Contestation and Compromise in the Economic and Social Policy of the African National Congress, 1943–1996
Vishnu Padayachee and Robert van Niekerk
Published in South Africa by:
Wits University Press
1 Jan Smuts Avenue
Johannesburg 2001
Copyright © Vishnu Padayachee and Robert van Niekerk 2019
Published edition © Wits University Press 2019
First published 2019
978-1-77614-395-5 (Paperback)
978-1-77614-396-2 (Web PDF)
978-1-77614-397-9 (EPUB)
978-1-77614-398-6 (Mobi)
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Project manager: Alison Paulin
Copyeditor: Sally Hines
Proofreader: Alison Paulin
Indexer: Margaret Ramsay
Cover design: Hybrid Creative
Typesetter: Newgen
Typeset in 10 point MinionPro-Regular
CHAPTER 1:The Context of Economic and Social Policy-Making in the ANC
CHAPTER 2:African Claims, the Freedom Charter and Social Democracy, 1943–1960
CHAPTER 3:Incarceration, Exile and Homecoming, c.1960–c.1991
CHAPTER 4:Economic Policy Debates during a Decade of Liberation, 1985–1993
CHAPTER 5:On the Way to GEAR, 1994–1996
CHAPTER 6:Making Sense of the Economic Policy Debates
CHAPTER 7:South African Reserve Bank Independence
CHAPTER 8:The Politics of Health Policy-Making in the Transition Era, 1990–1996
CHAPTER 9:Interpretation and Conclusion
ANC | African National Congress |
BEE | black economic empowerment |
CCFF | Compensatory and Contingency Financing Facility |
CEAS | Central Economic Advisory Services |
CIA | Central Intelligence Agency |
Codesa | Convention for a Democratic South Africa |
Codesria | Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa |
Cosatu | Congress of South African Trade Unions |
CPGB | Communist Party of Great Britain |
CPSA | Communist Party of South Africa |
CPSU | Communist Party of the Soviet Union |
CREFSA | Centre for Research into Economics and Finance in Southern Africa |
CSS | Central Statistical Service |
DBSA | Development Bank of Southern Africa |
DEP | Department of Economic Planning |
ECA | Economic Commission for Africa |
EDP | Economic Development Plan |
EROSA | Economic Research on South Africa |
ET | Economic Trends Research Group |
FFC | Financial and Fiscal Commission |
GDP | gross domestic product |
GEAR | Growth, Employment and Redistribution |
GNP | gross national product |
GNU | Government of National Unity |
HBU | historically black university |
IDRC | International Development Research Centre |
IFP | Inkatha Freedom Party |
IMF | International Monetary Fund |
LAPC | Land and Agricultural Policy Centre |
LSE | London School of Economics |
mass democratic movement