Thomas Williams
The Great Salvation
Published by Good Press, 2020
EAN 4064066433628
Table of Contents
Part One: What it is and how to obtain it.
1. It does make a difference what we believe
2. There is only one Gospel that will save
3. We must believe in the true God
4. God is not a Trinity of persons, but One God
5. Jesus Christ–Son of God by begettal, Son of man by birth
6. The Holy Spirit not a person, but the effluence proceeding from God.
7. The nature of man–mortal, a creature of the dust.
8. Man dies, and is dead after he has died
9. In death man is unconscious
10. Resurrection the means of future life for the dead
11. Immortality the gift of God to the righteous only
12. Life as now possessed is not eternal, but a vapor that soon passeth away
13. Everlasting life not a present possession, but a matter of hope
14. The wicked and depraved who are not amenable die and remain dead
15. The wicked who are responsible of the dead and living will be destroyed after judgment
16. The soul not immortal, but is the mortal, bodily being called man
17. Many learned men deny the immortality of the soul
18. The spirit of man not an immortal entity, but the word is used for life, mind and disposition
20. Eternal life is not a present actual possession, but is promised to the righteous only
21. The wicked will not be preserved alive in torture, but will be destroyed
24. God has promised to bless and fill the earth with His glory
25. The earth is to be the everlasting inheritance of the righteous not heaven
27. The promises to Abraham have never been fulfilled
28. The seed in whom the Abrahamic promises are to be fulfilled is Christ
29. God covenanted with David to establish a universal, glorious and everlasting kingdom on earth
30. The covenant with David will be fulfilled in Christ’s possession of David’s restored throne
32. There will be a personal and literal return of Christ to the earth
33. In Christ only can we obtain redemption
34. Baptism is one of the conditions of salvation
35. It is our duty after baptism to obey the commandments of Christ
Part Four: Objections Answered
Part Five: Who will “Meet the Lord in the air?”
The Great Salvation—Contents