The End of Illusions. Andreas Reckwitz. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Andreas Reckwitz
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Социология
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781509545711
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       Table of Contents

      1  Cover

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright Page

      4  Figures and Tables Figures Tables

      5  Introduction: The Disillusioned Present Progress, Dystopia, Nostalgia Disillusionment as an Opportunity From Industrial Modernity to the Society of Singularities Notes

      6  1 Cultural Conflicts as a Struggle over Culture: Hyperculture and Cultural Essentialism The Culturalization of the Social Culturalization I: Hyperculture Culturalization II: Cultural Essentialism Hyperculture and Cultural Essentialism: Between Coexistence and Conflict “Doing Universality” – The Culture of the General as an Alternative? Notes

      7  2 From the Leveled Middle-Class Society to the Three-Class Society: The New Middle Class, the Old Middle Class, and the Precarious Class The Global and Historical Context Underlying Conditions: Post-Industrialization, the Expansion of Education, a Shift in Values In the Paternoster Elevator of the Three-Class Society The New Middle Class: Successful Self-Actualization and Urban Cosmopolitanism The Old Middle Class: Sedentariness, Order, and Cultural Defensiveness The Precarious Class: Muddling Through and Losing Status The Upper Class: Distance due to Assets Cross-Sectional Characteristics: Gender, Migration, Regions, Milieus A Trend toward Political Polarization and Future Social Scenarios Notes

      8  3 Beyond Industrial Society: Polarized Post-Industrialism and Cognitive-Cultural Capitalism The Rise and Fall of Industrial Fordism The Saturation Crisis The Production Crisis and Polarized Post-Industrialism Globalization, Neoliberalism, Financialization Cognitive Capitalism and Immaterial Capital Cultural Goods and Cultural Capitalism Winner-Take-All Markets: The Scalability and Attractiveness of Cognitive and Cultural Goods Extreme Capitalism: The Economization of the Social Notes

      9  4 The Weariness of Self-Actualization: The Late-Modern Individual and the Paradoxes of Emotional Culture From Self-Discipline to Self-Actualization Successful Self-Actualization: An Ambitious Dual Structure The Culture of Self-Actualization as a Generator of Negative Emotions Ways Out of the Spiral of Disappointment? Notes

      10  5 The Crisis of Liberalism and the Search for the New Political Paradigm: From Apertistic to Regulatory Liberalism Political Paradigms and Political Paradoxes Problems and Solutions: Between the Paradigms of Regulation and Dynamization The Rise of the Social-Corporatist Paradigm The Crisis of Overregulation The Rise of the Paradigm of Apertistic Liberalism The Threefold Crisis of Apertistic Liberalism Populism as a Symptom “Regulatory Liberalism” as the Paradigm of the Future? Challenges Facing Regulatory Liberalism Notes

      11  Bibliography

      12  Index

      13  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Relations between Culturalization