Vadim Golovchenko
© Vadim Golovchenko, 2021
ISBN 978-5-0053-2670-6
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
No DID WOIIY, IQI troublesome such storyteller is
Took it to the level of my beloved, and the highest sort of
Thinking. This could be am explanation of why penned. Being
True such though. I never spoke a Wooing Wrong Word to her. And
She said it. In addition, we made it. In addition, we have done it.
Once again no one understood us, but I was there and I
Remember clearly that day, when once a funeral was broken by my
Cough. I laughed hard when I arrived home. Finally this b*
Almost there, in my hands crying. And not in the dearest of
Sense 5s.
Chapter 2
A request on my dinner
I saw there if nothing ever happened, between her and me.
She was taking from me by Surprises of my own though no one ever
Was as surprised as ne. We then often laughed about it, and no
One ever took it seriously. “I want a hamburger on that”. Said I
To the waiter. We must take it seriously, she replied. I ate,
In addition, thought. A lot about my wisdom to what I nearly had done to
Ex=wife. I thought nothing could be possible. In addition, that was not
Completely true now.
Chapter 3
The end.
I was walking down the street, while my neigbouw was
Passing by. I asked whether she was a hobo or not. She replied
Kindly “not”. I said, let us do it, if you know what it means. She
Surely was not right by giving me a surprise slap on the face. I No big worry, nor troublesome such story teller is
At her blink of an eye at the edge of a door. She left. A letter
Said leave me alone, and I left the letter and all the thoughts.
The Person was hopingly dead. The interest been done. Lives
Such. I respond to it life I would, life Ideal taught me. And
That would be another Intone, to another story of my life.
We sit, and we talk. Yet again, we discuss what happened.
She does not reply to me. In addition, I wonder why. Why is she that
Immortal. Why she is strong. Why she level. We go and say hello.
That is to be kind as usual. What I see is nothing between us. I
Hope we would be dead. Not by any chance, but by the circumstances
Of our story. We can then go and speak to each other in a very
Quiet atmosphere, where no one can listen to us. Except, for
Perhaps, a person, unknown, unusual and desperately funny to
Me. What if? Surely not! And that would be hell glance, to my
Raising question. Raised though,
– Who is he?
==He is not him. – would she reply.
= -Then why would he?
– I did not understand = = her being to me politely. I could
Guess she is not that me once again, and does not understand
What is going on? However, I hope she must take it sincerely and say:
What was that opinion about, that, of mine. She is silent. Just
As me. Not speaking, not loving, and only hating each other. The
Whole world too. In addition, in this total hatred of us, only one can
Say who is right, who is not. Who once deadened our love? And
No big worry, nor troublesome such story teller is
At her blink of an eye at the edge of a door. She left. A letter
Said leave me alone, and I left the letter and all the thoughts.
The Person was hopingly dead. The interest been done. Lives
Such. I respond to it life I would, life Ideal taught me. А
That would be another Intone, to another story of my life.
We sit, and we talk. Yet again, we discuss what happened.
She does not reply to me. In addition, I wonder why. Why is she that
Immortal. Why she is strong. Why she level. We go and say hello.
That is to be kind as usual. What I see is nothing between us. I
Hope we would be dead. Not by any chance, but by the circumstances
Of our story. We can then go and speak to each other in a very
Quiet atmosphere, where no one can listen to us. Except, for
Perhaps, a person, unknown, unusual and desperately funny to
Me. What if? Surely not! And that would be hell glance, to my
Raising question. Raised though,
– Who is he?
==He is not him. – would she reply.
= -Then why would he?
– I did not understand = = her being to me politely. I could
Guess she is not that me once again, and does not understand
What is going on? However, I hope she must take it sincerely and say:
What was that opinion about, that, of mine. She is silent. Just
As me. Not speaking, not loving, and only hating each other. The
Whole world too. In addition, in this total hatred of us, only one can
Say who is right, who is not. Who once deadened our love? And
No big Wily, for troublesome such storyteller
Of kindness, I have taken all that needed to be a man. Of the
The one I thought well. My father taught me a lot. Mom, OF Memo
Was kind to me too. Though never said anything wrong of the
Elderly. I besides that is natural humanity professor teaching
Eloquent art to my students, or people, let us say it that way! I
Think of hope, I think of my best attitude towards sciences
And greatness of misery to the interning life that approaches my
Nearest future. Yes, I teach logics, as well. MY favorite
Subject. Hope and despair awaits. Of course. The rest does not
Bother me; as such, I do not speak off men wiser. Hoping
In addition, longing the distance call. My best is always the worst. My
Motto, speak any altitude and me. The best is kind to me, myself
In addition, I.
In an event I have been speaking of loudly as a person of true will,