Essentials of Social Emotional Learning (SEL). Donna Lord Black. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Donna Lord Black
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Социальная психология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781119709220
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and social and emotional learning (SEL) competencies.‐is‐sel/

      3 Committee for Children. (2020). What is social‐emotional learning?‐is‐social‐emotional‐learning/

      4 Common Core State Standards Initiative. (2020). Preparing America’s students for success.

      5 Davis, J. (2018). Aligned in Anchorage. The Learning Professional, 39(4), 26–29, 35.

      6 Education First. (2016). Social and emotional learning: Why students need it. What districts are doing about it. https://education‐‐content/uploads/2016/10/Education‐First_Social‐and‐Emotional‐Learning_‐October‐2016.pdf

      7 Ecological Approaches to Social Emotional Learning Laboratory [EASEL Lab]. (2020). Harvard Graduate School of Education. Retrieved April 21, 2020 from‐frameworks

      8 Finn, C. E., & Hess, F. M. (2019). What social and emotional learning needs to succeed and survive. Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute.‐social‐emotional‐learning‐needs‐succeed‐survive/

      9 Gorman, N. (2016). Critics of social emotional learning standards call it a fad, ‘non‐academic common core’. Education World.‐social‐emotional‐learning‐standards‐call‐it‐fad‐non‐academic‐common‐core‐498184814

      10 Jones, S., Bailey, R., Brush, K., & Nelson, B. (2019). Introduction to the Taxonomy Project: Tools for selecting and aligning SEL frameworks. Measuring SEL.

      11 National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (NCSEAD). (2019). From a nation at risk to a nation at hope. Washington, DC: ASPEN Institute.

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      13 Schonert‐Reichl, K. A., Kitil, M. J., & Hanson‐Peterson, J. (2017). To reach the students, teach the teachers: A national scan of teacher preparation and social and emotional learning. Report prepared for the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL). Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia.

      14 Search Institute. (2020). The Developmental Assets Framework.‐‐research/development‐assets/developmental‐assets‐framework/

      15 Shriver, T. P., & Weissberg, R. P. (2020). A response to constructive criticism of social and emotional learning. Phi Delta Kappan, 101(7), 52–57.

      16 Texas Education Agency and Region 4 Education Service Center. (2010). Texas Collaborative for Emotional Development in Schools (TxCEDS) Stakeholder Group report: Social‐emotional wellness in Texas schools: A guide for schools, agencies, organizations, parents, and communities (Project Coord. D. Black). Houston, TX: Region 4 Education Service Center.

      17 World Economic Forum. (2016). New vision for education: Fostering social and emotional learning through technology.

      18 Zhao, U. Y. (2020). Another education war? The coming debates over social and emotional learning. Phi Delta Kappan, 101(8).‐education‐war‐social‐emotional‐learning‐debates‐zhao/


      The knowledge we gain from history is not only informative, but transformative as well. It gives us insight into current‐day problems, provides context to our efforts, guides us forward, and encourages us to think critically about future efforts as we strive to advance and promote SEL in schools. This chapter will explore recent events to highlight how awareness of the need for SEL has been propelled to the forefront of education. This will be followed by an investigation into past events, primarily within the United States, from which SEL has emerged, to illustrate how it has evolved over several decades. Through this systematic review, we can reflect on the impact of SEL and subsequently analyze how it might guide our efforts forward to help influence positive outcomes for our students. The goal of the review is not to memorize a bombardment of facts or to confirm and admire existing problems, but to use the information constructively to help us conceptualize a best approach for moving forward and advancing our efforts.


      Understanding SEL from a historical perspective helps us move from admiring existing problems to promoting viable solutions.

      COVID‐19 Pandemic 2020

      Inflammatory Syndrome in Young People Linked to COVID‐19

      Although adults (especially older adults) were thought to be at greater risk for contracting the virus, it quickly became evident that children and youth were not immune. Clusters of children began to emerge with a COVID‐19‐linked illness called pediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome (PMIS). This syndrome resembled a rare inflammatory illness very similar to Kawasaki disease, but manifested