos y de abades cistercienses en Bangkok. 10 de diciembre, muere en Bangkok. Cables to the Ace; Faith and Violence; Zen and the Birds of Appetite. 1969 The Climate of Monastic Prayer; The Geography of Lograire; My Argument with the Gestapo; The True Solitude. 1970 Opening the Bible. 1971 Contemplation in a World of Action; Early Poems: 1940-1941; Thomas Merton on Peace. 1973 The Asian Journal. 1974 Cistercian Life; The Jaguar and the Moon. 1975 He is Risen. 1976 Ishi Means Man; Meditations on Liturgy. 1977 The Collected Poems of Thomas Merton; A Hidden Wholeness; The Monastic Journey. 1978 A Catch of Anti-Letters (with Robert Lax). 1979 Love and Living. 1980 The Non-Violent Alternative; Thomas Merton on St. Bernard. 1981 Day of a Stranger; Introductions East and West; The Literary Essays of Thomas Merton; The Niles-Merton Songs. 1982 Woods, Shore and Desert. 1983 Letters from Tom. 1985 The Hidden Ground of Love: Letters; Eighteen Poems. 1986 The Alaskan Journal of Thomas Merton. 1988 A Vow of Conversation: Journal 1964-1965; Encounter Thomas Merton & D.T. Suzuki; 39 cassettes on Monastic Lessons. 1989 Reflections on My Work; The Road to Joy; Nicholas of Cusa; Preview of the Asian Journey. 1990 The School of Charity: Letters. 1992 Springs of Contemplation: A Retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemani. 1993 The Courage for Truth: Letters. 1994 Witness to Freedom: Letters. 1995 Passion for Peace: The Social Essays of Thomas Merton; Run to the Mountain. 1996 Journals, vol. 1; At Home in the World (Letters with Rosemary Radford Ruether). 1997 Journals, vols. 2, 3, 4; Thomas Merton’s Four Poems in French. Journals, vols. 5 and 6; Thomas Merton and James Laughlin: Selected Letters. 1998 The Letters of Thomas Merton and Czeslaw Milosz. 1999 Journals, vol. 7. 2000 Essential Writings. 2001 The Intimate Merton: His Life from His Journals; Dialogues with Silence: Prayers & Drawings. 2002 When Prophecy Still Had a Voice: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Robert Lax. Seeds. 2003 Survival or Prophecy? The Letters of Thomas Merton and Jean Leclercq. Seeking Paradise: The Spirit of the Shakers; The Inner Experience: Notes on Contemplation. 2004 Peace in the Post-Christian Era; A Year with Thomas Merton: Daily Meditations from his Journals. 2005 In the Dark Before Dawn: New Selected Poems of Thomas Merton; Cassian and The Fathers; I Have Seen What I Was Looking For: Selected Spiritual Writings. 2005-2006 The Cold War Letters; Pre-Benedictine Monasticism; An Invitation to the Contemplative Life. 2007 In My Own Words; Lent and Eastern Wisdom from Thomas Merton. 2008 An Introduction to Christian Mysticism; A Life in Letters: The Essential Collection; Choosing to Love the World: On Contemplation. 2009 The Rule of St. Benedictine; Compasionate Fire: The Letters of Thomas Merton and Catherine De Hueck Doherty. 2010 Monastic Observances. 2011 Precious Thoughts: Daily Readings from the Correspondance of Thomas Merton. 2012 The Life of the Vows; On Christian Contemplation; On Eastern Meditation. 2013 Selected Essays; In the Valley of Wormwood: Cistercian Blessed and Saints of the Golden Age. 2014 Thoughts in Solitude and New Seeds of Contemplation – audio books; Seven Storey Mountain, Centenary Edition; The Letters of Thomas Merton and Victor and Carolyn Hammer: Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.