England's Treasure by Forraign Trade. Thomas Mun. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Thomas Mun
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Математика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066443993
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       Thomas Mun

      England's Treasure by Forraign Trade

      Published by Good Press, 2021

       [email protected]

      EAN 4064066443993

       The knowledge and qualities, which are required to be in a perfect Merchant of forraign trade.

       The general rule whereby the kingdom is enriched, and our Treaſure augmented.

       The particular ways and means to encreaſe the exportation of our commodities, and to decreaſe our conſumption of forraign wares.

       The Exportation of our Monies in Trade of Merchandize, is a means to encreaſe our Treaſure.

       Forraign Trade is the only means to improve the price of our Lands.

       The Spaniſh treaſure cannot be kept from other Kingdoms, by any prohibition made in Spain.

       The Diverſity of gain by forraign Trade.

       The enhancing or debaſing our moneys cannot enrich the Kingdom with treaſure, nor hinder the exportation thereof.

       The general rule whereby the kingdom is enriched, and our Treaſure augmented.

       The obſervation of the Statute of Imployments to be made by Strangers cannot encreaſe nor yet preſerve our treaſure.

       It will not encreaſe our treaſure to enjoyn the Merchant that exporteth Fiſh, Corn, or munition, to return all or part of the value in mony.

       The undervaluation of our mony which is delivered or received by bills of Exchange here or beyond the Seas cannot decreaſe our treaſure.

       The Merchant who is a meer Exchanger of Mony by bills, cannot encreaſe or decreaſe our treaſure.

       The admirable feats ſuppoſed to be done by Bankers, and the Merchants Exchange.

       Of ſome Exceſſes and Evils in the Commomwealth, which notwithſtanding decay not our trade, nor treaſure

       How the Revenues and In-comes of Princes may juſtly be raiſed.

       Whether it be neceſſary for great Princes to lay up store of treaſure.

       How much treaſure a Prince may conveniently lay up yearly.

       Of ſome different effects which proceed from natural and artificial wealth.

       The order and means whereby we may draw up the ballance of our forraign trade, which is the rule of our treaſure.

       The concluſion upon all that hath been faid concerning the Exportation, or Importation of treaſure.

      The knowledge and qualities, which are required to be in a perfect Merchant of forraign trade.

       Table of Contents


      Chap. I

       The Qualities which are required in a perfect Merchant of Forraign Trade.

      The love and service of our Country consisteth not so much in the knowledge of those duties which are to be performed by others, as in the skilful practice of that which is done our selves; and therefore (my Son) it is now fit that I say something of the Merchant, which I hope in due time shall be thy Vocation: Yet herein are my thougths free from all Ambition, although I rank thee in a place of so high esteem; for the Merchant is worthily called The Steward of the Kingdoms Stock, by way of Commerce with other Nations; a work of no less Reputation than Trust, which ought to be performed with great skill and conscience, that so the private gain may ever accompany the publique good. And because the nobleness of this profession may the better stir up thy desires and endeavours to obtain those abilities which may effect it worthily, I well briefly set down the excellent qualities which are required in a perfect Merchant.

      1. He ought to be a good Penman, a good ​Arithmetician, and a good Accomptant, by that noble order of Debtor and Creditor, which is used onely amongst Merchants; also to be expert in the order and form of Charter-parties. Bills of Lading, Invoyces, Contracts, Bills of Exchange, and policies of Ensurance.

      2. He ought to know the Measures, Weights. and Monies of all forraign Countries, especially where we have Trade, & the Monies not onely by their several denominations, but also by their intrinsique values in weight & fineness, compared with the Standard of this Kingdome, without which he cannot well direct his affaires.

      3. He ought to know the Customs, Tolls, Taxes, Impositions, Conducts and other charges upon all matters of Merchandize exported or imported to and from the said Forraign Countries.

      4. He ought to know in what several commodities each Country abounds, and what be the wares which they want, and how and from whence they are furnished with the same.

      5. He ought to understand, and to be a diligent observer of the rates of Exchanges by Bills, from one State to another, whereby he may the better direct his affairs,and remit over and receive home his Monies to the most advantage possible.

      6. He ought to know what goods are prohibited to be exported or imported in the said forraign Countreys, lest otherwise he should incur great danger and loss in the ordering of his affairs. ​

      7. He ought to know upon what rates and conditions to fraight his Ships, and ensure his adventures from one Countrey to another, and to be well acquainted with the laws, orders and customes of the Ensurance office both here and beyond the Seas, in the many accidents which may happen upon the damage or loss of Ships or goods, or both these.

      8. He ought to have knowledge in the goodness and in the prices of all the several materials which are required for the building and repairing of Ships, and the divers workmanships of the same, as also for the Masts, Tackling, Cordage, Ordnance, Victuals, Munition and Provisions of many kinds; together with the ordinary wages of Commanders, Officers and Mariners,