Take my hand as we pass into the realm of my darkness.
Through the mirror of my golden heart.
Travel back with me to the light of LIFE.
May these tales guide you in your own struggles.
Doubt breeds negativity
Drifting into the recesses of the mind
The recesses where the past replays corrupted scenarios
The recesses where the unknown future inhibits action
Failure to launch before the vision begins
Fear and anxiety become our protection in survivor mode...detriment in survival mode
The power of the present exists in the release
The release of fear, anger, guilt, resentment and shame of what was
It is then the lessons are learned
It is then pain becomes the teacher
It is then wisdom is found
It is then you let go of the old story
Leave the victim behind
Make way for the victor who lies within YOU
Trust the process
Embrace the uncertainty
See the beauty in the becoming of life blooming in front of open eyes.
Am I really happy here?
At this masquerade party of mine
Lost within this lonely game I play
Looking for words to say
Talking without listening
Searching but not finding
Lost in the masquerade party of mine
Running for answers to see no find
Dancing in the darkness
Am I really happy here?
Leaving all the masks behind
No longer hiding to be seen
No longer looking to be found
No longer leaving to arrive
Dancing in the infinite glow
Ending this masquerade party of mine
Only here to simply find
The ethereal glow outside I see
Emerges light radiating to be…
My naked face finally smiling back at me.
I am happy here.
To find your own serenity you must find the light through the darkness. Enduring discipline and suffering to change.
Acceptance and release of your own pain paves the road towards the peace which quiets the past. Success in one's life reflected through the survival from the battle of one's own mind.
You against your shadow.
You against your pain.
You against your own fear.
The human mind, designed to protect us from pain and change through its formless existence of fear.
It's functional duality serves as the prisoner but also our passport if we choose to travel the lesser road within to seek light.
The light which allows us to see the chaos in the darkness to simply smile and wave...
"Hello darkness, my old friend."
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