The Meaning of Thought. Markus Gabriel. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Markus Gabriel
Издательство: John Wiley & Sons Limited
Жанр произведения: Афоризмы и цитаты
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781509538379
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      1  Cover

      2  Dedication

      3  Title Page

      4  Copyright

      5  Acknowledgements Notes

      6  Preface Notes

      7  Introduction Notes

      8  1 The Truth about Thought Complexity without end What is thinking? Humans are not the only thinkers The scope of the universe Aristotle’s senses Common sense made sensible The meaning of ‘sense’, or: the many ways of being wrong The loneliness of cosmic exile Not all objects are things Are there (really) any red bottle caps? Thinking is not an irritation of the nervous system Nothing but the truth The world as a wish list Frege’s thoughts Information and fake news Our sixth sense Notes

      9  2 Thought Engineering The map and the territory Can computers speak Chinese? Photos don’t remember Crete An ant is crawling on a patch of sand, and why this has nothing to do with Winston Churchill The god of the internet Civilization and its discontents Emotional intelligence and hidden values in the digital labyrinth A religion called ‘functionalism’ Thought is not a vending machine … … and the soul is not a pile of beer cans Pacemakers for the brain? The idea of technology, or: how do I build a house? Total mobilization Society is not a video game The Achilles heel of functionalism Notes

      10  3 The Digital Transformation of Society It’s perfectly logical, isn’t it? Some set-theoretical ping-pong Everything crashes eventually Do computers really know anything? Heidegger’s murmurings One miracle too many In the age of ‘complete orderability’ Trapped in The Circle? A fleeting visit to Winden – society as nuclear power plant One consciousness to go, please! Who has a problem here? Notes

      11  4 Why Only Animals Think The nooscope On souls and index card boxes ‘And now come, thou well-worn broom’ Illuminated brains Consciousness first – Tononi meets Husserl Inside, outside or nowhere A slimy and intricate piece of reality Notes

      12  5 Reality and Simulation Mental cinema meets smartphone The unavoidable Matrix In memoriam: Jean Baudrillard Horror and hunger (games) Beautiful new world – welcome to The Sims Are you awake or trapped in your dreams? Do you know Holland? Скачать книгу